context("Encoding Tests") test_that("Write read encoding equality", { tempFile <- temp_xlsx() wb <- createWorkbook() for (i in 1:4) { addWorksheet(wb, sprintf("Sheet %s", i)) } df <- data.frame("X" = c("测试", "一下"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) writeDataTable(wb, sheet = 1, x = df) saveWorkbook(wb, tempFile, overwrite = TRUE) x <- read.xlsx(tempFile) expect_equal(x, df) x <- read.xlsx(wb) expect_equal(x, df) ## reload wb <- loadWorkbook(tempFile) x <- read.xlsx(wb) expect_equal(x, df) saveWorkbook(wb, tempFile, overwrite = TRUE) x <- read.xlsx(tempFile) expect_equal(x, df) unlink(tempFile, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE) rm(wb) }) test_that("Support non-ASCII strings not in UTF-8 encodings", { non_ascii <- c("\u4f60\u597d", "\u4e2d\u6587", "\u6c49\u5b57", "\u5de5\u4f5c\u7c3f1", "\u6d4b\u8bd5\u540d\u5b571", "\u6d4b2", "\u5de52", "\u5de5\u4f5c3") # Ideally, we should test agains native encodings. However, the testing machine's # locale encoding may not be able to represent the non-ascii letters, when # it's the case, we use the UTF-8 encoding as it is. if (identical( enc2utf8(enc2native(non_ascii)), non_ascii )) { non_ascii <- enc2native(non_ascii) } non_ascii_df <- data.frame( X = non_ascii, Y = seq_along(non_ascii), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) colnames(non_ascii_df) <- non_ascii[3:4] file <- temp_xlsx() wb <- createWorkbook(creator = non_ascii[1]) ws <- addWorksheet(wb, non_ascii[2]) writeDataTable(wb, ws, non_ascii_df, tableName = non_ascii[3]) writeData(wb, ws, non_ascii_df, xy = list("D", 1), name = non_ascii[4]) writeComment(wb, ws, 1, 1, comment = createComment(non_ascii[5], non_ascii[6])) writeFormula(wb, ws, x = sprintf('"%s"&"%s"', non_ascii[1], non_ascii[2]), xy = list("G", 1)) createNamedRegion(wb, ws, 7, 1, name = non_ascii[7]) saveWorkbook(wb, file) wb2 <- loadWorkbook(file) expect_equal( getCreators(wb2), non_ascii[1] ) expect_equal( getSheetNames(file), non_ascii[2] ) expect_equivalent( getTables(wb2, ws), non_ascii[3] ) expect_equivalent( getNamedRegions(wb2), non_ascii[c(4, 7)] ) expect_equal( wb2$comments[[1]][[1]][c("comment", "author")], setNames(as.list(non_ascii[5:6]), c("comment", "author")) ) expect_equal( read.xlsx(file, ws, cols = 1:2), non_ascii_df ) expect_equal( read.xlsx(file, ws, cols = 4:5), non_ascii_df ) })