library(testit) is_pdf = function(file) { identical(readBin(file, 'raw', 5L), charToRaw('%PDF-')) } run_promise = function(x) { # There's no easy way to test the promise object so it's based on Romain Lesur's code at # state <- new.env() state$pending = TRUE promises::then( x, onFulfilled = function(value) { state$pending = FALSE state$value = value }, onRejected = function(error) { state$pending = FALSE state$reason = error } ) while(state$pending) { later::run_now(all = FALSE) } if (!is.null(state$reason)) stop(state$reason) state$value } assert('find_chrome() finds Chrome executable', { (nzchar(find_chrome())) }) assert('chrome_print() works with an url', { (is_pdf(print_pdf(''))) }) assert('chrome_print() works with a local file path', { r_faq_html = file.path(R.home('doc'), 'manual', 'R-FAQ.html') (is_pdf(print_pdf(r_faq_html))) }) assert('chrome_print() supports PDF streaming', { r_faq_html = file.path(R.home('doc'), 'manual', 'R-FAQ.html') (is_pdf(print_pdf(r_faq_html, options = list(transferMode = 'ReturnAsStream')))) }) assert('chrome_print() works with html_paged format', { (is_pdf(print_pdf('test-chrome.Rmd'))) }) assert('chrome_print() works with reveal.js presentations', { f = print_pdf('test-revealjs.Rmd') (is_pdf(f)) # in theory it should be 5 pages; I don't know why it's 6 instead (pdftools::pdf_info(f)$pages %==% 6L) (pdftools::pdf_text(f)[1] %==% 'Test reveal.js\n') }) assert('find_gs() finds Ghostscript executable', { (nzchar(find_gs())) (gs_available()) }) assert('chrome_print() generates expected outline', { f = print_pdf('test-outline.Rmd') (is_pdf(f)) toc = pdftools::pdf_toc(f)[[2L]] res = list( list(title = "1 Title 1", children = list()), list( title = "2 Title 2", children = list( list(title = "2.1 Title 2-1", children = list()), list(title = "2.2 Title 2-2", children = list( list(title = "2.2.1 Title 2-2-1", children = list()), list(title = "2.2.2 Title 2-2-2",children = list()) )) ) ), list(title = "3 \u4e2d\u6587", children = list()), list(title = "4 \u4e2d\u6587 \u5e26\u7a7a\u683c", children = list( list(title = "4.1 \u4e2d\u6587\u6b21\u7ea7\u6807\u9898", children = list()) )) ) (toc %==% res) # works for async f = run_promise(print_pdf('test-outline.Rmd', async = TRUE)) (is_pdf(f)) toc = pdftools::pdf_toc(f)[[2L]] (toc %==% res) # works for output name with non-ASCII & white space output = tempfile(pattern = "\u4e2d \u6587") f = print_pdf('test-outline.Rmd', output = output) (is_pdf(f)) toc = pdftools::pdf_toc(f)[[2L]] (toc %==% res) # works for input name with non-ASCII & white space input = tempfile(pattern = "\u4e2d \u6587", fileext = '.Rmd') file.copy('test-outline.Rmd', input) f = print_pdf(input) (is_pdf(f)) toc = pdftools::pdf_toc(f)[[2L]] (toc %==% res) })