test_that("oe_download: simplest examples work", { skip_on_cran() skip_if_offline("github.com") withr::local_envvar( .new = list( "OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY" = tempdir(), "TESTTHAT" = "true" ) ) # I need to add the withr::defer since I don't use setup pbf here withr::defer(oe_clean(tempdir())) its_match = oe_match("ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE) expect_error( oe_download( file_url = its_match$url, provider = "test", quiet = TRUE ), NA ) expect_message( oe_download( file_url = its_match$url, provider = "test", quiet = FALSE ), class = "oe_download_skipDownloading" ) }) test_that("oe_download: fails with more than one URL", { expect_error(oe_download(c("a", "b")), class = "oe_download_LengthFileUrlGt2") }) test_that("infer_provider_from_url: simplest examples work", { expect_error( infer_provider_from_url("https://github.com/ropensci/osmextract"), class = "oe_download_CannotInferProviderFromUrl" ) expect_match( infer_provider_from_url("https://download.geofabrik.de/africa-latest.osm.pbf"), "geofabrik" ) expect_match( infer_provider_from_url("https://download.bbbike.org/osm/bbbike/Aachen/Aachen.osm.pbf"), "bbbike" ) })