test_that("wb_to_df", { ########################################################################### # numerics, dates, missings, bool and string xlsxFile <- testfile_path("readTest.xlsx") expect_silent(wb1 <- wb_load(xlsxFile)) # import workbook exp <- structure( list(c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NA, FALSE, FALSE, NA), c(1, NA, 2, 2, 3, 1, NA, 2, 3, 1), rep(NA_real_, 10), c("1", "#NUM!", "1.34", NA, "1.56", "1.7", NA, "23", "67.3", "123"), c("a", "b", "c", "#NUM!", "e", "f", NA, "h", "i", NA), structure( c(16473, 16472, 16471, NA, NA, 16468, 16467, 16466, 16465, 16464), class = "Date" ), c("3209324 This", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA), c("#DIV/0!", NA, "#NUM!", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)), .Names = c("Var1", "Var2", NA, "Var3", "Var4", "Var5", "Var6", "Var7"), row.names = c(2:11), class = "data.frame" ) got <- wb_to_df(wb1) expect_equal(got, exp, ignore_attr = TRUE) # do not convert first row to colNames got <- wb_to_df(wb1, col_names = FALSE) expect_equal(int2col(seq_along(got)), names(got)) # do not try to identify dates in the data got <- wb_to_df(wb1, detectDates = FALSE) expect_equal(convert_to_excel_date(df = exp["Var5"], date1904 = FALSE), got["Var5"]) expect_error(convertToExcelDate(df = exp["Var5"], date1904 = FALSE), "defunct") # return the underlying Excel formula instead of their values got <- wb_to_df(wb1, showFormula = TRUE) expect_equal(got$Var7[1], "1/0") # read dimension without colNames got <- wb_to_df(wb1, dims = "A2:C5", col_names = FALSE) test <- data.frame(A = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), B = c(1, NA, 2, 2), C = rep(NA_real_, 4)) expect_equal(test, got, ignore_attr = TRUE) # read selected cols got <- wb_to_df(wb1, cols = c(1:2, 7)) expect_equal(exp[c(1, 2, 7)], got, ignore_attr = TRUE) # read selected cols got <- wb_to_df(wb1, cols = c("A", "B", "G")) expect_equal(exp[c(1, 2, 7)], got, ignore_attr = TRUE) # read selected rows got <- wb_to_df(wb1, rows = c(1, 4, 6)) got[c(4, 7)] <- lapply(got[c(4, 7)], as.character) expect_equal(exp[c(3, 5), ], got, ignore_attr = TRUE) # convert characters to numerics and date (logical too?) got <- wb_to_df(wb1, convert = FALSE) chrs <- exp chrs[seq_along(chrs)] <- lapply(chrs[seq_along(chrs)], as.character) expect_equal(chrs, got, ignore_attr = TRUE) # # erase empty Rows from dataset # not gonna test this :) just want to mention how blazing fast it is now. # got <- wb_to_df(wb1, sheet = 3, skip_empty_rows = TRUE) # erase rmpty Cols from dataset got <- wb_to_df(wb1, skip_empty_cols = TRUE) expect_equal(exp[c(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)], got, ignore_attr = TRUE) # # convert first row to rownames # wb_to_df(wb1, sheet = 3, dims = "C6:G9", row_names = TRUE) # define type of the data.frame got <- wb_to_df(wb1, cols = c(1, 4), types = c("Var1" = 0, "Var3" = 1)) test <- exp[c("Var1", "Var3")] test["Var1"] <- lapply(test["Var1"], as.character) suppressWarnings(test["Var3"] <- lapply(test["Var3"], function(x) as.numeric(replace(x, x == "#NUM!", "NaN")))) expect_equal(test, got, ignore_attr = TRUE) # start in row 5 got <- wb_to_df(wb1, startRow = 5, colNames = FALSE) test <- exp[4:10, ] names(test) <- int2col(seq_along(test)) test[c("D", "G", "H")] <- lapply(test[c("D", "G", "H")], as.numeric) expect_equal(got, test, ignore_attr = TRUE) # na string got <- wb_to_df(wb1, na.strings = "") expect_equal(got$Var7[2], "#N/A", ignore_attr = TRUE) ########################################################################### # inlinestr xlsxFile <- testfile_path("inline_str.xlsx") expect_silent(wb2 <- wb_load(xlsxFile)) exp <- data.frame( PairIndex = c(rep(1, 8), 2, 2), Drug1 = "abc", Drug2 = "def", Conc1 = 10000, Conc2 = c(10000, 3000, 1000, 300, 100, 30, 10, 0, 0, 10), Response = c( -1.79607109448082, 1.01028999064546, 0.449017773620206, 0, 0.898035547240412, 0.112254443405051, 3.14312441534144, 1.45930776426567, 1.68381665107577, -0.78578110383536), concUnit = "nM", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) rownames(exp) <- seq(2, nrow(exp) + 1) # read dataset with inlinestr got <- wb_to_df(wb2) expect_equal(got, exp, ignore_attr = TRUE) ########################################################################### # named_region // namedRegion xlsxFile <- system.file("extdata", "namedRegions3.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2") expect_silent(wb3 <- wb_load(xlsxFile)) # read dataset with named_region (returns global first) got <- wb_to_df(wb3, named_region = "MyRange", col_names = FALSE) exp <- data.frame(A = "S2A1", B = "S2B1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_equal(got, exp, ignore_attr = TRUE) # read named_region from sheet got <- wb_to_df(wb3, named_region = "MyRange", sheet = 4, col_names = FALSE) exp <- data.frame(A = "S3A1", B = "S3B1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) expect_equal(got, exp, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("select_active_sheet", { wb <- wb_load(file = testfile_path("loadExample.xlsx")) exp <- structure( list(tabSelected = c("", "1", "", ""), workbookViewId = c("0", "0", "0", "0"), names = c("IrisSample", "testing", "mtcars", "mtCars Pivot")), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame") # testing is the selected sheet expect_identical(wb_get_selected(wb), exp) # change the selected sheet to IrisSample exp <- structure( list(tabSelected = c("1", "0", "0", "0"), workbookViewId = c("0", "0", "0", "0"), names = c("IrisSample", "testing", "mtcars", "mtCars Pivot")), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame") wb <- wb_set_selected(wb, "IrisSample") expect_identical(wb_get_selected(wb), exp) # get the active sheet expect_identical(wb_get_active_sheet(wb), 2) # change the selected sheet to IrisSample wb <- wb_set_active_sheet(wb, sheet = "IrisSample") expect_identical(wb_get_active_sheet(wb), 1) }) test_that("dims_to_dataframe", { exp <- structure( list(A = c("A1", "A2"), C = c("C1", "C2")), row.names = 1:2, class = "data.frame" ) got <- dims_to_dataframe("A1:A2;C1:C2", fill = TRUE) expect_equal(exp, got[c("A", "C")]) got <- dims_to_dataframe("A1;A2,C1;C2", fill = TRUE) expect_equal(exp, got[c("A", "C")]) got <- dims_to_dataframe("A1:A2;C1:C2", fill = TRUE, empty_rm = TRUE) expect_equal(exp, got) got <- dims_to_dataframe("A1;A2,C1;C2", fill = TRUE, empty_rm = TRUE) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- list(col = c("A", "B"), row = "1") got <- dims_to_rowcol("A1;B1") expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("dataframe_to_dims", { # dims_to_dataframe will always create a square df <- dims_to_dataframe("A1:D5;F1:F6;D8", fill = TRUE) dims <- dataframe_to_dims(df, dim_break = TRUE) df2 <- dims_to_dataframe(dims, fill = TRUE) expect_equal(df, df2) }) test_that("handle 29Feb1900", { dates <- c("1900-02-28", "1900-03-01") as_date <- as.Date(dates) as_posix <- as.POSIXct(dates) exp <- c(59, 61) got <- conv_to_excel_date(as_date) expect_equal(exp, got) got <- conv_to_excel_date(as_posix) expect_equal(exp, got) expect_warning( conv_to_excel_date("x"), "could not convert x to Excel date. x is of class: character" ) wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$add_data(x = as_date)$ add_worksheet()$add_data(x = as_posix) got <- wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 1, col_names = FALSE)$A expect_equal(as_date, got) got <- wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 2, col_names = FALSE)$A expect_equal(as_posix, got) }) test_that("fillMergedCells works with dims", { # create data frame with empty second row wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_data(x = t(letters[1:4]), col_names = FALSE)$ add_data(1, t(matrix(c(1:3, NA_real_), 4, 4)), start_row = 3, start_col = 1, col_names = FALSE) # merge rows 1 and 2 in each column wb$merge_cells(1, rows = 1:2, cols = 1) wb$merge_cells(1, rows = 1:2, cols = 2) wb$merge_cells(1, rows = 1:2, cols = 3) wb$merge_cells(1, rows = 1:2, cols = 4) # read from second column and fill merged cells got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = "A2:D4", fill_merged_cells = TRUE) exp <- c("a", "b", "c", "d") expect_equal(names(got), exp) }) test_that("improve date detection", { df <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet("Rawdata") %>% wb_add_data(x = Sys.Date(), col_names = FALSE) %>% wb_add_numfmt(numfmt = "[$-1070000]d/mm/yyyy;@") %>% wb_to_df(col_names = FALSE) exp <- Sys.Date() got <- df$A expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("skip hidden columns and rows works", { wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_data(x = mtcars)$ set_col_widths(cols = c(1, 4, 6, 7, 9), hidden = TRUE)$ set_row_heights(rows = c(3, 5, 8:30), hidden = TRUE)$ add_data(dims = "M1", x = iris) dat <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = "A1:K33", skip_hidden_rows = TRUE, skip_hidden_cols = TRUE) exp <- c("2", "4", "6", "7", "31", "32", "33") got <- rownames(dat) expect_equal(rownames(dat), exp) exp <- c("cyl", "disp", "drat", "vs", "gear", "carb") expect_equal(names(dat), exp) }) test_that("test that skip_hidden_cols works with data_only", { tmp <- temp_xlsx() mm <- matrix(1, 3, 3) mm[2, ] <- 2 mm[, 2] <- 2 wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_data(x = mm)$ set_row_heights(rows = 3, hidden = TRUE)$ set_col_widths(cols = "B", hidden = TRUE)$ save(tmp) wb <- wb_load(tmp, data_only = TRUE) df1 <- wb_to_df(wb, skip_hidden_rows = TRUE) df2 <- wb_to_df(wb, skip_hidden_cols = TRUE) df3 <- wb_to_df(wb, skip_hidden_rows = TRUE, skip_hidden_cols = TRUE) df <- data.frame(mm) names(df) <- paste0("V", seq_along(df)) row.names(df) <- as.integer(2:4) sel <- c(1, 3) edf1 <- df[sel, ] edf2 <- df[, sel] edf3 <- df[sel, sel] expect_equal(edf1, df1) expect_equal(edf2, df2) expect_equal(edf3, df3) }) test_that("cols return order is correct", { wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(dims = "B2", x = head(iris)) exp <- structure( list( c(NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_, NA_real_), c(5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6, 5, 5.4), c(3.5, 3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6, 3.9) ), names = c(NA, "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"), row.names = 3:8, class = "data.frame" ) got <- wb_to_df(wb, cols = c(1:3)) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("missings cells are returned", { wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = "a", dims = "Z100") expect_silent(got <- wb_to_df(wb, col_names = FALSE, rows = 1, cols = 1)) expect_silent(got <- wb_to_df(wb, col_names = FALSE, rows = c(1, 4, 10), cols = c(2, 5, 10))) expect_silent(got <- wb_to_df(wb, col_names = FALSE, rows = c(101), cols = c(27))) }) test_that("dims with separator work", { wb <- wb_workbook()$ # this picks the top left corner of dims to write the data frame add_worksheet()$add_data(dims = "I2:J2;A1:B2;G5:H6", x = matrix(1:8, 4, 2))$ add_worksheet()$add_data(dims = "I2:J2;A1:B2;G5:H6", x = matrix(1:8, 4, 2), enforce = TRUE) exp <- c("A1", "B1", "A2", "B2", "A3", "B3", "A4", "B4", "A5", "B5") got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c("I2", "J2", "A1", "B1", "A2", "B2", "G5", "H5", "G6", "H6") got <- wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc$r expect_equal(exp, got) # write a workbook with a few colored cells wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = wb_dims(x = mtcars), x = mtcars, enforce = TRUE)$ add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = "A1:K20,A22:K34", x = mtcars, enforce = TRUE)$ add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = "I2:J2;A1:B2;G5:H6", x = matrix(1:8, 4, 2), enforce = TRUE) # sheet 1 df <- wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 1) expect_equal(df, mtcars, ignore_attr = TRUE) # sheet 2 df <- wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 2) expect_true(all(is.na(df[20, ]))) expect_equal(df[-20, ], mtcars, ignore_attr = TRUE) # sheet 3 df <- wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 3, col_names = FALSE) ll <- list( df["2", c("I", "J")], df[c("1", "2"), c("A", "B")], df[c("5", "6"), c("G", "H")] ) for (i in seq_len(length(ll))) names(ll[[i]]) <- c("V1", "V2") exp <- data.frame( V1 = c("V1", 1, 2, 3, 4), V2 = c("V2", 5, 6, 7, 8), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) got <- do.call("rbind", ll) expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE) wb$add_worksheet()$add_formula(dims = "D1;F2", x = c("SUM(A1:C1)", "SUM(A1)"), enforce = TRUE) exp <- c("D1", "F2") got <- wb$worksheets[[4]]$sheet_data$cc$r expect_equal(exp, got) # write to different dims dat <- as.data.frame(matrix(1:15, ncol = 3)) wb <- wb_workbook() # write columns separately wb$add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = "A1:A6", x = dat[, 1, drop = FALSE], enforce = TRUE, col_names = TRUE)$ add_data(dims = "C2:C4,C6:C7", x = dat[, 2, drop = FALSE], enforce = TRUE, col_names = FALSE) # write columns as unique cells wb$add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = "A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6,C1,D2,E3,F4,G5,H6,I1:I6", x = dat, enforce = TRUE, col_names = TRUE) # write columns as two column ranges wb$add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = "A1:A6,C1:C6,E1:E6", x = dat, enforce = TRUE, col_names = TRUE) # write columns as two row ranges wb$add_worksheet()$ add_data(dims = "A1:C3,B5:D7", x = dat, enforce = TRUE, col_names = TRUE) exp <- c("A1", "A2", "C2", "A3", "C3", "A4", "C4", "A5", "C5", "A6", "C6", "C7") got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c("A1", "C1", "I1", "B2", "D2", "I2", "C3", "E3", "I3", "D4", "F4", "I4", "E5", "G5", "I5", "F6", "H6", "I6") got <- wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc$r expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c("A1", "C1", "E1", "A2", "C2", "E2", "A3", "C3", "E3", "A4", "C4", "E4", "A5", "C5", "E5", "A6", "C6", "E6") got <- wb$worksheets[[3]]$sheet_data$cc$r expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c("A1", "B1", "C1", "A2", "B2", "C2", "A3", "B3", "C3", "B5", "C5", "D5", "B6", "C6", "D6", "B7", "C7", "D7") got <- wb$worksheets[[4]]$sheet_data$cc$r expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("improve non consecutive dims", { # dims <- "B7:B9,C6:C10,D5:D11,E5:E12,F6:F13,G7:G14,H6:H13,I5:I12,J5:J11,K6:K10,L7:L9" dims <- "B7:B9,C6:C10,D5:D11,E5:E12,G7:G14,H6:H13,I5:I12,J5:J11,K6:K10,L7:L9" wb1 <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet(grid_lines = FALSE)$ set_col_widths(cols = "A:M", widths = 2)$ add_fill(dims = dims, color = wb_color("red")) wb2 <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet(grid_lines = FALSE)$ set_col_widths(cols = "A:M", widths = 2)$ add_data(x = "", dims = "B5:L14")$ add_fill(dims = dims, color = wb_color("red")) expect_true(wb1$worksheets[[1]]$dimension == wb2$worksheets[[1]]$dimension) # TODO might want to exclude the empty cells here exp <- dims_to_dataframe(dims, fill = TRUE) exp <- unname(unlist(exp[exp != ""])) got <- wb1$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r[wb1$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s != ""] expect_contains(got, exp) got <- wb2$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r[wb2$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s != ""] expect_contains(got, exp) ### Test rowwise # dims <- "D5:E5,I5:J5,C6:F6,H6:K6,B7:L9,C10:K10,D11:J11,E12:I12,F13:H13,G14" dims <- "D5:E5,I5:J5,B7:L9,C10:K10,E12:I12,F13:H13,G14" wb3 <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet(grid_lines = FALSE)$ set_col_widths(cols = "A:M", widths = 2)$ add_fill(dims = dims, color = wb_color("red")) wb4 <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet(grid_lines = FALSE)$ set_col_widths(cols = "A:M", widths = 2)$ add_data(x = "", dims = "B5:L14")$ add_fill(dims = dims, color = wb_color("red")) expect_true(wb3$worksheets[[1]]$dimension == wb4$worksheets[[1]]$dimension) exp <- dims_to_dataframe(dims, fill = TRUE) exp <- unname(unlist(exp[exp != ""])) got <- wb3$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r[wb3$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s != ""] expect_contains(got, exp) got <- wb4$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$r[wb4$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$c_s != ""] expect_contains(got, exp) }) test_that("reading equal sized ranges works", { df <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(1:4, 4), 4, 4, byrow = TRUE)) wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = df) exp <- df[, -2] got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = "A1:A5,C1:D5") expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE) got <- wb_to_df(wb, dims = "A1,C1:D1,A2:A5,C2:D5") expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) test_that("creating a formula matrix works", { df <- matrix( 1:100, ncol = 10, nrow = 10 ) wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = df) wb$add_formula( x = "=$A2/B$2", dims = wb_dims(x = df, from_row = 13, col_names = FALSE), shared = TRUE ) exp <- c(210, 9) got <- dim(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("writing formula dataframes works", { df <- matrix( 1:100, ncol = 10, nrow = 10 ) fml_df <- dims_to_dataframe(wb_dims(x = df, col_names = FALSE, from_row = 2), fill = TRUE) wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = df) wb$add_formula( x = fml_df, dims = wb_dims(x = df, from_row = 13, col_names = FALSE) ) exp <- c(210, 9) got <- dim(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc) expect_equal(exp, got) })