test_that("oe_find: simplest example works", { withr::local_envvar( .new = list( "OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY" = tempdir(), "TESTTHAT" = "true" ) ) its_pbf = setup_pbf() oe_vectortranslate( file_path = its_pbf, quiet = TRUE ) its_leeds_find = oe_find( "ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE ) expect_type(its_leeds_find, "character") expect_length(its_leeds_find, 2) }) test_that("oe_find: return_gpkg and return_pbf arguments work", { withr::local_envvar( .new = list( "OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY" = tempdir(), "TESTTHAT" = "true" ) ) its_pbf = setup_pbf() oe_vectortranslate( file_path = its_pbf, quiet = TRUE ) pbf_find = oe_find( "ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE, return_gpkg = FALSE ) gpkg_find = oe_find( "ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE, return_pbf = FALSE ) expect_length(pbf_find, 1) expect_length(gpkg_find, 1) expect_type(pbf_find, "character") expect_type(gpkg_find, "character") expect_match(pbf_find, "pbf") expect_match(gpkg_find, "gpkg") }) test_that("download_if_missing in oe_find works", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline("github.com") withr::local_envvar( .new = list( "OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY" = tempdir(), "TESTTHAT" = "true" ) ) withr::defer(oe_clean(tempdir())) # Test that tempdir is really empty expect_true(!file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf"))) # Test download_if_missing its_leeds_find = oe_find( "ITS Leeds", provider = "test", download_if_missing = TRUE, quiet = TRUE ) expect_type(its_leeds_find, "character") expect_length(its_leeds_find, 2) })