R Under development (unstable) (2023-08-14 r84947 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > #!/usr/bin/Rscript --vanilla > is_failure <- function(result) { + res <- RUnit::getErrors(result) + names(res) <- tolower(names(res)) # soothe lintr + sum_of_exceptions <- res[["nerr"]] + res[["nfail"]] + fail <- as.logical(sum_of_exceptions) + return(fail) + } > > if (interactive()) { + pkgload::load_all(path = ".") # needed to use pkgload's shim version of + # base's system.file + unit_dir <- system.file("inst", "runit_tests", package = "packager") + } else { + require("packager", quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE) || + pkgload::load_all(path = ".") # needed to use pkgload's shim version of + r_call <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE) + if (any(grepl("--file", r_call))) { + unit_dir <- file.path("inst", "runit_tests") + } else { + unit_dir <- system.file("runit_tests", package = "packager") + } + } > if (! dir.exists(unit_dir)) { + stop("Can not find RUnit test directory ", unit_dir, + ". Try to (re)install the package first.") + } > > test_file_regexp <- if (isTRUE(fritools::is_running_on_gitlab_com())) { + "^test.*\\.[rR]$" + } else { + "^test.*\\.[rR]$" + } CRANWIN3 windows > package_suite <- RUnit::defineTestSuite("packager_unit_test", + dirs = unit_dir, + testFileRegexp = test_file_regexp, + testFuncRegexp = "^test_+") > test_result <- RUnit::runTestSuite(package_suite) Executing test function test_convert_vigentte ... done successfully. Executing test function test_union_write ... done successfully. Executing test function test_use_git ... * Initialising repo * Adding `.Rproj.user`, `.Rhistory`, `.RData` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding files and committing * Git is already initialized done successfully. Executing test function test_use_git_ignore ... * Adding `foo`, `bar` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore done successfully. Executing test function test_git_tag ... done successfully. Executing test function test_git_tag_create ... done successfully. Executing test function test_repo ... done successfully. Executing test function test_get_news ... * Creating `NEWS.md` from template. done successfully. Executing test function test_git ... Error in packager:::is_git_uncommitted(path) : D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp does not appear to be a git repository. In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 3: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 4: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 5: In dir.create(path) : 'D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS\prutp' already exists 6: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 7: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 8: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 9: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry * Initialising repo * Adding `.Rproj.user`, `.Rhistory`, `.RData` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding files and committing done successfully. Executing test function test_is_force ... done successfully. Executing test function test_is_null_or_true ... done successfully. Executing test function test_travis ... done successfully. Executing test function test_url ... Error in packager:::get_git_url(url, return_only_one = TRUE, force = FALSE, : Found multiple github URL. In addition: Warning messages: 1: In dir.create(path) : 'D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS\prutp' already exists 2: In dir.create(path) : 'D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS\prutp' already exists 3: In packager:::get_git_url(url, return_only_one = TRUE, type = "github") : Found multiple github URL, using the first. done successfully. Executing test function test_warn_and_stop ... fooError in packager:::warn_and_stop("foo") : foo done successfully. Executing test function test_create_rmd ... * Adding `.Rprofile` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding `*.tar.gz` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding `prutp.Rcheck` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Creating `Makefile` from template. * Adding `Makefile` to `.Rbuildignore`. Warning in update_description(path = path, title = tools::toTitleCase(title), : Argument 'author_at_r' is missing, using default. * Creating `vignettes`. * Creating `vignettes/An_Introduction_to_prutp.Rmd` from template. * Creating `NEWS.md` from template. * Creating `README.Rmd` from template. * Adding `README.Rmd` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Adding pre-commit hook * Creating `.travis.yml` from template. * Adding `.travis.yml` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci.yml` from template. * Adding `.gitlab-ci.yml` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci`. * Adding `.gitlab-ci` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci/gitlab-com.R` from template. * Adding `.gitlab-ci/gitlab-com.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel.R` from template. * Adding `devel.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel`. * Adding `devel` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel/devel_test.R` from template. * Adding `devel/devel_test.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. Could not find user and email for git. Setting local git config user.name to foobar and user.email to foobar@nowhe.re. Change as apropriate. - make sure https://gitlab.com/foobar/prutp exists! Adding testthat to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION * Creating `tests/testthat`. * Creating `tests/testthat.R` from template. Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/tests/tinytest.R Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest/test_prutp.R Adding 'tinytest' to DESCRIPTION/Suggests You may want to remove the following packages from DESCRIPTION/Suggests: testthat Re-creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/tests/tinytest.R Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest/test_throw.R Warning: `tests/testthat.R` already exists. * Creating `R/throw.R` from template. * Creating `tests/testthat/test-throw.R` from template. * Creating `tests/runit.R` from template. * Creating `inst/runit_tests/runit-throw.R` from template. * Creating `make.R` from template. * Adding `make.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. Adding fritools to Imports field in DESCRIPTION * Creating `R/zzz.R` from template. * Adding `R/zzz.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen`. * Adding `man-roxygen` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_boolean.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_boolean.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_boolean_vector.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_boolean_vector.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_null.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_null.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_true.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_true.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/stop_on_error.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/stop_on_error.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `log`. * Adding `log` to `.Rbuildignore`. done successfully. Warning in RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties Warning in RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Executing test function test_submit ... Loading required package: roxygen2 * Adding `.Rprofile` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding `*.tar.gz` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding `prutp.Rcheck` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Creating `Makefile` from template. * Adding `Makefile` to `.Rbuildignore`. Warning in update_description(path = path, title = tools::toTitleCase(title), : Argument 'author_at_r' is missing, using default. * Creating `vignettes`. * Creating `vignettes/An_Introduction_to_prutp.Rmd` from template. * Creating `NEWS.md` from template. * Creating `README.Rmd` from template. * Adding `README.Rmd` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Adding pre-commit hook * Creating `.travis.yml` from template. * Adding `.travis.yml` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci.yml` from template. * Adding `.gitlab-ci.yml` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci`. * Adding `.gitlab-ci` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci/gitlab-com.R` from template. * Adding `.gitlab-ci/gitlab-com.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel.R` from template. * Adding `devel.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel`. * Adding `devel` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel/devel_test.R` from template. * Adding `devel/devel_test.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. Could not find user and email for git. Setting local git config user.name to foobar and user.email to foobar@nowhe.re. Change as apropriate. - make sure https://gitlab.com/foobar/prutp exists! Adding testthat to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION * Creating `tests/testthat`. * Creating `tests/testthat.R` from template. Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/tests/tinytest.R Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest/test_prutp.R Adding 'tinytest' to DESCRIPTION/Suggests You may want to remove the following packages from DESCRIPTION/Suggests: testthat Re-creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/tests/tinytest.R Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest/test_throw.R Warning: `tests/testthat.R` already exists. * Creating `R/throw.R` from template. * Creating `tests/testthat/test-throw.R` from template. * Creating `tests/runit.R` from template. * Creating `inst/runit_tests/runit-throw.R` from template. * Creating `make.R` from template. * Adding `make.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. Adding fritools to Imports field in DESCRIPTION * Creating `R/zzz.R` from template. * Adding `R/zzz.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen`. * Adding `man-roxygen` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_boolean.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_boolean.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_boolean_vector.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_boolean_vector.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_null.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_null.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_true.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_true.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/stop_on_error.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/stop_on_error.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `log`. * Adding `log` to `.Rbuildignore`. [1] ".log.Rout" "log/dependencies.Rout" "log/roxygen2.Rout" Package version bumped from '0.1.0' to '' Error in packager::submit(d, stop_on_git = FALSE, stop_on_devel = TRUE) : This package has a developement version. In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry done successfully. Warning in RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties Warning in RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Executing test function test_exception ... Error in eval(expr, envir = parent.frame()) : Hello, error! done successfully. Warning in RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties Warning in RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Executing test function test_add_commit ... Error in git_commit(message = message, author = author, committer = committer, : No staged files to commit. Run git_add() to select files. done successfully. Executing test function test_githuburl ... Warning in add_github_url_to_desc(path = path, default_gh_user = NA) : Found 0 git remotes refering to `prutp`. Warning in add_github_url_to_desc(path = path, default_gh_user = NA) : Could not retrieve github user name. Set the URL in DESCRIPTION manually! done successfully. Executing test function test_news ... * Adding `.Rprofile` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding `*.tar.gz` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Adding `prutp.Rcheck` to D:\temp\Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/.gitignore * Creating `Makefile` from template. * Adding `Makefile` to `.Rbuildignore`. Warning in update_description(path = path, title = tools::toTitleCase(title), : Argument 'author_at_r' is missing, using default. * Creating `vignettes`. * Creating `vignettes/An_Introduction_to_prutp.Rmd` from template. * Creating `NEWS.md` from template. * Creating `README.Rmd` from template. * Adding `README.Rmd` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Adding pre-commit hook * Creating `.travis.yml` from template. * Adding `.travis.yml` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci.yml` from template. * Adding `.gitlab-ci.yml` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci`. * Adding `.gitlab-ci` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `.gitlab-ci/gitlab-com.R` from template. * Adding `.gitlab-ci/gitlab-com.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel.R` from template. * Adding `devel.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel`. * Adding `devel` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `devel/devel_test.R` from template. * Adding `devel/devel_test.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. Could not find user and email for git. Setting local git config user.name to foobar and user.email to foobar@nowhe.re. Change as apropriate. - make sure https://gitlab.com/foobar/prutp exists! Adding testthat to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION * Creating `tests/testthat`. * Creating `tests/testthat.R` from template. Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/tests/tinytest.R Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest/test_prutp.R Adding 'tinytest' to DESCRIPTION/Suggests You may want to remove the following packages from DESCRIPTION/Suggests: testthat Re-creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/tests/tinytest.R Creating D:/temp/Rtmpw3vkkS/prutp/inst/tinytest/test_throw.R Warning: `tests/testthat.R` already exists. * Creating `R/throw.R` from template. * Creating `tests/testthat/test-throw.R` from template. * Creating `tests/runit.R` from template. * Creating `inst/runit_tests/runit-throw.R` from template. * Creating `make.R` from template. * Adding `make.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. Adding fritools to Imports field in DESCRIPTION * Creating `R/zzz.R` from template. * Adding `R/zzz.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen`. * Adding `man-roxygen` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_boolean.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_boolean.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_boolean_vector.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_boolean_vector.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_null.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_null.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_true.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/return_invisibly_true.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `man-roxygen/stop_on_error.R` from template. * Adding `man-roxygen/stop_on_error.R` to `.Rbuildignore`. * Creating `log`. * Adding `log` to `.Rbuildignore`. Package version bumped from '0.1.0' to '' Package version bumped from '' to '0.2.0' Error in packager::check_news(path) : Found unmatched devel version: Error in packager::check_news(path) : Version 0.2.0 not covered! done successfully. > RUnit::printTextProtocol(test_result, showDetails = TRUE, fileName = "") RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Wed Aug 16 00:02:07 2023 *********************************************** Number of test functions: 20 Number of errors: 0 Number of failures: 0 1 Test Suite : packager_unit_test - 20 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures Details *************************** Test Suite: packager_unit_test Test function regexp: ^test_+ Test file regexp: ^test.*\.[rR]$ Involved directory: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_convert_vignette.R test_convert_vigentte: (4 checks) ... OK (0.01 seconds) --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_devtools_modified.R test_union_write: (2 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) test_use_git: (2 checks) ... OK (0.16 seconds) test_use_git_ignore: (2 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_git.R test_git_tag: (0 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) test_git_tag_create: (0 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) test_repo: (10 checks) ... OK (0.03 seconds) --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_internal.R test_get_news: (1 checks) ... OK (0.19 seconds) test_git: (5 checks) ... OK (0.06 seconds) test_is_force: (1 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) test_is_null_or_true: (3 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) test_travis: (0 checks) ... OK (0.02 seconds) test_url: (7 checks) ... OK (0.01 seconds) test_warn_and_stop: (1 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_main.R test_create_rmd: (1 checks) ... OK (2.81 seconds) --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_submit.R test_submit: (1 checks) ... OK (3.94 seconds) --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_throw.R test_exception: (1 checks) ... OK (0 seconds) --------------------------- Test file: D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/packager/runit_tests/test_tools.R test_add_commit: (3 checks) ... OK (0.02 seconds) test_githuburl: (4 checks) ... OK (0.89 seconds) test_news: (5 checks) ... OK (2.11 seconds) > if (is_failure(test_result)) { + RUnit::printTextProtocol(test_result, showDetails = TRUE) + stop("RUnit failed.") + } > > proc.time() user system elapsed 3.92 1.75 11.67