context ("colourmat") test_that ("colours", { expect_error (colour_mat (), "cols must be provided") expect_error (colour_mat (cols = -1), "cols must have length >= 4") expect_error (colour_mat (cols = "a"), "cols must have length >= 4") expect_error (colour_mat (cols = NULL), "incorrect number of dimensions") expect_error ( colour_mat (cols = letters [1:4]), "Invalid colours: a" ) expect_error ( colour_mat (cols = c ("red", "blue", letters [1:4])), "Invalid colours: a" ) expect_error ( colour_mat (cols = rep (NA, 4)), "One or more cols is NA" ) expect_silent (colour_mat (cols = 1:7)) expect_silent (colour_mat (cols = 1:4, plot = TRUE)) (which = dev.cur ()) }) test_that ("n", { expect_error (colour_mat (cols = 1:4, n = 1), "n must be > 1") expect_error (colour_mat (cols = 1:4, n = "a"), "n must be numeric") expect_error (colour_mat (cols = 1:4, n = NA), "n must be numeric") expect_error (colour_mat (cols = 1:4, n = NULL), "n must be numeric") expect_error (colour_mat (cols = 1:4, n = 1:2), "n must be > 1") expect_error ( colour_mat (cols = 1:4, n = c (2, "a")), "n must be numeric" ) expect_error ( colour_mat (cols = 1:4, n = c (2, NA)), "n can not be NA" ) }) test_that ("rotate", { expect_error ( colour_mat (cols = 1:4, rotate = "a"), "rotate must be numeric" ) expect_error ( colour_mat (cols = 1:4, rotate = NA), "rotate must be numeric" ) expect_warning ( colour_mat (cols = 1:4, rotate = 1:2), "rotate has length > 1" ) })