testsetup() test_that("wb_clone_sheet_style", { # clone style to empty sheet (creates cells and style) fl <- system.file("extdata", "oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2") wb <- wb_load(fl)$add_worksheet("copy") wb <- wb_clone_sheet_style(wb, "SUM", "copy") expect_equal(dim(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc), dim(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc)) expect_equal(dim(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr), dim(wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$row_attr)) # clone style to sheet with data fl <- system.file("extdata", "oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2") wb <- wb_load(fl)$add_worksheet("copy")$add_data(x = mtcars, startRow = 5, startCol = 2) wb <- wb_clone_sheet_style(wb, "SUM", "copy") expect_equal(c(36, 13), dim(wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$row_attr)) # clone style on cloned and cleaned worksheet fl <- system.file("extdata", "oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2") wb <- wb_load(fl)$clone_worksheet("SUM", "clone") wb <- wb$clean_sheet(sheet = "clone", numbers = TRUE, characters = TRUE, styles = TRUE, merged_cells = FALSE) wb <- wb_clone_sheet_style(wb, "SUM", "clone") # sort for this test, does not matter later, because we will sort prior to saving ord <- match( wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r, wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc$r ) expect_equal( wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s, wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s[ord] ) # output if copying from empty sheet fl <- system.file("extdata", "oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2") wb <- wb_load(fl)$add_worksheet("copy") expect_message( expect_message( wb <- wb_clone_sheet_style(wb, "copy", "SUM"), "'from' has no sheet data styles to clone" ), "'from' has no row styles to clone" ) }) test_that("test add_border()", { wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_data("S1", mtcars) expect_silent(wb$add_border(1, dims = "A1:K1", left_border = NULL, right_border = NULL, top_border = NULL, bottom_border = "double")) # check xf exp <- c("", "", "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs expect_equal(exp, got) # check borders exp <- c("", "", "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$borders expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_border(1, dims = "A1:K1", left_border = NULL, right_border = NULL, top_border = NULL, bottom_border = "double") exp <- c("1", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "3", "2") got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("test add_fill()", { wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_data("S1", mtcars) expect_silent(wb$add_fill("S1", dims = "D5:G6", color = wb_colour(hex = "FFFFFF00"))) # check xf exp <- c("", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs expect_equal(exp, got) # check fill exp <- c("", "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$fills expect_equal(exp, got) # every_nth_col/row wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1", gridLines = FALSE)$add_data("S1", matrix(1:20, 4, 5)) wb$add_fill("S1", dims = "A1:E6", color = wb_colour(hex = "FFFFFF00"), every_nth_col = 2) wb$add_fill("S1", dims = "A1:E6", color = wb_colour(hex = "FF00FF00"), every_nth_row = 2) exp <- c("", "", "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$fills expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c("", "", "") got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs expect_equal(exp, got) # check the actual styles exp <- c("", "1", "", "1", "", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "", "1", "", "1", "", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2", "", "1", "", "1", "", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2") got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_fill("S1", dims = "D5:G6", color = wb_colour(hex = "FFFFFF00")) exp <- rep("1", 8) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("test add_font()", { wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_data("S1", mtcars) expect_silent(wb$add_font("S1", dims = "A1:K1", color = wb_colour(hex = "FFFFFF00"))) # check xf exp <- c( "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs expect_equal(exp, got) # check font exp <- c( "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$fonts expect_equal(exp, got) # check the actual styles exp <- c("1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") got <- head(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s, 20) expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_font("S1", dims = "A1:K1", color = wb_colour(hex = "FFFFFF00")) exp <- rep("1", 11) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("test add_numfmt()", { wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_data("S1", mtcars) expect_silent(wb$add_numfmt("S1", dims = "A1:A33", numfmt = 2)) expect_silent(wb$add_numfmt("S1", dims = "F1:F33", numfmt = "#.0")) # check xf exp <- c("", "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs expect_equal(exp, got) # check numfmt exp <- "" got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$numFmts expect_equal(exp, got) # check the actual styles exp <- c("1", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "") got <- head(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s, 20) expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_numfmt("S1", dims = "A1:A33", numfmt = 2) exp <- rep("1", 33) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("test add_cell_style()", { wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_data("S1", mtcars) expect_silent(wb$add_cell_style("S1", dims = "A1:A33", textRotation = "45")) expect_silent(wb$add_cell_style("S1", dims = "F1:F33", horizontal = "center")) # check xf exp <- c("", "", "" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs expect_equal(exp, got) # check the actual styles exp <- c("1", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "") got <- head(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s, 20) expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1")$add_cell_style("S1", dims = "A1:A33", textRotation = "45") exp <- rep("1", 33) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s expect_equal(exp, got) ### exp <- "" got <- create_cell_style( borderId = "1", fillId = "1", fontId = "1", numFmtId = "1", pivotButton = "0", quotePrefix = "0", xfId = "1", horizontal = "left", indent = "1", justifyLastLine = "1", readingOrder = "1", relativeIndent = "1", shrinkToFit = "1", textRotation = "1", vertical = "top", wrapText = "1", extLst = "", hidden = "1", locked = "1" ) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("add_style", { # without name num <- create_numfmt(numFmtId = "165", formatCode = "#.#") wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_style(num) exp <- num got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$numFmts expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- structure(list(typ = "numFmt", id = "165", name = "num"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame") got <- wb$styles_mgr$numfmt expect_equal(exp, got) # with name wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_style(num, "num") exp <- num got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$numFmts expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- structure(list(typ = "numFmt", id = "165", name = "num"), row.names = c(NA, -1L), class = "data.frame") got <- wb$styles_mgr$numfmt expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("assigning styles to loaded workbook works", { wb <- wb_load(file = system.file("extdata", "oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2")) # previously it would break on xml_import, because NA was returned expect_silent(wb$add_font()$add_font()) }) test_that("get & set cell style(s)", { # set a style in b1 wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$ add_numfmt(dims = "B1", numfmt = "#,0") # get style from b1 to assign it to a1 numfmt <- wb$get_cell_style(dims = "B1") expect_equal(numfmt, "1") # assign style to a1 pre <- wb$get_cell_style(dims = "A1") expect_equal(pre, "") expect_silent(wb$set_cell_style(dims = "A1", style = numfmt)) post <- wb$get_cell_style(dims = "A1") expect_equal(post, "1") s_a1_b1 <- wb$get_cell_style(dims = "A1:B1") expect_silent(wb$set_cell_style(dims = "A2:B2", style = s_a1_b1)) s_a2_b2 <- wb$get_cell_style(dims = "A2:B2") expect_equal(s_a1_b1, s_a2_b2) }) test_that("get_cell_styles()", { wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet(gridLines = FALSE)$ # add title add_data(dims = "B2", x = "MTCARS Title")$ add_font(dims = "B2", bold = "1", size = "16")$ # style 1 # add data add_data(x = head(mtcars), startCol = 2, startRow = 3)$ add_fill(dims = "B3:L3", color = wb_colour("turquoise"))$ # style 2 unused add_font(dims = "B3:L3", color = wb_colour("white"))$ # style 3 add_border(dims = "B9:L9", bottom_color = wb_colour(hex = "FF000000"), bottom_border = "thin", left_border = "", right_border = "", top_border = "") got <- wb$get_cell_style(dims = "B2") expect_equal(got, "1") exp <- "" got <- get_cell_styles(wb, 1, "B2") expect_equal(got, exp) got <- wb$get_cell_style(dims = "B3") expect_equal(got, "3") exp <- "" got <- get_cell_styles(wb, 1, "B3") expect_equal(got, exp) wb$add_cell_style(dims = "B3:L3", textRotation = "45", horizontal = "center", vertical = "center", wrapText = "1") exp <- "" got <- get_cell_styles(wb, 1, "B3") expect_equal(got, exp) }) test_that("applyCellStyle works", { wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_fill(dims = "B2:G8", color = wb_colour("yellow"))$ add_data(dims = "C3", x = Sys.Date())$ add_data(dims = "E3", x = Sys.Date(), applyCellStyle = FALSE)$ add_data(dims = "E5", x = Sys.Date(), removeCellStyle = TRUE)$ add_data(dims = "A1", x = Sys.Date()) cc <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc exp <- c("3", "2", "1", "3") got <- cc[cc$r %in% c("A1", "C3", "E3", "E5"), "c_s"] expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("style names are xml", { sheet <- mtcars[1:6, 1:6] wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet("test") %>% wb_add_data(x = "Title", startCol = 1, startRow = 1) %>% wb_add_font(dims = "A1", bold = "1", size = "14") %>% wb_add_data(x = sheet, colNames = TRUE, startCol = 1, startRow = 2, removeCellStyle = TRUE) %>% wb_add_cell_style(dims = "B2:F2", horizontal = "right") %>% wb_add_font(dims = "A2:F2", bold = "1", size = "11") %>% wb_add_numfmt(dims = "B3:D8", numfmt = 2) %>% wb_add_font(dims = "B3:D8", italic = "1", size = "11") %>% wb_add_fill(dims = "B3:D8", color = wb_colour("orange")) %>% wb_add_fill(dims = "C5", color = wb_colour("black")) %>% wb_add_font(dims = "C5", color = wb_colour("white")) exp <- list( numFmts = NULL, fonts = c( "", "", "", "", "" ), fills = c( "", "", "", "" ), borders = "", cellStyleXfs = "", cellXfs = c( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ), cellStyles = "", dxfs = NULL, tableStyles = NULL, indexedColors = NULL, extLst = NULL ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("add numfmt is no longer slow", { beg <- "1900-1-1" end <- "2022-11-18" dat <- seq( from = as.POSIXct(beg, tz = "UTC"), to = as.POSIXct(end, tz = "UTC"), by = "day" ) # when writing this creates the 29Feb1900 (#421) out <- data.frame( date = dat, chr = as.character(dat), num = seq_along(dat) - 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() # just a tiny test to check that this does not run forever expect_silent( wb <- wb %>% wb_add_data(x = out) %>% wb_add_numfmt(dims = "C1:C44882", numfmt = "#.0") ) expect_silent( wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$ add_fill(dims = "A1:Z10000", color = wb_color("yellow")) ) mm <- matrix(NA, ncol = 26, nrow = 10000) expect_silent( wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$ add_data(x = mm, colNames = FALSE, na.strings = NULL)$ add_fill(dims = "A1:Z10000", color = wb_color("yellow")) ) expect_silent( wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = "A1", x = 1, colNames = FALSE)$ add_data(dims = "A10000", x = 1, colNames = FALSE)$ add_data(dims = "Z1", x = 5, colNames = FALSE)$ add_data(dims = "Z10000", x = 5, colNames = FALSE)$ add_fill(dims = "A1:Z10000", color = wb_color("yellow")) ) }) test_that("logical and numeric work too", { wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet("S1") %>% wb_add_data("S1", mtcars) wb2 <- wb %>% wb_add_font("S1", "A1:K1", name = "Arial", bold = "1", size = "14") wb3 <- wb %>% wb_add_font("S1", "A2:K2", name = "Arial", bold = TRUE, size = 14) expect_equal( wb2$styles_mgr$styles$fonts, wb3$styles_mgr$styles$fonts ) }) test_that("create_tablestyle() works", { exp <- "" set.seed(123) options("openxlsx2_seed" = NULL) got <- create_tablestyle( name = "red_table", wholeTable = 8, headerRow = 7, totalRow = 6, firstColumn = 5, lastColumn = 4, firstRowStripe = 3, secondRowStripe = 2, firstColumnStripe = 1, secondColumnStripe = 0 ) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("wb_add_cell_style works with logical and numeric", { wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet() wb$add_cell_style(wrapText = TRUE, textRotation = 45) exp <- "" got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs[2] expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("wb_add_named_style() works", { wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_named_style(dims = "A1", name = "Title")$ add_data(dims = "A1", x = "Title") exp <- "" got <- wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellStyles[2] expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_named_style(dims = "A1", name = "Good")$ add_data(dims = "A1", x = "Title")$ add_named_style(dims = "A1", name = "Good") exp <- 2 got <- length(wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellStyles) expect_equal(exp, got) ### run all named styles for coverage wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet() name <- "Normal" dims <- "A1" wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Bad" dims <- "B1" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Good" dims <- "C1" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Neutral" dims <- "D1" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Calculation" dims <- "A2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Check Cell" dims <- "B2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Explanatory Text" dims <- "C2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Input" dims <- "D2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Linked Cell" dims <- "E2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Note" dims <- "F2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Output" dims <- "G2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Warning Text" dims <- "H2" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Heading 1" dims <- "A3" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Heading 2" dims <- "B3" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Heading 3" dims <- "C3" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Heading 4" dims <- "D3" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Title" dims <- "E3" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Total" dims <- "F3" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) for (i in seq_len(6)) { name <- paste0("20% - Accent", i) dims <- paste0(int2col(i), "4") wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- paste0("40% - Accent", i) dims <- paste0(int2col(i), "5") wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- paste0("60% - Accent", i) dims <- paste0(int2col(i), "6") wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- paste0("Accent", i) dims <- paste0(int2col(i), "7") wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) } name <- "Comma" dims <- "A8" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Comma [0]" dims <- "B8" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Currency" dims <- "C8" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Currency [0]" dims <- "D8" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) name <- "Per cent" dims <- "E8" wb <- wb_add_named_style(wb, dims = dims, name = name) wb$add_data(dims = dims, x = name) exp <- c( "Normal", "Bad", "Good", "Neutral", "Calculation", "Check Cell", "Explanatory Text", "Input", "Linked Cell", "Note", "Output", "Warning Text", "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Heading 3", "Heading 4", "Title", "Total", "20% - Accent1", "40% - Accent1", "60% - Accent1", "Accent1", "20% - Accent2", "40% - Accent2", "60% - Accent2", "Accent2", "20% - Accent3", "40% - Accent3", "60% - Accent3", "Accent3", "20% - Accent4", "40% - Accent4", "60% - Accent4", "Accent4", "20% - Accent5", "40% - Accent5", "60% - Accent5", "Accent5", "20% - Accent6", "40% - Accent6", "60% - Accent6", "Accent6", "Comma", "Comma [0]", "Currency", "Currency [0]", "Per cent" ) got <- wb$styles_mgr$cellStyle$name expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("wb_add_dxfs_style() works", { wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_dxfs_style( name = "nay", font_color = wb_color(hex = "FF9C0006"), bgFill = wb_color(hex = "FFFFC7CE") ) %>% wb_add_dxfs_style( name = "yay", font_color = wb_color(hex = "FF006100"), bgFill = wb_color(hex = "FFC6EFCE") ) %>% wb_add_data(x = -5:5) %>% wb_add_data(x = LETTERS[1:11], startCol = 2) %>% wb_add_conditional_formatting( cols = 1, rows = 1:11, rule = "!=0", style = "nay" ) %>% wb_add_conditional_formatting( cols = 1, rows = 1:11, rule = "==0", style = "yay" ) exp <- c( `A1:A11` = "A1<>0", `A1:A11` = "A1=0" ) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$conditionalFormatting expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c("nay", "yay") got <- wb$styles_mgr$dxf$name expect_equal(exp, got) expect_warning( wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_dxfs_style( name = "nay", font_color = wb_color(hex = "FF9C0006"), bgFill = wb_color(hex = "FFFFC7CE") ) %>% wb_add_dxfs_style( name = "nay", font_color = wb_color(hex = "FF006100"), bgFill = wb_color(hex = "FFC6EFCE") ), "dxfs style names should be unique" ) }) test_that("initialized styles remain available", { foo_fill <- create_fill(patternType = "solid", fgColor = wb_color("blue")) foo_font <- create_font(sz = 36, b = TRUE, color = wb_color("yellow")) wb <- wb_workbook() wb$styles_mgr$add(foo_fill, "foo") wb$styles_mgr$add(foo_font, "foo") foo_style <- create_cell_style( fill_id = wb$styles_mgr$get_fill_id("foo"), font_id = wb$styles_mgr$get_font_id("foo") ) wb$styles_mgr$add(foo_style, "foo") wb$add_worksheet("test") wb$add_data(x = "Foo") wb$set_cell_style(dims = "A1", style = wb$styles_mgr$get_xf_id("foo")) exp <- c("xf-0", "foo") got <- wb$styles_mgr$xf$name expect_equal(exp, got) tmp <- temp_xlsx() wb$save(tmp) wb <- wb_load(tmp) exp <- c("xf-0", "xf-1") got <- wb$styles_mgr$xf$name expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("apply styles across columns and rows", { wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_fill(dims = "C3", color = wb_color("yellow")) %>% wb_set_cell_style_across(style = "C3", cols = "C:D", rows = 3:4) exp <- c( "", "" ) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- data.frame( customFormat = c("1", "1"), r = c("3", "4"), s = c("1", "1"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr[c("customFormat", "r", "s")] expect_equal(exp, got) # same as above but use cell style id wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_fill(dims = "C3", color = wb_color("yellow")) wb$set_cell_style_across(style = wb_get_cell_style(wb, sheet = 1, dims = "C3"), cols = "C:D", rows = 3:4) exp <- c( "", "" ) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("create_colors_xml() works", { skip_if(grDevices::palette()[2] == "red") # R 3.6 has a different palette exp <- "" got <- create_colors_xml() expect_equal(exp, got) got <- create_colours_xml() expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook()$set_base_colors(xml = got) got <- wb$get_base_colors(xml = TRUE, plot = FALSE) expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook()$set_base_colours(xml = got) got <- wb$get_base_colours(xml = TRUE, plot = FALSE) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("dims work", { wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet() new_fill <- create_fill(patternType = "solid", fgColor = wb_color(hex = "FF334E6F")) wb$styles_mgr$add(new_fill, "new_fill") xf <- create_cell_style(fill_id = wb$styles_mgr$get_fill_id("new_fill")) wb$styles_mgr$add(xf, "xf") wb$set_cell_style( dims = "A1:A2", style = wb$styles_mgr$get_xf_id("xf") ) wb$set_cell_style( dims = c("B1", "B2"), style = wb$styles_mgr$get_xf_id("xf") ) expect_setequal(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s, "1") })