test_that("write_formula", {
df <- data.frame(C = rnorm(10), D = rnorm(10))
# array formula for a single cell
exp <- structure(
list(r = "E2", row_r = "2", c_r = "E", c_s = "",
c_t = "", c_cm = "",
c_ph = "", c_vm = "",
v = "", f = "SUM(C2:C11*D2:D11)",
f_t = "array", f_ref = "E2",
f_ca = "", f_si = "",
is = "", typ = "11"),
row.names = 23L, class = "data.frame")
# write data add array formula later
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb <- wb_add_worksheet(wb, "df")
wb$add_data("df", df, startCol = "C")
write_formula(wb, "df", start_col = "E", start_row = 2,
x = "SUM(C2:C11*D2:D11)",
array = TRUE)
cc <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc
got <- cc[cc$row_r == "2" & cc$c_r == "E", ]
expect_equal(exp[1:16], got[1:16])
rownames(exp) <- 1L
# write formula first add data later
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb <- wb_add_worksheet(wb, "df")
write_formula(wb, "df", start_col = "E", start_row = 2,
x = "SUM(C2:C11*D2:D11)",
array = TRUE)
wb$add_data("df", df, start_col = "C")
cc <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc
got <- cc[cc$row_r == "2" & cc$c_r == "E", ]
expect_equal(exp[1:11], got[1:11])
test_that("silent with numfmt option", {
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_data_table("S1", x = iris)
x = mtcars, dims = "B3", row_names = TRUE,
table_style = "TableStyleLight9")
# [1:4] to ignore factor
expect_equal(iris[1:4], wb_to_df(wb, "S1")[1:4], ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equal(iris[1:4], wb_to_df(wb, "S1")[1:4], ignore_attr = TRUE)
# handle rownames
got <- wb_to_df(wb, "S2", row_names = TRUE)
attr(got, "tt") <- NULL
attr(got, "types") <- NULL
expect_equal(got, mtcars)
expect_equal(rownames(got), rownames(mtcars))
test_that("test options", {
ops <- options()
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("Sheet 1")$add_data("Sheet 1", cars)
ops2 <- options()
# adding data to the worksheet should not alter the global options
expect_equal(ops, ops2)
test_that("missing x is caught early [#246]", {
"`x` is missing"
"`x` is missing"
test_that("missing sheet is caught early (#942)", {
wb_workbook()$add_data(x = mtcars),
"no worksheet"
wb_workbook()$add_data_table(x = mtcars),
"no worksheet"
test_that("update_cells", {
## exactly the same
data <- mtcars
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = data)
cc1 <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc
wb$add_data(x = data)
cc2 <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc
expect_equal(cc1, cc2)
## write na.strings
data <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = data)$add_data(x = data, na.strings = "N/A")
exp <- c("V1", "V2", "N/A")
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$is)
expect_equal(exp, got)
df <- data.frame(C = rnorm(10), D = rnorm(10))
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_data(x = df, start_col = "C")
wb$add_formula("df", start_col = "E", start_row = 2,
x = "SUM(C2:C11*D2:D11)",
array = TRUE)
wb$add_formula("df", x = "C3 + D3", start_col = "E", start_row = 3)
x <- c(google = "https://www.google.com")
class(x) <- "hyperlink"
wb$add_data(sheet = "df", x = x, start_col = "E", start_row = 4)
exp <- structure(
list(c_t = c("", "str", "str"),
f = c("SUM(C2:C11*D2:D11)", "C3 + D3", "=HYPERLINK(\"https://www.google.com\")"),
f_t = c("array", "", "")),
row.names = c("23", "110", "111"), class = "data.frame")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc[c(5, 8, 11), c("c_t", "f", "f_t")]
expect_equal(exp, got)
### write logical
xlsxFile <- testfile_path("readTest.xlsx")
wb1 <- wb_load(xlsxFile)
data <- head(wb_to_df(wb1, sheet = 3))
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = data)$add_data(x = data)
exp <- c("inlineStr", "", "b", "e")
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_t)
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("write dims", {
# create a workbook
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet()$add_data(dims = "B2:C3", x = matrix(1:4, 2, 2), col_names = FALSE)$
add_worksheet()$add_data_table(dims = "B:C", x = as.data.frame(matrix(1:4, 2, 2)))$
add_worksheet()$add_formula(dims = "B3", x = "42")
s1 <- wb_to_df(wb, 1, col_names = FALSE)
s2 <- wb_to_df(wb, 2, col_names = FALSE)
s3 <- wb_to_df(wb, 3, col_names = FALSE)
expect_equal(rownames(s1), c("2", "3"))
expect_equal(rownames(s2), c("1", "2", "3"))
expect_equal(rownames(s3), c("3"))
expect_equal(colnames(s1), c("B", "C"))
expect_equal(colnames(s2), c("B", "C"))
expect_equal(colnames(s3), c("B"))
test_that("update cell(s)", {
xlsxFile <- testfile_path("update_test.xlsx")
wb <- wb_load(xlsxFile)
# update Cells D4:D6 with 1:3
wb <- wb_add_data(x = c(1:3),
wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet1", dims = "D4:D6")
# update Cells B3:D3 (names())
wb <- wb_add_data(x = c("x", "y", "z"),
wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet1", dims = "B3:D3")
# update D4 again (single value this time)
wb <- wb_add_data(x = 7,
wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet1", dims = "D4")
# add new column on the left of the existing workbook
wb <- wb_add_data(x = 7,
wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet1", dims = "A4")
# add new row on the end of the existing workbook
wb <- wb_add_data(x = 7,
wb = wb, sheet = "Sheet1", dims = "A9")
exp <- structure(
list(c(7, NA, NA, NA, NA, 7),
c(2, NA, 2.5, NA, NA, NA),
c(7, 2, 3, NA, 5, NA)),
names = c(NA, "x", "y", "z"),
row.names = 4:9,
class = "data.frame")
got <- wb_to_df(wb)
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_fill(dims = "B2:G8", color = wb_colour("yellow"))$
add_data(dims = "C3", x = Sys.Date())$
add_data(dims = "E4", x = Sys.Date(), removeCellStyle = TRUE)
exp <- structure(list(r = c("B2", "C2", "D2", "E2", "F2", "G2"),
row_r = c("2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2"),
c_r = c("B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"),
c_s = c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"),
c_t = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
c_cm = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
c_ph = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
c_vm = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
v = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
f = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
f_t = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
f_ref = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
f_ca = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
f_si = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
is = c("", "", "", "", "", ""),
typ = c("4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4")),
row.names = 1:6,
class = "data.frame")
got <- head(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc)
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("write_rownames", {
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet()$add_data(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE)$
add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE)
exp <- structure(
list(A = c(NA, "Mazda RX4"), B = c("mpg", "21")),
row.names = 1:2,
class = "data.frame",
tt = structure(
list(A = c(NA, "s"), B = c("s", "n")),
row.names = 1:2,
class = "data.frame"),
types = c(A = 0, B = 0)
got <- wb_to_df(wb, 1, dims = "A1:B2", col_names = FALSE, keep_attributes = TRUE)
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- structure(
list(A = c("_rowNames_", "Mazda RX4"), B = c("mpg", "21")),
row.names = 1:2,
class = "data.frame",
tt = structure(
list(A = c("s", "s"), B = c("s", "n")),
row.names = 1:2,
class = "data.frame"),
types = c(A = 0, B = 0)
got <- wb_to_df(wb, 2, dims = "A1:B2", col_names = FALSE, keep_attributes = TRUE)
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("NA works as expected", {
wb <- wb_workbook()$
dims = "A1",
x = NA,
na.strings = NULL
dims = "A2",
x = NA_character_,
na.strings = NULL
exp <- c(NA_real_, NA_real_)
got <- wb_to_df(wb, col_names = FALSE)$A
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("writeData() forces evaluation of x (#264)", {
x <- format(123.4)
df <- data.frame(d = format(123.4))
df2 <- data.frame(e = x)
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_data(start_col = 1, x = data.frame(a = format(123.4)))
wb$add_data(start_col = 2, x = data.frame(b = as.character(123.4)))
wb$add_data(start_col = 3, x = data.frame(c = "123.4"))
wb$add_data(start_col = 4, x = df)
wb$add_data(start_col = 5, x = df2)
exp <- c(
"a", "b", "c",
"d", "e", "123.4"
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$is)
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("write character numerics with a correct cell style", {
## current default
op <- options("openxlsx2.string_nums" = 0)
on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
wb <- wb_workbook() %>%
wb_add_worksheet() %>%
wb_add_data(x = c("One", "2", "Three", "1.7976931348623157E+309", "2.5"))
got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs[2]
expect_equal(got, NA_character_)
exp <- c("4", "4", "4", "4", "4")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$typ
expect_equal(exp, got)
## string numerics correctly flagged
options("openxlsx2.string_nums" = 1)
wb <- wb_workbook() %>%
wb_add_worksheet() %>%
wb_add_data(x = c("One", "2", "Three", "1.7976931348623157E+309", "2.5")) %>%
wb_add_worksheet() %>%
wb_add_data(dims = "A1", x = "1992") %>%
wb_add_data(dims = "A2", x = 1992) %>%
wb_add_data(dims = "A3", x = "1992.a") %>%
wb_add_worksheet() %>%
wb_add_data(dims = "A1", x = 1e5) %>%
wb_add_data(dims = "A2", x = "1e5") %>%
wb_add_data(dims = "A3", x = 1e+05) %>%
wb_add_data(dims = "A4", x = "1e+05")
exp <- ""
got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs[2]
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c("4", "13", "4", "4", "13")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$typ
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c("13", "2", "4")
got <- wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc$typ
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c("2", "13", "2", "13")
got <- wb$worksheets[[3]]$sheet_data$cc$typ
expect_equal(exp, got)
## write string numerics as numerics (on the fly conversion)
options("openxlsx2.string_nums" = 2)
wb <- wb_workbook() %>%
wb_add_worksheet() %>%
wb_add_data(x = c("One", "2", "Three", "1.7976931348623157E+309", "2.5"))
got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs[2]
expect_equal(got, NA_character_)
exp <- c("4", "2", "4", "4", "2")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$typ
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("writing as shared string works", {
df <- data.frame(
x = letters,
y = letters,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_data(x = letters, dims = "A1", inline_strings = FALSE)$
add_data(x = letters, dims = "B1", inline_strings = FALSE)$
add_data(x = letters, dims = "A1", inline_strings = TRUE)$
add_data(x = letters, dims = "B1", inline_strings = TRUE)$
add_data_table(x = df, inline_strings = FALSE)$
add_data_table(x = df, inline_strings = TRUE)
expect_equal(letters, wb_to_df(wb, col_names = FALSE)$A)
expect_equal(wb_to_df(wb, 1), wb_to_df(wb, 2))
expect_equal(df, wb_to_df(wb, 3), ignore_attr = TRUE)
expect_equal(wb_to_df(wb, 3), wb_to_df(wb, 4))
expect_true(all(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_t == "s"))
expect_true(all(wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc$c_t == "inlineStr"))
# test missing cases in characters
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_data(x = c("a", NA, "b", "NA"), dims = "A1", inline_strings = FALSE)$
add_data(x = c("a", NA, "b", "NA"), dims = "A1", inline_strings = FALSE, na.strings = "N/A")$
add_data(x = c("a", NA, "b", "NA"), dims = "A1", inline_strings = FALSE, na.strings = NULL)
exp <- structure(
list(c_t = "e", v = "#N/A"),
row.names = 2L,
class = "data.frame"
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc[2, c("c_t", "v")]
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- structure(
list(c_t = "s", v = "3"),
row.names = 2L,
class = "data.frame"
got <- wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc[2, c("c_t", "v")]
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- structure(
list(c_t = "", v = ""),
row.names = 2L,
class = "data.frame"
got <- wb$worksheets[[3]]$sheet_data$cc[2, c("c_t", "v")]
expect_equal(exp, got)
# test missing cases in numerics
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_data(x = c(1L, NA, NaN, Inf), dims = "A1", inline_strings = FALSE)$
add_data(x = c(1L, NA, NaN, Inf), dims = "A1", inline_strings = FALSE, na.strings = "N/A")$
add_data(x = c(1L, NA, NaN, Inf), dims = "A1", inline_strings = FALSE, na.strings = NULL)
expect_equal(wb_to_df(wb, 1), wb_to_df(wb, 3))
expect_equal(wb_to_df(wb, 2)[1, 1], "N/A")
test_that("writing pivot tables works", {
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_data(x = mtcars)
df <- wb_data(wb)
wb$add_pivot_table(df, dims = "A3", filter = "am", rows = "cyl", cols = "gear", data = "hp")
wb$add_pivot_table(df, dims = "A10", sheet = 2, rows = "cyl", cols = "gear", data = c("disp", "hp"), fun = "count")
wb$add_pivot_table(df, dims = "A20", sheet = 2, rows = "cyl", cols = "gear", data = c("disp", "hp"), fun = "average")
wb$add_pivot_table(df, dims = "A30", sheet = 2, rows = "cyl", cols = "gear", data = c("disp", "hp"), fun = c("sum", "average"))
expect_equal(length(wb$pivotTables), 4L)
test_that("writing pivot with escaped characters works", {
example_df <- data.frame(
location = c("London", "NYC", "NYC", "Berlin", "Madrid", "London", "Austin & Dallas"),
amount = c(7, 5, 3, 2.5, 6, 1, 17)
wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_data(x = example_df)
df <- wb_data(wb)
wb <- wb %>% wb_add_pivot_table(df, dims = "A3", rows = "location", data = "amount")
cf <- xml_node(wb$pivotDefinitions, "pivotCacheDefinition", "cacheFields", "cacheField")[1]
exp <- ""
got <- xml_node(cf, "cacheField", "sharedItems", "s")[5]
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("writing slicers works", {
wb <- wb_workbook() %>%
### Sheet 1
wb_add_worksheet() %>%
wb_add_data(x = mtcars)
df <- wb_data(wb, sheet = 1)
varname <- c("vs", "drat")
### Sheet 2
# first pivot
df, dims = "A3", slicer = varname, rows = "cyl", cols = "gear", data = "disp",
pivot_table = "mtcars"
add_slicer(x = df, sheet = current_sheet(), slicer = "vs", pivot_table = "mtcars")$
add_slicer(x = df, dims = "B18:D24", sheet = current_sheet(), slicer = "drat", pivot_table = "mtcars",
params = list(columnCount = 5))$
# second pivot
df, dims = "G3", sheet = current_sheet(), slicer = varname, rows = "gear", cols = "carb", data = "mpg",
pivot_table = "mtcars2"
add_slicer(x = df, dims = "G12:I16", slicer = "vs", pivot_table = "mtcars2",
params = list(sortOrder = "descending", caption = "Wow!"))
### Sheet 3
df, dims = "A3", slicer = varname, rows = "gear", cols = "carb", data = "mpg",
pivot_table = "mtcars3"
add_slicer(x = df, dims = "A12:D16", slicer = "vs", pivot_table = "mtcars3")
# test a few conditions
expect_length(wb$slicers, 2L)
expect_length(wb$slicerCaches, 4L)
expect_equal(xml_node_name(wb$workbook$extLst, "extLst", "ext"), "x14:slicerCaches")
expect_equal(wb$worksheets[[2]]$relships$slicer, 1L)
expect_equal(wb$worksheets[[3]]$relships$slicer, 2L)
expect_equal(grep("slicer2.xml", wb$Content_Types), 25L)
## test error
wb <- wb_workbook() %>%
wb_add_worksheet() %>%
wb_add_data(x = mtcars)
df <- wb_data(wb, sheet = 1)
varname <- c("vs", "drat")
# first pivot
df, dims = "A3", rows = "cyl", cols = "gear", data = "disp",
params = list(name = "mtcars")
wb$add_slicer(x = df, sheet = current_sheet(), slicer = "vs", pivot_table = "mtcars"),
"slicer was not initialized in pivot table!"
test_that("writing na.strings = NULL works", {
# write na.strings = na_strings()
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
write_xlsx(matrix(NA, 2, 2), tmp)
wb <- wb_load(tmp)
exp <- "#N/A"
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$v[3:6])
expect_equal(exp, got)
# write na.strings = ""
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
write_xlsx(matrix(NA, 2, 2), tmp, na.strings = "")
wb <- wb_load(tmp)
exp <- ""
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$is[3:6])
expect_equal(exp, got)
# write na.strings = NULL
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
write_xlsx(matrix(NA, 2, 2), tmp, na.strings = NULL)
wb <- wb_load(tmp)
exp <- ""
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$v[3:6])
expect_equal(exp, got)
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$is[3:6])
expect_equal(exp, got)
# write third party data.frame classes
test_that("write data.table class", {
dt <- structure(
a_number = c(1234, 4321),
a_string = c("hello", "world"),
a_date = structure(c(19358, 19448), class = "Date"),
a_boolean = c(FALSE, TRUE)
class = c("data.table", "data.frame"),
row.names = c(NA, -2L)
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
expect_silent(write_xlsx(dt, tmp))
expect_equal(dt, read_xlsx(tmp), ignore_attr = TRUE)
test_that("write tibble class", {
tbl <- structure(
a_number = c(1234, 4321),
a_string = c("hello", "world"),
a_date = structure(c(19358, 19448), class = "Date"),
a_boolean = c(FALSE, TRUE)
class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"),
row.names = c(NA, -2L)
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
expect_silent(write_xlsx(tbl, tmp))
expect_equal(tbl, read_xlsx(tmp), ignore_attr = TRUE)
test_that("writing labeled variables works", {
x <- c(1, 2, 1, -99, -97)
attr(x, "labels") <- c("N/A" = -97, "NaN" = -98, "NA" = -99)
exp <- c("1", "2", "1", "NA", "N/A")
got <- to_string(x)
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = x)
exp <- c("1", "2", "1",
"x", "NA", "N/A")
cc <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc[c("v", "is")]
cc[cc$v == "", "v"] <- NA
cc[cc$is == "", "is"] <- NA
got <- unlist(cc[!is.na(cc)])
expect_equal(exp, got)
x <- factor(x = c("M", "F"), levels = c("M", "F"), labels = c(1L, 2L))
exp <- c("1", "2")
got <- to_string(x)
expect_equal(exp, got)
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = x)
exp <- c(1, 2)
got <- wb_to_df(wb, col_names = FALSE)$A
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("writing in specific encoding works", {
loc <- Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")
Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "")
op <- options(
"openxlsx2.force_utf8_encoding" = TRUE,
"openxlsx2.native_encoding" = "CP1251"
on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
# a cyrillic string: https://github.com/JanMarvin/openxlsx2/issues/640
enc_str <- as.raw(c(0xd0, 0xb0, 0xd0, 0xb1, 0xd0, 0xb2, 0xd0, 0xb3, 0xd0,
enc_str <- rawToChar(enc_str)
Encoding(enc_str) <- "UTF-8"
loc_str <- stringi::stri_encode(enc_str, from = "UTF-8", to = "CP1251")
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet("sheet")$add_data("sheet", x = loc_str)
expect_silent(wb2 <- wb_load(tmp))
# exp <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$is[1]
# got <- wb2$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$is[1]
# expect_equal(exp, got)
# got <- stringi::stri_encode(wb_to_df(wb, col_names = FALSE)$A, from = "UTF-8", to = "CP1251")
# expect_equal(enc_str, got)
tmp <- tempfile()
write_file(head = "", body = loc_str, tail = "", fl = tmp)
# got <- xml_value(tmp, "a")
exp <- loc_str
got <- stringi::stri_encode(xml_value(tmp, "a"), from = "UTF-8", to = "CP1251")
expect_equal(exp, got)
Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", loc)
test_that("writing NULL works silently", {
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
x <- NULL
expect_silent(write_xlsx(x, tmp))
expect_silent(wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = x))
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()
wb2 <- wb_add_data(wb, x = x)
expect_equal(wb, wb2)
test_that("dimension limits work", {
max_c <- 16384
max_r <- 1048576
dims <- paste0(int2col(max_c), max_r)
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = 1, dims = dims)
dims <- paste0(int2col(max_c), max_r + 1L)
wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = 1, dims = dims),
"Dimensions exceed worksheet"
dims <- paste0(int2col(max_c + 1L), max_r)
wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = 1, dims = dims),
"Dimensions exceed worksheet"
dims <- paste0(int2col(max_c + 1L), max_r + 1L)
wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = 1, dims = dims),
"Dimensions exceed worksheet"
test_that("numfmt option works", {
op <- options("openxlsx2.numFmt" = "$ #.0")
on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = 1:10)
exp <- ""
got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$numFmts
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("comma option works", {
op <- options("openxlsx2.commaFormat" = "#.0")
on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
dat <- data.frame(x = 1:10 + rnorm(1:10))
class(dat$x) <- c("comma", class(dat$x))
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = dat)
exp <- ""
got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$numFmts
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("filter works with wb_add_data()", {
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet()$add_data(x = mtcars, with_filter = TRUE)$
add_worksheet()$add_data(x = mtcars, with_filter = TRUE)$
add_data(x = cars, with_filter = TRUE)
exp <- ""
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$autoFilter
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c(
"'Sheet 1'!$A$1:$K$33",
"'Sheet 2'!$A$1:$B$51"
got <- wb$workbook$definedNames
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("writing total row works", {
# default row sums
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = mtcars, total_row = TRUE)
exp <- data.frame(
A = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[mpg])", B = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[cyl])",
C = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[disp])", D = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[hp])",
E = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[drat])", F = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[wt])",
G = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[qsec])", H = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[vs])",
I = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[am])", J = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[gear])",
K = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[carb])"
got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = wb_dims(rows = 33, cols = "A:K"),
show_formula = TRUE, col_names = FALSE)
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# empty total row
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = mtcars, total_row = c("none"))
exp <- data.frame(
A = NA_real_, B = NA_real_, C = NA_real_, D = NA_real_,
E = NA_real_, F = NA_real_, G = NA_real_, H = NA_real_, I = NA_real_,
J = NA_real_, K = NA_real_
got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = wb_dims(rows = 33, cols = "A:K"),
show_formula = TRUE, col_names = FALSE)
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# total row with text only
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = cars, total_row = c(text = "Result", text = "sum"))
exp <- data.frame(A = "Result", B = "sum")
got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = wb_dims(rows = 51, cols = "A:B"),
show_formula = TRUE, col_names = FALSE)
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# total row with text and formula
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = cars, total_row = c(text = "Result", "sum"))
exp <- data.frame(A = "Result", B = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[dist])")
got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = wb_dims(rows = 51, cols = "A:B"),
show_formula = TRUE, col_names = FALSE)
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# total row with none and custom formula
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = cars, total_row = c("none", "COUNTA"))
exp <- data.frame(A = NA_real_, B = "COUNTA(Table1[dist])")
got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = wb_dims(rows = 51, cols = "A:B"),
show_formula = TRUE, col_names = FALSE)
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
# with rownames
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$
x = as.data.frame(USPersonalExpenditure),
row_names = TRUE,
total_row = c(text = "Total", "none", "sum", "sum", "sum", "SUM")
exp <- data.frame(
A = "Total", B = NA_real_, C = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[1945])",
D = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[1950])", E = "SUBTOTAL(109,Table1[1955])",
F = "SUM(Table1[1960])"
got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = wb_dims(rows = 6, cols = "A:F"), col_names = FALSE, show_formula = TRUE)
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
test_that("writing vectors direction with dims works", {
# write vectors column or rowwise
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$
add_data(x = 1:2, dims = "A1:B1")$
add_data(x = t(1:2), dims = "D1:D2", col_names = FALSE)$ # ignores dims
add_data(x = 1:2, dims = "A3:A4")$
add_data(x = t(1:2), dims = "D3:E3", col_names = FALSE) # ignores dims
exp <- c("A1", "B1", "D1", "E1", "A3", "D3", "E3", "A4")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r
expect_equal(exp, got)
## sum, sum as array and sum as cm
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_data(x = head(cars))$
add_formula(x = c("SUM(A2:A7)", "SUM(B2:B7)"), dims = "A9:B9")$
add_formula(x = c("{SUM(A2:A7)}", "{SUM(B2:B7)}"), dims = "A10:B10")
wb$add_formula(x = c("{SUM(A2:A7)}", "{SUM(B2:B7)}"), dims = "A11:B11", cm = TRUE),
"modifications with cm formulas are experimental. use at own risk"
exp <- c("A1", "B1", "A2", "B2", "A3", "B3", "A4", "B4", "A5", "B5",
"A6", "B6", "A7", "B7", "A9", "B9", "A10", "B10", "A11", "B11")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("dims size warnings work", {
op <- options("openxlsx2.warn_if_dims_dont_fit" = TRUE)
on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE)
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()
# default no dims
wb$add_data(x = head(mtcars)),
"dimension of `x` exceeds all `dims`"
# with explicit default dims
wb$add_data(dims = "A1", x = head(mtcars)),
"dimension of `x` exceeds all `dims`"
# wb_add_data(dims = wb_dims(x = obj), x = obj) should always be silent
expect_silent(wb$add_data(dims = wb_dims(x = head(mtcars)), x = head(mtcars)))
# correct size should always be silent
expect_silent(wb$add_data(dims = "A1:K7", x = head(mtcars)))
# To wide
wb$add_data(dims = "A1:K1", x = head(mtcars)),
"dimension of `x` exceeds rows of `dims`"
# To short
wb$add_data(dims = "A1:J7", x = head(mtcars)),
"dimension of `x` exceeds cols of `dims`"
# ending in the correct cell isn't enough
wb$add_data(dims = "B2:K7", x = head(mtcars)),
"dimension of `x` exceeds all `dims`"
# currently write_xlsx() uses the default dims
wb <- write_xlsx(x = head(mtcars))
test_that("writing zero row data frames works", {
# write an empty data frame
dat <- data.frame()
expect_silent(wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = dat))
exp <- NULL
expect_message(got <- wb_to_df(wb), "sheet found, but contains no data")
expect_equal(exp, got)
# write a data frame containing an empty date vector
dat <- data.frame(date = base::as.Date(NULL))
expect_silent(wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = dat))
exp <- "date"
got <- names(wb_to_df(wb))
expect_equal(exp, got)
# try the same with write_xlsx()
expect_silent(wb <- write_xlsx(x = dat))
exp <- "date"
got <- names(wb_to_df(wb))
expect_equal(exp, got)