test_that("int2col", { expect_equal(int2col(1:10), LETTERS[1:10]) expect_error(int2col("a"), "x must be numeric.") }) test_that("col2int", { expect_null(col2int(NULL)) expect_equal(col2int("a"), 1) expect_equal(col2int(1), 1) expect_error(col2int(list()), "x must be character") expect_equal(col2int("A"), 1) expect_equal(col2int(c("A", "C:D")), c(1, 3, 4)) expect_equal(col2int(c("A", "C:D", "K")), c(1, 3, 4, 11)) expect_equal(col2int(c("A", "C:D", "K", "AA:AD")), c(1, 3, 4, 11, 27, 28, 29, 30)) expect_error(col2int(c("a", NA_character_, "c")), "x contains NA") }) test_that("get_cell_refs", { got <- get_cell_refs(data.frame(1:3, 2:4)) expect_equal(got, c("B1", "C2", "D3")) expect_error(get_cell_refs(data.frame("a", "a")), "cellCoords must only contain integers") }) test_that("get_cell_refs() works for a single cell.", { expect_equal(get_cell_refs(data.frame(1, 2)), "B1") expect_error(get_cell_refs(c(1, 2))) expect_error(get_cell_refs(c(1, "a"))) }) test_that("get_cell_refs() works for multiple cells.", { expect_equal(get_cell_refs(data.frame(1:3, 2:4)), c("B1", "C2", "D3")) expect_error(get_cell_refs(c(1:2, c("a", "b")))) }) test_that("", { op <- options( "openxlsx2.maxWidth" = 10, "openxlsx2.minWidth" = 8 ) on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE) got <- calc_col_width(wb_workbook()$get_base_font(), 11) expect_equal(got, 10) got <- calc_col_width(wb_workbook()$get_base_font(), 7) expect_equal(got, 8) })