test_that("writeData() forces evaluation of x (#264)", { wbfile <- temp_xlsx() op <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) x <- format(123.4) df <- data.frame(d = format(123.4)) df2 <- data.frame(e = x) wb <- createWorkbook() addWorksheet(wb, "sheet") writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 1, data.frame(a = format(123.4))) writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 2, data.frame(b = as.character(123.4))) writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 3, data.frame(c = "123.4")) writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 4, df) writeData(wb, "sheet", startCol = 5, df2) saveWorkbook(wb, wbfile) out <- read.xlsx(wbfile) # Possibly overkill with(out, { expect_identical(a, b) expect_identical(a, c) expect_identical(a, d) expect_identical(a, e) expect_identical(b, c) expect_identical(b, d) expect_identical(b, e) expect_identical(c, d) expect_identical(c, e) expect_identical(d, e) }) options(op) file.remove(wbfile) }) test_that("as.character.formula() works [312]", { form <- y ~ x1 * x2 + x3 expect_identical( as.character.default(form), openxlsx:::as.character.formula(form) ) skip_if_not_installed("formula.tools") # "tests specifically for as.character.formula conflict" foo <- function() { wb <- openxlsx::buildWorkbook( data.frame( x = structure("A2 + B2", class = c("character", "formula")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ) as.list(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data) } before <- foo() # don't required the "require" function for deps check match.fun("require")("formula.tools", character.only = TRUE) middle <- foo() detach("package:formula.tools", character.only = TRUE, force = TRUE) end <- foo() expect_identical(before, middle, ignore.environment = TRUE) expect_identical(before, end, ignore.environment = TRUE) })