test_that("objective with one target argument can be evaluated", { f <- function(x, a, b = 0) (x + a)^2 + b objective <- Objective$new(objective = f, target = "x", npar = 1, a = -2) objective$verbose <- FALSE expect_equal( objective$get_argument("b"), 0 ) expect_equal( objective$evaluate(2), 0 ) expect_silent( objective$remove_argument("a") ) expect_error( objective$evaluate(2), "Function evaluation threw an error" ) expect_silent( objective$set_argument("a" = -2) ) expect_error( objective$set_argument("a" = -2, overwrite = FALSE), "already exists" ) expect_silent( objective$set_argument("a" = -2, overwrite = TRUE) ) expect_equal( objective$evaluate(2), 0 ) expect_snapshot( print(objective) ) expect_equal( objective$fixed_arguments, c("b", "a") ) }) test_that("objective with more than one target argument can be evaluated", { llk <- function(mu, sd, lambda, data) { sd <- exp(sd) lambda <- plogis(lambda) sum(log(lambda * dnorm(data, mu[1], sd[1]) + (1 - lambda) * dnorm(data, mu[2], sd[2]))) } objective <- Objective$new( objective = llk, target = c("mu", "sd", "lambda"), npar = c(2, 2, 1), data = faithful$eruptions ) objective$verbose <- FALSE expect_equal( objective$get_argument("data"), faithful$eruptions ) expect_snapshot( print(objective) ) expect_equal( objective$evaluate(1:5), llk(mu = 1:2, sd = 3:4, lambda = 5, data = faithful$eruptions) ) expect_equal( objective$evaluate(1:5, .negate = TRUE), -llk(mu = 1:2, sd = 3:4, lambda = 5, data = faithful$eruptions) ) })