test_that("pkrt() cites and references packages", { skip_on_os("windows") dir <- local_files(make_template(lines = "`r pkrt('foo')`")) res <- read_local_file(dir) expect_snapshot(cat(res)) }) test_that("bib entries are properly appended to bib files", { skip_on_os("windows") template <- make_template(lines = "`r pkrt('foo')` `r pkrt('bar')`") dir <- local_files(template) res <- read_local_file(dir, target = "bib") expect_snapshot(cat(res)) load_bar() template <- make_template(lines = "`r pkrt('foo')`") dir <- local_files(template, bib = local_set(lines = get_reference("bar"))) res <- read_local_file(dir, target = "bib") expect_snapshot(cat(res)) }) test_that("multi-bib entries are properly handled", { skip_on_os("windows") template <- dedent(" --- bibliography: %s --- ```{r} library(pakret) pakret:::load_foo(bib_entries = c('Book', 'Manual')) pakret:::load_bar(bib_entries = c('article', 'book')) pakret:::local_pkg('baz', bib_entries = c('Misc', 'Article')) ``` `r pkrt('foo')` `r pkrt('bar')` `r pkrt('baz')` ") dir <- local_files(template) res <- read_local_file(dir, target = "bib") expect_match(res, "@Manual\\{foo,") expect_match(res, "@Book\\{bar,") expect_match(res, "@Misc\\{baz,") expect_length(extract(res, "(?m)^@"), 3L) }) test_that("citing the same package again doesn't add a new bib entry", { skip_on_os("windows") dir <- local_files(make_template(lines = strrep("`r pkrt('foo')`", 2L))) res <- read_local_file(dir, target = "bib") expect_length(extract(res, "(?m)^@"), 1L) }) test_that("citing no packages doesn't modify bib files", { skip_on_os("windows") load_foo() citation <- get_reference("foo") template <- make_template(lines = "") dir <- local_files(template, bib = local_set(lines = citation)) res <- read_local_file(dir, target = "bib") expect_equal(res, paste0(citation, eol())) }) test_that("pkrt() cites R", { pattern <- "R version [\\d.]+ \\[@base\\]" expect_match(pkrt("R"), regexp = pattern, perl = TRUE) expect_match(pkrt("base"), regexp = pattern, perl = TRUE) }) test_that("pakret handles references that have a premade key (#18)", { skip_on_os("windows") template <- dedent(" --- bibliography: %s --- ```{r} library(pakret) path <- pakret:::local_pkg('baz') pakret:::add_bib_entries( path, \"bibentry('manual', key = 'abc', title = 'title')\" ) ``` `r pkrt('baz')` ") dir <- local_files(template) res <- read_local_file(dir, target = "bib") expect_match(res, "@Manual\\{baz,") }) # errors test_that("pkrt() gives meaningful error messages", { expect_snapshot({ (expect_error( pkrt(1) )) (expect_error( pkrt("a") )) }) })