library(ordinal) data(wine) ################################# ## Estimation with a single simple RE term: ## Laplace: fmm1 <- clmm(rating ~ contact + temp + (1|judge), data=wine) summary(fmm1) ## GHQ: fmm.ghq <- clmm(rating ~ contact + temp + (1|judge), data=wine, nAGQ=-10) summary(fmm.ghq) ## AGQ: fmm.agq <- clmm(rating ~ contact + temp + (1|judge), data=wine, nAGQ=10) summary(fmm.agq) ## tests: ## Notice warning about Laplace with multiple REs when nAGQ != 1: fmm1 <- try(clmm(rating ~ contact + temp + (1|judge) + (1|bottle), data=wine, nAGQ=10)) stopifnot(inherits(fmm1, "try-error")) ################################# ## Estimation with several RE terms: data(soup, package="ordinal") fmm <- clmm(SURENESS ~ PROD + (1|RESP) + (1|PROD:RESP), data=soup, threshold="equidistant") summary(fmm) ################################# ## Estimation with implicit intercept: fm1 <- clmm(rating ~ 1 + (1|judge), data = wine) fm2 <- clmm(rating ~ (1|judge), data = wine) fm3 <- clmm(rating ~ 0 + (1|judge), data = wine) stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(coef(fm1), coef(fm2), tolerance=1e-5)), isTRUE(all.equal(coef(fm1), coef(fm3), tolerance=1e-5)))