library(ordinal) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) ## library(devtools) ## r2path <- "/Users/rhbc/Documents/Rpackages/ordinal/pkg/ordinal" ## clean_dll(pkg = r2path) ## load_all(r2path) ## one zero weight: data(wine, package="ordinal") wts <- rep(1, nrow(wine)) wine$rating wts[1] <- 0 fm1 <- clm(rating ~ contact + temp, data=wine, weights=wts) fm1 fm1$n ## 72 fm1$nobs ## 71 confint(fm1) plot(profile(fm1)) plot(slice(fm1), 5) convergence(fm1) drop1(fm1, test="Chi") add1(fm1, scope=~.^2, test="Chi") ## clm_anova(fm1) pred <- predict(fm1, newdata=wine) ## OK step.fm1 <- step(fm1, trace=0) fitted(fm1) dim(model.matrix(fm1)$X) dim(model.matrix(fm1, "B")$B1) mf <- update(fm1, method="model.frame") str(mf) wts <- mf$wts dim(model.matrix(fm1)$X[wts > 0, , drop=FALSE]) fm1b <- clm(rating ~ temp, scale=~contact, data=wine, weights=wts) summary(fm1b) pr <- profile(fm1b) confint(pr) plot(pr, 1) fm1c <- clm(rating ~ temp, nominal=~contact, data=wine, weights=wts) summary(fm1c) pr <- profile(fm1c) confint(pr) plot(pr, 1) ## nominal.test(fm1) ## scale.test(fm1) ## zero out an entire response category: wts2 <- 1 * with(wine, rating != "2") fm2 <- clm(rating ~ contact + temp, data=wine, weights=wts2) fm2 fm2$n ## 72 fm2$nobs ## 50 ## Dimension of X and B1, B2 differ: dim(model.matrix(fm2)$X) dim(model.matrix(fm2, "B")$B1) ## Cannot directly evaluate predictions on the original data: try(predict(fm2, newdata=wine), silent=TRUE)[1] confint(fm2) profile(fm2) plot(slice(fm2), 5) step.fm2 <- step(fm2, trace=0) fitted(fm2) ## Scale and nominal effects: fm2b <- clm(rating ~ temp, scale=~contact, data=wine, weights=wts2) summary(fm2b) pr <- profile(fm2b) confint(pr) plot(pr, 1) fm2c <- clm(rating ~ temp, nominal=~contact, data=wine, weights=wts2) summary(fm2c) pr <- profile(fm2c) confint(pr) plot(pr, 1) pred <- predict(fm2c, newdata=wine[!names(wine) %in% "rating"]) pred <- predict(fm2b, newdata=wine[!names(wine) %in% "rating"]) ## nominal.test(fm2) ## scale.test(fm2) ## Different data sets (error): try(anova(fm1, fm2), silent=TRUE)[1] ## OK ## Test wts2 <- 1 * with(wine, rating != "2") mf2 <- update(fm2, method="design") fm3 <- with(mf2,, X, weights=wts)) #################################