context ("adjust-colours") test_that ("colours", { expect_error (adjust_colours (), "a non-null col must be provided") expect_error (adjust_colours (NULL), "cols must be non-null") expect_error (adjust_colours (cols = -1), "Invalid colour: -1") expect_error (adjust_colours (cols = "a"), "Invalid colour: a") expect_silent (adjust_colours (cols = NA)) expect_silent (adjust_colours (cols = c (1:5, NA))) expect_silent (adjust_colours (cols = 1:5)) }) test_that ("adj", { expect_error (adjust_colours (1, -2), "adj must be between -1 and 1") expect_error (adjust_colours (1, NA), "adj can not be NA") expect_error (adjust_colours (1, NULL), "adj can not be NULL") expect_error (adjust_colours (1, "a"), "adj can not be coerced to numeric") }) test_that ("plot", { expect_error (adjust_colours (1, 0, NA), "plot can not be NA") expect_error (adjust_colours (1, 0, NULL), "plot can not be NULL") expect_error ( adjust_colours (1, 0, "a"), "plot can not be coerced to logical" ) expect_silent (adjust_colours (1, 0, FALSE)) expect_silent (adjust_colours (1, 0, TRUE)) })