classes <- list( df = c("osmapi_map_notes", "data.frame"), sf = c("sf_osmapi_map_notes", "sf", "data.frame"), xml = "xml_document", rss = "xml_document", json = "list", gpx = "xml_document" ) column_notes <- c("lon", "lat", "id", "url", "comment_url", "close_url", "date_created", "status", "comments") column_notes_sf <- c("id", "url", "comment_url", "close_url", "date_created", "status", "comments", "geometry") column_comments <- c("date", "uid", "user", "user_url", "action", "text", "html") class_column_notes <- list( lon = "character", lat = "character", id = "character", url = "character", comment_url = "character", close_url = "character", date_created = "POSIXct", status = "character", comments = c("note_comments", "list") ) class_column_comments <- list( date = "POSIXct", uid = "character", user = "character", user_url = "character", action = "character", text = "character", html = "character" ) ## Retrieving notes data by bounding box: `GET /api/0.6/notes` ---- test_that("osm_read_bbox_notes works", { bbox_notes <- list() bbox <- c(3.7854767, 39.7837403, 4.3347931, 40.1011851) with_mock_dir("mock_read_bbox_notes", { bbox_notes$df <- osm_read_bbox_notes(bbox = bbox, limit = 10) bbox_notes$sf <- osm_read_bbox_notes(bbox = bbox, limit = 10, format = "sf") bbox_notes$xml <- osm_read_bbox_notes(bbox = bbox, limit = 10, format = "xml") bbox_notes$rss <- osm_read_bbox_notes(bbox = bbox, limit = 10, format = "rss") bbox_notes$json <- osm_read_bbox_notes(bbox = bbox, limit = 10, format = "json") bbox_notes$gpx <- osm_read_bbox_notes(bbox = bbox, limit = 10, format = "gpx") }) mapply(function(x, class) expect_true(inherits(x, class)), x = bbox_notes, class = classes) expect_named(bbox_notes$df, column_notes) expect_named(bbox_notes$sf, column_notes_sf) lapply(bbox_notes$df$comments, function(x) { expect_s3_class(x, c("note_comments", "data.frame")) expect_named(x, column_comments) mapply(function(y, cl) expect_true(inherits(y, cl)), y = x, cl = class_column_comments[names(x)]) # Check that time is extracted, otherwise it's 00:00:00 in local time expect_false(unique(strftime(as.POSIXct(x$date), format = "%M:%S") == "00:00")) }) mapply(function(x, cl) expect_true(inherits(x, cl)), x = bbox_notes$df, cl = class_column_notes[names(bbox_notes$df)]) # Check that time is extracted, otherwise it's 00:00:00 in local time expect_false(unique(strftime(as.POSIXct(bbox_notes$df$date_created), format = "%M:%S") == "00:00")) sel_cols <- intersect(names(bbox_notes$df), names(bbox_notes$sf)) expect_equal($df[, sel_cols]),$sf[, sel_cols]))) # methods expect_snapshot(print(bbox_notes$df)) expect_snapshot(print(bbox_notes$sf)) # Compare xml, rss, json, gpx & R expect_identical(nrow(bbox_notes$df), nrow(bbox_notes$sf)) expect_identical(nrow(bbox_notes$df), xml2::xml_length(bbox_notes$xml)) expect_identical(nrow(bbox_notes$df), length(xml2::xml_find_all(bbox_notes$rss, xpath = "//item"))) expect_identical(nrow(bbox_notes$df), length(bbox_notes$json$features)) expect_identical(nrow(bbox_notes$df), xml2::xml_length(bbox_notes$gpx)) }) ## Read: `GET /api/0.6/notes/#id` ---- test_that("osm_read_note works", { read_note <- list() read_notes <- list() with_mock_dir("mock_read_note", { read_note$df <- osm_get_notes(note_id = "2067786") read_note$sf <- osm_get_notes(note_id = 2067786, format = "sf") read_note$xml <- osm_get_notes(note_id = 2067786, format = "xml") read_note$rss <- osm_get_notes(note_id = 2067786, format = "rss") read_note$json <- osm_get_notes(note_id = 2067786, format = "json") read_note$gpx <- osm_get_notes(note_id = 2067786L, format = "gpx") read_notes$df <- osm_get_notes(note_id = c("2067786", "2067786")) read_notes$sf <- osm_get_notes(note_id = c("2067786", "2067786"), format = "sf") read_notes$xml <- osm_get_notes(note_id = c(2067786, 2067786), format = "xml") read_notes$rss <- osm_get_notes(note_id = c(2067786, 2067786), format = "rss") read_notes$json <- osm_get_notes(note_id = c(2067786, 2067786), format = "json") read_notes$gpx <- osm_get_notes(note_id = c(2067786L, 2067786), format = "gpx") }) mapply(function(x, class) expect_true(inherits(x, class)), x = read_note, class = classes) mapply(function(x, class) expect_true(inherits(x, class)), x = read_notes, class = classes) expect_named(read_note$df, column_notes) expect_named(read_note$sf, column_notes_sf) expect_named(read_notes$df, column_notes) expect_named(read_notes$sf, column_notes_sf) lapply(read_note$df$comments, function(x) { expect_s3_class(x, c("note_comments", "data.frame")) expect_named(x, column_comments) }) lapply(read_notes$df$comments, function(x) { expect_s3_class(x, c("note_comments", "data.frame")) expect_named(x, column_comments) }) sel_cols <- intersect(names(read_note$df), names(read_note$sf)) expect_equal($df[, sel_cols]),$sf[, sel_cols]))) sel_cols <- intersect(names(read_notes$df), names(read_notes$sf)) expect_equal($df[, sel_cols]),$sf[, sel_cols]))) # xml_document lapply(read_note[c("xml", "rss", "gpx")], function(x) expect_true(xml2::xml_length(x) == 1)) lapply(read_notes[c("xml", "rss", "gpx")], function(x) { expect_true(xml2::xml_length(x) == 2) tryCatch( expect_identical(xml2::xml_child(x, 1), xml2::xml_child(x, 2)), error = function(e) message("TODO: fix added namespaces in the 2on node R/osm_get_notes.R/osm_get_notes()") ) }) # methods expect_snapshot(print(read_note$df)) expect_snapshot(print(read_note$sf)) expect_snapshot(print(read_notes$df)) expect_snapshot(print(read_notes$sf)) # Compare xml, rss, json, gpx & R expect_identical(nrow(read_notes$df), nrow(read_notes$sf)) expect_identical(nrow(read_notes$df), xml2::xml_length(read_notes$xml)) expect_identical(nrow(read_notes$df), length(xml2::xml_find_all(read_notes$rss, xpath = "//item"))) expect_identical(nrow(read_notes$df), length(read_notes$json)) expect_identical(nrow(read_notes$df), xml2::xml_length(read_notes$gpx)) }) ## Create a new note: `POST /api/0.6/notes` ---- test_that("osm_create_note works", { with_mock_dir("mock_create_note", { note <- osm_create_note(lat = "40.7327375", lon = "0.1702526", text = "There is survey point here.") }) expect_s3_class(note, c("osmapi_map_notes", "data.frame")) }) ## Create a new comment: `POST /api/0.6/notes/#id/comment` ---- test_that("osm_create_comment_note works", { with_mock_dir("mock_create_comment_note", { com_note <- osm_create_comment_note(note_id = 42091, text = "Right, add it.") }) expect_s3_class(com_note, c("osmapi_map_notes", "data.frame")) }) ## Close: `POST /api/0.6/notes/#id/close` ---- test_that("osm_close_note works", { with_mock_dir("mock_close_note", { close_note <- osm_close_note(note_id = 42091) }) expect_s3_class(close_note, c("osmapi_map_notes", "data.frame")) }) ## Reopen: `POST /api/0.6/notes/#id/reopen` ---- test_that("osm_reopen_note works", { with_mock_dir("mock_reopen_note", { reopen_note <- osm_reopen_note(note_id = 42091) }) expect_s3_class(reopen_note, c("osmapi_map_notes", "data.frame")) }) ## Hide: `DELETE /api/0.6/notes/#id` ---- test_that("osm_delete_note works", { with_mock_dir("mock_delete_note", { note <- osm_create_note(lat = "40.7327375", lon = "0.1702526", text = "Test note to delete.") del_note <- osm_delete_note(note_id = note$id, text = "Hide note") }) expect_s3_class(del_note, c("osmapi_map_notes", "data.frame"), exact = TRUE) expect_named(del_note, column_notes) lapply(del_note$comments, function(x) { expect_s3_class(x, c("note_comments", "data.frame")) expect_named(x, column_comments) }) }) ## Search for notes: `GET /api/0.6/notes/search` ---- test_that("osm_search_notes works", { search_notes <- list() with_mock_dir("mock_search_notes", { search_notes$df <- osm_search_notes(q = "POI", from = "2017-10-01", to = "2017-10-27T15:27A", limit = 10) search_notes$sf <- osm_search_notes( q = "POI", from = "2017-10-01", to = "2017-10-27T15:27A", limit = 10, format = "sf" ) search_notes$xml <- osm_search_notes(user = "jmaspons", from = "2017-10-01", limit = 10, format = "xml") search_notes$rss <- osm_search_notes(q = "POI", from = "2017-10-01", to = "2017-10-27", limit = 10, format = "rss") search_notes$json <- osm_search_notes(from = "2017-10-01", to = "2017-10-27", limit = 10, format = "json") search_notes$gpx <- osm_search_notes(from = "2023-06-25", closed = -1, limit = 10, format = "gpx") }) mapply(function(x, class) expect_true(inherits(x, class)), x = search_notes, class = classes) expect_named(search_notes$df, column_notes) expect_named(search_notes$sf, column_notes_sf) lapply(search_notes$df$comments, function(x) { expect_s3_class(x, c("note_comments", "data.frame")) expect_named(x, column_comments) }) sel_cols <- intersect(names(search_notes$df), names(search_notes$sf)) expect_equal($df[, sel_cols]),$sf[, sel_cols])) ) # methods expect_snapshot(print(search_notes$df)) expect_snapshot(print(search_notes$sf)) # Compare xml, rss, json, gpx & R ## TODO test after batch calls implementation for identical search arguments ## Empty results empty_search_notes <- list() with_mock_dir("mock_search_notes_empty", { empty_search_notes$df <- osm_search_notes(q = "Visca la terra!", user = "jmaspons") empty_search_notes$sf <- osm_search_notes(q = "Visca la terra!", user = "jmaspons", format = "sf") empty_search_notes$xml <- osm_search_notes(q = "Visca la terra!", user = "jmaspons", format = "xml") empty_search_notes$rss <- osm_search_notes(q = "Visca la terra!", user = "jmaspons", format = "rss") empty_search_notes$json <- osm_search_notes(q = "Visca la terra!", user = "jmaspons", format = "json") empty_search_notes$gpx <- osm_search_notes(q = "Visca la terra!", user = "jmaspons", format = "gpx") }) mapply(function(x, class) expect_true(inherits(x, class)), x = empty_search_notes, class = classes) expect_named(empty_search_notes$df, column_notes) expect_named(empty_search_notes$sf, column_notes_sf) mapply( function(x, cl) expect_true(inherits(x, cl)), x = empty_search_notes$df, cl = class_column_notes[names(empty_search_notes$df)] ) sel_cols <- intersect(names(empty_search_notes$df), names(empty_search_notes$sf)) expect_equal($df[, sel_cols]),$sf[, sel_cols])) ) # methods expect_snapshot(print(empty_search_notes$df)) expect_snapshot(print(empty_search_notes$sf)) # Compare xml, rss, json, gpx & R expect_identical(nrow(empty_search_notes$df), 0L) expect_identical(nrow(empty_search_notes$sf), 0L) expect_identical(xml2::xml_length(empty_search_notes$xml), 0L) expect_identical(length(xml2::xml_find_all(empty_search_notes$rss, xpath = "//item")), 0L) expect_identical(xml2::xml_length(empty_search_notes$gpx), 0L) expect_identical(length(empty_search_notes$json$features), 0L) }) ## RSS Feed: `GET /api/0.6/notes/feed` ---- test_that("osm_feed_notes works", { with_mock_dir("mock_feed_notes", { feed_notes <- osm_feed_notes(bbox = c(0.8205414, 40.6686604, 0.8857727, 40.7493377)) }) expect_s3_class(feed_notes, "xml_document") })