context("Test as_ped functions") test_that("Trafo works and attributes are appended", { # preparations data("tumor") tumor <- tumor[c(1:3, 135:137), ] ped <- as_ped( data = tumor, formula = Surv(days, status)~ complications + age, cut = c(0, 100, 400)) # retransform to ped expect_data_frame(ped, nrow = 12L, ncols = 8L) expect_is(ped, "ped") expect_subset(c("ped_status", "tstart", "tend", "interval", "offset"), names(ped)) expect_is(attr(ped, "breaks"), "numeric") expect_is(attr(ped, "intvars"), "character") expect_is(attr(ped, "id_var"), "character") expect_equal(attr(ped, "id_var"), "id") expect_equal(is.ped(ped), TRUE) ped <- as_ped( data = tumor, formula = Surv(days, status)~ complications + age) expect_data_frame(ped, nrows = 11L, ncols = 8L) }) test_that("Trafo works for list objects (with TDCs)", { data("patient") event_df <- filter(patient, CombinedID %in% c(1110, 1116)) ped <- as_ped(data = list(event_df), formula = Surv(survhosp, PatientDied)~ ., cut = 0:30, id = "CombinedID") expect_data_frame(ped, nrows = 40, ncols = 15) tdc_df <- filter(daily, CombinedID %in% c(1110, 1116)) ## check nesting expect_error(as_ped( data = list(event_df, tdc_df), formula = Surv(survhosp, PatientDied) ~ ., cut = 0:30, id = "CombinedID")) ped <- as_ped( data = list(event_df, tdc_df), formula = Surv(survhosp, PatientDied) ~ . + cumulative(survhosp, Study_Day, caloriesPercentage, tz_var = "Study_Day") + cumulative(proteinGproKG, tz_var = "Study_Day"), cut = 0:30, id = "CombinedID") expect_subset("survhosp_Study_Day_mat", colnames(ped)) expect_data_frame(ped, nrows = 40L, ncols = 20L) expect_identical(any($caloriesPercentage_Study_Day)), FALSE) expect_identical(colnames(ped$Study_Day), paste0("Study_Day", 1:12)) ped <- as_ped( data = list(event_df, tdc_df), formula = Surv(survhosp, PatientDied) ~ . + cumulative(Study_Day, caloriesPercentage, tz_var = "Study_Day") + cumulative(proteinGproKG, tz_var = "Study_Day"), id = "CombinedID") expect_data_frame(ped, nrows = 2L, ncols = 19L) }) test_that("Trafo works for left truncated data", { mort2 <- mort %>% group_by(id) %>% slice(1) %>% filter(id %in% c(1:3)) mort_ped <- as_ped(Surv(tstart, exit, event) ~ ses, data = mort2) expect_data_frame(mort_ped, nrows = 8L, ncols = 7L) expect_identical(round(mort_ped$tstart, 2), c(0.00, 3.48, 13.46, 17.56, 3.48, 13.46, 0.00, 3.48)) expect_identical(round(mort_ped$tend, 2), c(3.48, 13.46, 17.56, 20.00, 13.46, 17.56, 3.48, 13.46)) expect_identical(round(mort_ped$offset, 2), c(1.25, 2.30, 1.41, 0.89, 2.30, 1.41, 1.25, 2.30)) expect_identical(mort_ped$ped_status, c(rep(0, 5), 1, 0, 0)) expect_identical(mort_ped$ses, factor(rep(c("upper", "lower", "upper"), times = c(4,2,2)))) }) test_that("Trafo works for recurrent events data", { test_df <- data.frame( id = c(1,1, 2,2,2), tstart = c(0, .5, 0, .8, 1.2), tstop = c(.5, 3, .8, 1.2, 3), status = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0), enum = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), age = c(50, 50, 24, 24, 24)) # GAP timescale gap_df <- as_ped( data = test_df, formula = Surv(tstart, tstop, status)~ enum + age, transition = "enum", id = "id", timescale = "gap") expect_data_frame(gap_df, nrows = 9L, ncols = 8L) expect_identical( round(gap_df$tstart, 1), c(0.0, 0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.0)) expect_identical( round(gap_df$tend, 1), c(0.4, 0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8, 0.4)) expect_identical( gap_df$ped_status, c(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) ) expect_identical( gap_df$enum, rep(c(1, 2), times = c(5, 4)) ) ## CALENDAR timescale cal_df <- as_ped( data = test_df, formula = Surv(tstart, tstop, status)~ age, id = "id", transition = "enum", timescale = "calendar") expect_data_frame(cal_df, nrows = 6L, ncols = 8L) expect_identical( round(cal_df$tstart, 1), c(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8)) expect_identical( round(cal_df$tend, 1), c(0.5, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 1.2, 1.2)) expect_identical( cal_df$ped_status, c(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1) ) expect_identical( cal_df$enum, rep(c(1, 2), each = 3) ) })