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[596ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... [243ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... [156ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000143001 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000143001 ... [140ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [166ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000141510 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000141510 ... [392ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... [209ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... [142ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [57ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... [141ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [52ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [54ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [47ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... x Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [49ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... [13ms] \ Downloading data for 1_154453788_C_T ... v Downloading data for 1_154453788_C_T ... [180ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... [65ms] \ Downloading data for rs55808324 ... v Downloading data for rs55808324 ... [141ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [88ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... x Downloading data... [50ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [70ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading the data... v Downloading the data... [38ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading the data... v Downloading the data... [48ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [50ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [467ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [159ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [90ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data for variant 1_55063514_G_A ... v Downloading data for variant 1_55063514_G_A ... [60ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [55ms] \ Downloading data for variant rs72698179 ... v Downloading data for variant rs72698179 ... [55ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... [158ms] Selecting by Trait_reported_trimmed \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [10ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000167207 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000167207 ... [120ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000096968 ... | Downloading data for ENSG00000096968 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000096968 ... [208ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000138821 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000138821 ... [114ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000125255 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000125255 ... [106ms] Selecting by Trait_reported_trimmed \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [66ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000141510 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000141510 ... [346ms] Selecting by Trait_reported_trimmed \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [150ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... [121ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... [193ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000141510 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000141510 ... [374ms] Selecting by Trait_reported_trimmed \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [10ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000167207 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000167207 ... [5.2s] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000096968 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000096968 ... [5s] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000167207 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000167207 ... [5.3s] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000096968 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000096968 ... [4.9s] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [8ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [379ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data for variant 14_87978408_G_A ... v Downloading data for variant 14_87978408_G_A ... [62ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [75ms] \ Downloading data for variant rs55808324 ... v Downloading data for variant rs55808324 ... [64ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [109ms] \ Connecting the database... v Connecting the database... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [59ms] \ Connecting the database... v Connecting the database... [122ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [57ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... [4.8s] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [106ms] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000169174 ... [4.8s] \ Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... v Downloading data for ENSG00000163946 ... [5.6s] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... x Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [52ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [43ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data for GCST003044 , 14_88009660_C_T ... v Downloading data for GCST003044 , 14_88009660_C_T ... [711ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [232ms] \ Connecting the database... v Connecting the database... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [96ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GrpahQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [54ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... [7ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [71ms] \ Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... v Connecting to the Open Targets Genetics GraphQL API... [59ms] \ Downloading data... v Downloading data... [73ms] [ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 83 ] > > # to be removed when publishing the package > #sapply(stringr::str_replace(list.files("./R/"),".R$",""),usethis::use_test) > > proc.time() user system elapsed 6.98 0.39 47.71