library(ordinal) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) ## library(devtools) ## r2path <- "/Users/rhbc/Documents/Rpackages/ordinal/pkg/ordinal" ## clean_dll(pkg = r2path) ## load_all(r2path) ## More manageable data set: data(soup, package="ordinal") (tab26 <- with(soup, table("Product" = PROD, "Response" = SURENESS))) dimnames(tab26)[[2]] <- c("Sure", "Not Sure", "Guess", "Guess", "Not Sure", "Sure") dat26 <- expand.grid(sureness = as.factor(1:6), prod = c("Ref", "Test")) dat26$wghts <- c(t(tab26)) m1 <- clm(sureness ~ prod, scale = ~prod, data = dat26, weights = wghts, link = "logit") ## print, summary, vcov, logLik, AIC: m1 summary(m1) vcov(m1) logLik(m1) ll.m1 <- structure(-2687.74456343981, df = 7L, nobs = 1847, class = "logLik") stopifnot(all.equal(logLik(m1), ll.m1)) AIC(m1) coef(m1) cm1 <- c(-1.49125702755587, -0.45218462707814, -0.107208315524318, 0.163365282774162, 0.88291347877514, 1.29587762626394, 0.147986162902775) stopifnot(all.equal(as.vector(coef(m1)), cm1)) coef(summary(m1)) csm1 <- structure(c(-1.49125702755587, -0.45218462707814, -0.107208315524318, 0.163365282774162, 0.88291347877514, 1.29587762626394, 0.147986162902775, 0.0921506468161812, 0.0718240681909781, 0.069954084652323, 0.0702546879687391, 0.0795708692869622, 0.119032405993894, 0.065104213008022, -16.1828167145758, -6.2957256316336, -1.53255261729392, 2.32532927691394, 11.0959385851501, 10.8867632762999, 2.27306584421104, 6.66732036748908e-59, 3.05965144996025e-10, 0.125386123756898, 0.0200543599621069, 1.31274723412040e-28, 1.33293711602276e-27, 0.0230222123418036), .Dim = c(7L, 4L), .Dimnames = list( c("1|2", "2|3", "3|4", "4|5", "5|6", "prodTest", "prodTest" ), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))) stopifnot(all.equal(coef(summary(m1)), csm1)) ## link functions: m2 <- update(m1, link = "probit") m3 <- update(m1, link = "cloglog") m4 <- update(m1, link = "loglog") m5 <- update(m1, link = "cauchit", start = coef(m1)) ## m6 <- update(m1, link = "Aranda-Ordaz", lambda = 1) ## m7 <- update(m1, link = "Aranda-Ordaz") ## m8 <- update(m1, link = "log-gamma", lambda = 1) ## m9 <- update(m1, link = "log-gamma") ## nominal effects: mN1 <- clm(sureness ~ 1, nominal = ~ prod, data = dat26, weights = wghts) anova(m1, mN1) ## optimizer / method: update(m1, scale = ~ 1, method = "Newton") update(m1, scale = ~ 1, method = "ucminf") update(m1, scale = ~ 1, method = "nlminb") update(m1, scale = ~ 1, method = "optim") update(m1, scale = ~ 1, method = "model.frame") update(m1, ~.-prod, scale = ~ 1, nominal = ~ prod, method = "model.frame") ## threshold functions mT1 <- update(m1, threshold = "symmetric") mT2 <- update(m1, threshold = "equidistant") anova(m1, mT1, mT2) ## Extend example from polr in package MASS: ## Fit model from polr example: if(require(MASS)) { fm1 <- clm(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing) fm1 summary(fm1) ## With probit link: summary(update(fm1, link = "probit")) ## Allow scale to depend on Cont-variable summary(fm2 <- update(fm1, scale =~ Cont)) summary(fm3 <- update(fm1, location =~.-Cont, nominal =~ Cont)) summary(fm4 <- update(fm2, location =~.-Cont, nominal =~ Cont)) anova(fm1, fm2, fm3, fm4) ## which seems to improve the fit } ################################# ## Better handling of ill-defined variance-covariance matrix of the ## parameters in summary methods for clm and clmm objects: dat26.2 <- data.frame(sureness = as.factor(1:12), prod = rep(c("One", "Two", "Three"),each=4)) fm1 <- clm(sureness ~ prod, ~prod, data = dat26.2) fm1 summary(fm1) summary(fm1, corr = 1) ## fm1$Hessian ## sl1 <- slice(fm1, 13) ## fitted(fm1) ## convergence(fm1) ## eigen(fm1$Hessian)$values ## sqrt(diag(solve(fm1$Hessian))) ## sqrt(diag(ginv(fm1$Hessian))) ################################# ## Missing values: ## Bug-report from Jonathan Williams ## , 18 March 2010 12:42 data(soup, package = "ordinal") soup$SURENESS[10] <- NA c1a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, data=soup); summary(c1a) c2a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup) summary(c2a) c3a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~1, scale = ~PROD, data=soup) summary(c3a) data(soup, package = "ordinal") soup$PROD[1] <- NA c1a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, data=soup) summary(c1a) c2a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup) summary(c2a) c3a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~1, scale = ~PROD, data=soup) summary(c3a) soup$SURENESS[10] <- NA c1a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, data=soup) summary(c1a) c2a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup) summary(c2a) c3a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~1, scale = ~PROD, data=soup) summary(c3a) ## na.actions: c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup, na.action=na.omit) summary(c4a) tC1 <- try(clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup,, silent = TRUE) stopifnot(inherits(tC1, "try-error")) c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup, na.action=na.exclude) summary(c4a) tC2 <- try(clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup, na.action=na.pass), silent = TRUE) stopifnot(inherits(tC2, "try-error")) ## Subset: data(soup, package="ordinal") c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD, data=soup, subset = 1:100) c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~1, scale = ~PROD, data=soup, subset = 1:100) c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, data=soup, subset = 1:100) c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~1, data=soup, subset = 1:100) ## Offset: data(soup, package = "ordinal") set.seed(290980) offs <- runif(nrow(soup)) c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD + offset(offs), scale = ~PROD, data=soup, subset = 1:100) summary(c4a) c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD + offset(offs), scale = ~PROD + offset(offs), data=soup, subset = 1:100) summary(c4a) off2 <- offs c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD + offset(offs), scale = ~PROD + offset(off2), data=soup, subset = 1:100) summary(c4a) c4a <- clm(ordered(SURENESS)~PROD, scale = ~PROD + offset(offs), data=soup, subset = 1:100) summary(c4a) ## data as matrix: dat26M <- as.matrix(dat26) m1 <- clm(sureness ~ prod, scale = ~prod, data = dat26, weights = wghts, link = "logit") summary(m1) ## data in enclosing environment: attach(soup) m1 <- clm(SURENESS ~ PROD, scale = ~PROD) summary(m1) detach(soup) ################################################################## ### Parameter estimates were not correct with large scale effects due ### to end cut-points being \pm 100. This is not enough for ### location-scale model, but seems to be for location only models. ### Bug report from Ioannis Kosmidis : ### A 2x3 contigency table that will give a large estimated value of ### zeta x <- rep(0:1, each = 3) response <- factor(rep(c(1, 2, 3), times = 2)) freq <- c(1, 11, 1, 13, 1, 14) totals <- rep(tapply(freq, x, sum), each = 3) Dat <- data.frame(response, x, freq) ### Fitting a cumulative link model with dispersion effects modClm <- clm(response ~ x, scale = ~ x, weights = freq, data = Dat, control = clm.control(grtol = 1e-10, convTol = 1e-10)) summary(modClm) ### The maximized log-likelihood for this saturated model should be sum(freq*log(freq/totals)) # > sum(freq*log(freq/totals)) # [1] -29.97808 ### but apparently clm fails to maximixe the log-likelihood modClm$logLik # > modClm$logLik # [1] -30.44452 stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(sum(freq*log(freq/totals)), modClm$logLik))) ### The estimates reported by clm are coef(modClm) coef.res <- structure(c(-2.48490664104217, 2.48490665578163, 2.48490659188594, 3.54758796387530), .Names = c("1|2", "2|3", "x", "x")) stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(coef.res, coef(modClm)))) # > modClm$coefficients # 1|2 2|3 x x # -2.297718 2.297038 1.239023 2.834285 ### while they should be (from my own software) # 1|2 2|3 x disp.x #-2.484907 2.484907 2.484907 3.547588 convergence(modClm) ##################################################################