test_that("test plot_l2g works", { # Try-Catch Block to Handle Errors Gracefully tryCatch({ # Perform the operations and store the results result_1 <- otargen::studiesAndLeadVariantsForGeneByL2G(c("ENSG00000167207","ENSG00000096968")) %>% otargen::plot_l2g() result_2 <- otargen::studiesAndLeadVariantsForGeneByL2G(c("ENSG00000167207","ENSG00000096968")) %>% otargen::plot_l2g(disease = "EFO_0003767") # Check that the results are of the expected class expect_s3_class(result_1, "ggplot") expect_s3_class(result_2, "ggplot") # Check that the results are not null expect_false(is.null(result_1)) expect_false(is.null(result_2)) }, error = function(e) { # On error, print the error message for diagnosis message("Error in test plot_l2g: ", e$message) # You can add additional logging here if necessary # Fail the test explicitly expect_true(FALSE, "An error occurred in plotting.") }) })