test_that("paste_c() works", { res <- paste_c("a", "", "b", NULL, "c", " ") exp <- "a b c " expect_identical(res, exp) expect_identical(paste_c(character(), "", NULL), "") }) test_that("rbindlist", { expect_equal(data.frame(), rbindlist(character())) }) test_that("dims to col & row and back", { exp <- list(col = c("A", "B"), row = c("1", "2")) got <- dims_to_rowcol("A1:B2") expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- list(col = 1:2, row = 1:2) got <- dims_to_rowcol("A1:B2", as_integer = TRUE) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- list(col = 1:2, row = c(1L)) got <- dims_to_rowcol("A:B", as_integer = TRUE) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- list(col = "A", row = c("1")) got <- dims_to_rowcol("A:A", as_integer = FALSE) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "A1:A1" got <- rowcol_to_dims(1, "A") expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "A1:A10" got <- rowcol_to_dims(1:10, 1) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "E2:J8" got <- rowcol_to_dims(2:8, 5:10) expect_equal(exp, got) # We might have to relax this in the future, if we are ever going to allow # something like "$1:$2" to select every column for a range of cells. expect_error(dims_to_rowcol("A1;B64:65"), "A dims string passed to ") exp <- "A1:A3,B1:B3" got <- rowcol_to_dims(row = c(1, 3), col = c(1, 2), single = FALSE) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("`wb_dims()` works/errors as expected with unnamed arguments", { # Acceptable inputs expect_error(wb_dims()) expect_error(wb_dims(NULL)) expect_equal(wb_dims(1L, 1L), "A1") expect_equal(wb_dims(1:10, 1:26), "A1:Z10") expect_equal(wb_dims(1:10, LETTERS), "A1:Z10") expect_equal( wb_dims(1:10, 1:12, from_row = 2), wb_dims(rows = 1:10, cols = 1:12, from_row = 2) ) expect_warning(wb_dims("1", 2), "should not be a character") expect_error(wb_dims(from_row = "C"), "from_col/from_row must be positive integers if supplied.") # Ambiguous / input not accepted. # This now fails, as it used not to work. (Use `wb_dims()`, `NULL`, or ) expect_error(wb_dims(1), "Supplying a single unnamed argument.") # This used to return A1 as well. expect_error(wb_dims(2), "Supplying a single unnamed argument is not handled") expect_error(wb_dims(mtcars), "Supplying a single unnamed argument") expect_error(wb_dims(rows = c(1), cols = c(-1)), "You must supply positive values to `cols`") expect_error(wb_dims(rows = c(-1), cols = c(1)), "You must supply positive values to `rows`") expect_error(wb_dims(1, 2, 3)) }) test_that("`wb_dims()` errors when providing unsupported arguments", { expect_error( wb_dims(cols = 1:10, col = 5:7), "invalid argument" ) expect_error( wb_dims(rows = 1:10, ffrom_col = 5:7), "invalid argument" ) expect_error(wb_dims(rows = 1:10, start_row = 5), "`from_row`") expect_error(wb_dims(start_col = 2), "`from_col`") # providing a vector to `from_row` or `from_col` expect_error(wb_dims(from_row = 5:7)) expect_error(wb_dims(fom_col = 5:7)) }) test_that("wb_dims() works when not supplying `x`.", { expect_equal(wb_dims(rows = 1:10, cols = 5:7), "E1:G10") expect_equal(wb_dims(rows = 5:7, cols = 1:10), "A5:J7") expect_equal(wb_dims(rows = 5, cols = 7), "G5") expect_equal(wb_dims(1:2, 1:4, from_row = 2, from_col = "B"), "B2:E3") # Assuming other unnamed argument is rows or cols. expect_message(out <- wb_dims(1, rows = 2), "Assuming the .+ `cols`") expect_equal(out, "A2") expect_message(out <- wb_dims(cols = 1, 2), "Assuming the .+ `rows`") expect_equal(out, "A2") # warns when trying to pass weird things expect_error(wb_dims(rows = "BC", cols = 1), "`rows` is character and contains nothing that can be interpreted as number.") # "`wb_dims()` works expect_equal(wb_dims(from_col = 4), "D1") expect_equal(wb_dims(from_row = 4), "A4") expect_equal(wb_dims(from_row = 4, from_col = 3), "C4") expect_equal(wb_dims(from_row = 4, from_col = "C"), "C4") expect_equal(wb_dims(4, 3), wb_dims(from_row = 4, from_col = "C")) expect_error(wb_dims(0, 3)) expect_error(wb_dims(3, 0)) expect_error(wb_dims(1, 1, col_names = TRUE)) expect_error(wb_dims(1, 1, row_names = FALSE), "`row_names`") }) test_that("wb_dims() works with above and one line", { expect_equal(wb_dims(x = names(mtcars), from_row = 2), "A2:A12") # doesn't work # expect_equal(wb_dims(x = names(mtcars), from_row = 3, above = 1), "A2:A12") expect_warning( expect_equal( wb_dims(x = names(mtcars), from_row = 2, above = 1), "A1:A11" ), "rows cannot be above of row 1 " ) expect_warning( expect_equal( wb_dims(x = names(mtcars), from_dims = "A2", above = 1), "A1:A11"), "rows cannot be above of row 1 " ) # Doesn't work returns A1:A11 # expect_equal(wb_dims(x = names(mtcars), from_dims = "A3", above = 1), "A2:A12") # Doesn't work returns A1:A11 # expect_equal(wb_dims(x = names(mtcars), from_dims = "A4", above = 1), "A3:A13") # currently the only ways to create horizontal single row dims with wb_dims() nms <- mtcars[NULL, ] expect_equal(wb_dims(x = nms, from_row = 3), "A3:K3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = nms, from_row = 3, above = 1), "A2:K2") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = nms, from_dims = "A3"), "A3:K3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = nms, from_dims = "A3", above = 1), "A2:K2") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = nms, from_dims = "A4", above = 1), "A3:K3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = t(names(mtcars)), col_names = FALSE, from_row = 3), "A3:K3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = t(names(mtcars)), col_names = FALSE, from_row = 3, above = 1), "A2:K2") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = t(names(mtcars)), col_names = FALSE, from_dims = "A3"), "A3:K3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = t(names(mtcars)), col_names = FALSE, from_dims = "A3", above = 1), "A2:K2") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = t(names(mtcars)), col_names = FALSE, from_dims = "A4", above = 1), "A3:K3") }) test_that("`wb_dims()` can select content in a nice fashion with `x`", { # Selecting content # Assuming that the data was written to a workbook with: # col_names = TRUE, start_col = "B", start_row = 2, row_names = FALSE wb_dims_cars <- function(...) { wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_row = 2, from_col = "B", ...) } full_data_dims <- wb_dims_cars() expect_equal(full_data_dims, "B2:L34") # selecting only content (data) data_content_dims <- "B3:L34" expect_equal(wb_dims_cars(select = "data"), data_content_dims) # Selecting column names col_names_dims <- "B2:L2" expect_equal(wb_dims_cars(select = "col_names"), col_names_dims) expect_equal( wb_dims_cars(select = "col_names"), wb_dims(rows = 1, cols = seq_len(ncol(mtcars)), from_row = 2, from_col = "B") ) # Selecting a column "cyl" dims_cyl <- "C3:C34" expect_equal(wb_dims_cars(cols = "cyl"), dims_cyl) expect_equal(wb_dims_cars(cols = 2), dims_cyl) # Supplying a column range dims_col1_2 <- "B3:C34" expect_equal(wb_dims_cars(cols = 1:2), dims_col1_2) # Supplying a column range, but select column names too dims_col1_2_with_name <- "B2:C34" expect_equal(wb_dims_cars(cols = 1:2, select = "x"), dims_col1_2_with_name) # Selecting a row range dims_row1_to_5 <- "B3:L7" expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_row = 2, from_col = "B", rows = 1:5), dims_row1_to_5) # Select a row range with the names of `x` dims_row1_to_5_and_names <- "B2:L7" expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_row = 2, from_col = "B", rows = 1:5, select = "x"), dims_row1_to_5_and_names) }) test_that("wb_dims can select multiple columns and rows", { exp <- "B2:B33" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c("cyl")) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B2:B33,J2:J33" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c("cyl", "gear")) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B1,J1" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c("cyl", "gear"), select = "col_names") expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "A1:K33" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B2:B33" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c(2)) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B2:B33,D2:D33" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c(2, 4)) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "A5:K5" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = c(4)) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "A3:K3,A5:K5,A6:K6" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = c(2, 4:5)) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B3,D3,B5,D5,B6,D6" got <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c(2, 4), rows = c(2, 4:5)) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("`wb_dims()` works for a matrix without column names", { mt <- matrix(c(1, 2)) expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mt), "A1:A3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mt, select = "data"), "A2:A3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mt, col_names = FALSE), "A1:A2") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mt, row_names = TRUE, col_names = TRUE), "A1:B3") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mt, select = "col_names"), "A1") }) test_that("`wb_dims()` works when Supplying an object `x`.", { expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, col_names = TRUE), "A1:K33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars), "A1:K33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "data"), "A2:K33") out <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, col_names = FALSE) expect_equal(out, "A1:K32") # doesn't work expect_equal(wb_dims(x = letters), "A1:A26") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = t(letters), col_names = TRUE), "A1:Z2") expect_error(wb_dims(x = letters, col_names = TRUE), "Can't supply `col_names` when `x` is a vector") # don't want this error anymore. expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = 5, from_col = "C"), "C6:M6") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_row = 2, from_col = "B"), "B2:L34") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_row = 2, from_col = "B", col_names = FALSE), "B2:L33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = 5:10, from_col = "C"), "C6:M11") # Write without column names on top expect_error(wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = 0, from_col = "C"), "You must supply positive values to `cols`") # select rows and columns work expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = 2:10, cols = "cyl"), "B3:B11") expect_equal(wb_dims(rows = 1 + seq_len(nrow(mtcars)), cols = 4), "D2:D33") out_hp <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = "hp") # , "col name = 'hp' to `cols = 4`") expect_equal(out_hp, "D2:D33") expect_equal(out_hp, wb_dims(rows = 1 + seq_len(nrow(mtcars)), cols = 4)) # select column name also out_hp_with_cnam <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = "hp", select = "x") # , message = "col name = 'hp' to `cols = 4`") expect_equal(out_hp_with_cnam, "D1:D33") expect_equal(out_hp_with_cnam, wb_dims(rows = 1:(nrow(mtcars) + 1), cols = 4)) expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = 4, select = "x"), "D1:D33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_col = 2, select = "data"), "B2:L33") # use 1 column name works expect_error(wb_dims(cols = "hp"), "Supplying a single argument") # using non-existing character column doesn't work expect_error(wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = "A"), "`cols` must be an integer or an existing column name of `x`.") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c("hp", "vs")), "D2:D33,H2:H33") expect_error(expect_warning(wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = "hp")), "`rows` is character and contains nothing that can be interpreted as number.") # Access only row / col name expect_no_message(wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "col_names")) # to write without column names, specify `from_row = 0` (or -1 of what you wanted) }) test_that("`wb_dims()` handles row_names = TRUE consistenly.", { # Select the data grid when row names are present expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE), "A1:L33") # select row names (with the top left corner cell) expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, col_names = TRUE, select = "row_names"), "A2:A33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, col_names = FALSE, select = "row_names"), "A1:A32") # select x + column names (without rows) expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, col_names = TRUE, select = "data"), "B2:L33") # an object without column names and row names works. expect_equal(wb_dims(x = unname(mtcars), row_names = TRUE, col_names = FALSE), "B1:L32") # Selecting rows is also correct # column positions are still respected with row names expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, cols = "cyl"), "C2:C33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, cols = 2:4), "C2:E33") # select row names only expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, select = "row_names", from_col = "B"), "B2:B33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, select = "row_names", from_row = 2), "A3:A34") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, from_col = "B", from_row = 2, select = "data"), "C3:M34") # selecting both rows and columns doesn't work expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, rows = 2:10, cols = "cyl"), "C3:C11") # Select the data + row names expect_warning(out <- wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, select = "x", from_row = "2"), "supply an integer") expect_equal(out, "A2:L34") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, col_names = FALSE, from_row = 2, select = "x"), "A2:L33") # col_span would need to be col_span+1 in this case. expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, col_names = FALSE, from_row = 2, select = "data"), "B2:L33") # col_span would need to be col_span+1 in this case. # Selecting the full grid with row names + col names is a bit more complex expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = TRUE, col_names = TRUE), "A1:L33") expect_equal(wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = 2:10, cols = "cyl", row_names = TRUE), "C3:C11") # Style row names of an object }) test_that("wb_dims() errors clearly with bad `select`.", { expect_error(wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = c("bad", "col_names")), "accepts a single") expect_error(wb_dims(2, 10, select = "col_names"), "Can't supply `select` when `x` is absent") expect_error(wb_dims(x = mtcars, col_names = FALSE, select = "col_names"), "col_names = TRUE") expect_error(wb_dims(x = mtcars, col_names = FALSE, select = "row_names"), "row_names = TRUE") expect_error(wb_dims(x = mtcars, row_names = FALSE, select = "row_names"), "row_names = TRUE") # row_names = FALSE is the default expect_error(wb_dims(x = mtcars, select = "row_names"), "row_names = TRUE") }) test_that("wb_dims() handles empty data frames", { expect_equal(wb_dims(x = data.frame(), from_col = "B"), "B1") }) test_that("wb_dims() handles `from_dims`", { expect_equal( wb_dims(from_dims = "A3"), "A3" ) expect_error( wb_dims(from_dims = "A1", from_col = 2) ) expect_error( wb_dims(from_dims = "A1", from_row = 2) ) expect_error( wb_dims(from_dims = "A1", from_row = 2, from_col = 2) ) expect_equal( wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_dims = "B7"), wb_dims(x = mtcars, from_col = "B", from_row = 7) ) expect_error(wb_dims(from_dims = "65")) }) test_that("wb_dims() corner cases work", { exp <- "B2,B30" got <- wb_dims(rows = c(2, 30), cols = 2) # expect B2,B30 expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B1,B30" got <- wb_dims(rows = c(1, 30), cols = 2) # expect B1,B30 expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B11,B40" got <- wb_dims(rows = c(1, 30), cols = 2, from_row = 11) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B2,D2,B30,D30" got <- wb_dims(rows = c(2, 30), cols = c(2, 4)) # expect B2,D2,B30,D30 expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B1,D1,B30,D30" got <- wb_dims(rows = c(1, 30), cols = c(2, 4)) # expect B1,D1,B30,D30 expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B2,D2,B1,D1" got <- wb_dims(rows = c(2, 1), cols = c(2, 4)) # expect B2,D2,B1,D1 expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "B5,D5,B1,D1" got <- wb_dims(rows = c(5, 1), cols = c(2, 4)) # expect B5,D5,B1,D1 expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("row and col selection works", { # equal with sample cols expect_equal( wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c(1, 4:7, 9)), wb_dims(rows = seq_len(nrow(mtcars)) + 1L, cols = c(1, 4:7, 9)) ) # unequeal with sample rows expect_equal( wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = which(mtcars$cyl == 6)), wb_dims(rows = which(mtcars$cyl == 6) + 1L, cols = seq_along(mtcars)) ) expect_equal( wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = which(mtcars$cyl == 6), from_row = 4), wb_dims(rows = which(mtcars$cyl == 6) + 1L, cols = seq_along(mtcars), from_row = 4) ) expect_equal( wb_dims(x = mtcars, rows = which(mtcars$cyl == 6), from_col = 6), wb_dims(rows = which(mtcars$cyl == 6) + 1L, cols = seq_along(mtcars), from_col = 6) ) expect_equal( wb_dims(x = mtcars, cols = c(1, 4:7, 9), row_names = TRUE), wb_dims(rows = seq_len(nrow(mtcars)) + 1L, cols = c(1, 4:7, 9), from_col = 2) ) }) test_that("create_char_dataframe", { exp <- data.frame(x1 = rep("", 5), z1 = rep("", 5), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) got <- create_char_dataframe(colnames = c("x1", "z1"), n = 5) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("test random_string", { set.seed(123) options("openxlsx2_seed" = NULL) x <- .Random.seed tmp <- random_string() y <- .Random.seed expect_identical(x, y) expect_equal(tmp, "HmPsw2WtYSxSgZ6t") x <- .Random.seed tmp <- random_string(length = 6) y <- .Random.seed expect_identical(x, y) expect_equal(tmp, "GNZuCt") x <- .Random.seed tmp <- random_string(length = 6, keep_seed = FALSE) y <- .Random.seed expect_false(identical(x, y)) }) test_that("temp_dir works", { out <- temp_dir("temp_dir_works") expect_true(dir.exists(out)) }) test_that("relship", { wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("loadExample.xlsx")) exp <- "" got <- relship_no(obj = wb$worksheets_rels[[3]], x = "table") expect_equal(got, exp) got <- get_relship_id(obj = wb$worksheets_rels[[1]], x = "drawing") expect_equal(got, "rId2") }) test_that("as_xml_attr works", { mm <- matrix("", 2, 2) # as_xml_attr is internal mm[1, 1] <- as_xml_attr(TRUE) mm[2, 1] <- as_xml_attr(FALSE) mm[1, 2] <- as_xml_attr(1) mm[2, 2] <- as_xml_attr(NULL) exp <- matrix(c("1", "0", "1", ""), 2, 2) expect_equal(exp, mm) }) test_that("string formating", { foo <- fmt_txt("foo: ", bold = TRUE, size = 16, color = wb_color("green")) bar <- fmt_txt("bar", underline = TRUE) txt <- paste0(foo, bar) exp <- "foo: " got <- txt_to_is(foo) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "foo: " got <- txt_to_si(foo) expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = data.frame(txt)) exp <- "foo: bar" got <- wb_to_df(wb)$txt expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- structure( "test", class = c("character", "fmt_txt") ) got <- fmt_txt( "test", italic = TRUE, strike = TRUE, font = "Arial", charset = "", outline = TRUE, vert_align = 5 ) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("outdec = \",\" works", { op <- options(OutDec = ",") on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE) exp <- "[1] 1,1" got <- capture.output(print(1.1)) expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$set_col_widths( cols = c(1, 4, 6, 7, 9), widths = c(16, 15, 12, 18, 33) ) exp <- c("16.711", "8.43", "15.711", "8.43", "12.711", "18.711", "8.43", "33.711") got <- rbindlist(xml_attr(wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr, "col"))$width expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "[1] 1,1" got <- capture.output(print(1.1)) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("fmt_txt works", { exp <- structure( "Foo ", class = c("character", "fmt_txt") ) got <- fmt_txt("Foo ", bold = TRUE) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- structure( "Hello World ", class = c("character", "fmt_txt") ) got <- fmt_txt("Hello ", bold = TRUE) + fmt_txt("World ") expect_equal(exp, got) expect_message(got <- capture.output(print(got)), "fmt_txt string:") expect_equal(got, "[1] \"Hello World \"") ## watch out! txt <- fmt_txt("Sum ", bold = TRUE) + 2 + 2 exp <- "Sum 22" got <- as.character(txt) expect_equal(exp, got) txt <- fmt_txt("Sum ", bold = TRUE) + (2 + 2) exp <- "Sum 4" got <- as.character(txt) expect_equal(exp, got) txt <- fmt_txt("0 < 1", bold = TRUE) exp <- "0 < 1" got <- as.character(txt) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "0 < 1" got <- unclass(txt) expect_equal(exp, got) expect_equal( fmt_txt("foo", color = wb_color("green")), fmt_txt("foo", colour = wb_colour("green")) ) }) test_that("wb_dims(from_dims) positioning works", { mm <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2) # positioning dims1 <- wb_dims(from_dims = "B2") dims2 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims1, below = 2) dims3 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims2, right = 2) dims4 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims3, above = 2) dims5 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims4, left = 2) exp <- c("B2", "B4", "D4", "D2", "B2") got <- c(dims1, dims2, dims3, dims4, dims5) expect_equal(exp, got) # positioning with x dims1 <- wb_dims(from_dims = "B2", x = mm) dims2 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims1, x = mm, below = 2) dims3 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims2, x = mm, right = 2) dims4 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims3, x = mm, above = 2) dims5 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims4, x = mm, left = 2) exp <- c("B2:C4", "B6:C8", "E6:F8", "E2:F4", "B2:C4") got <- c(dims1, dims2, dims3, dims4, dims5) expect_equal(exp, got) # col_names = FALSE dims1 <- wb_dims(from_dims = "B2", x = mm, col_names = FALSE) dims2 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims1, x = mm, below = 2, col_names = FALSE) dims3 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims2, x = mm, right = 2, col_names = FALSE) dims4 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims3, x = mm, above = 2, col_names = FALSE) dims5 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims4, x = mm, left = 2, col_names = FALSE) exp <- c("B2:C3", "B5:C6", "E5:F6", "E2:F3", "B2:C3") got <- c(dims1, dims2, dims3, dims4, dims5) expect_equal(exp, got) # row_names = TRUE dims1 <- wb_dims(from_dims = "B2", x = mm, row_names = TRUE) dims2 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims1, x = mm, below = 2, row_names = TRUE) dims3 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims2, x = mm, right = 2, row_names = TRUE) dims4 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims3, x = mm, above = 2, row_names = TRUE) dims5 <- wb_dims(from_dims = dims4, x = mm, left = 2, row_names = TRUE) exp <- c("B2:D4", "B6:D8", "F6:H8", "F2:H4", "B2:D4") got <- c(dims1, dims2, dims3, dims4, dims5) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("dims are quick", { ddims <- dims_to_dataframe( "A1:D5000", fill = TRUE ) edims <- dims_to_dataframe( "A1:A5000,B1:B5000,C1:C5000,D1:D5000", fill = TRUE ) expect_equal(ddims, edims) }) test_that("wb_dims does not try to validate column names", { df <- data.frame( a1 = 1, aa2 = 2, aaa3 = 3, aaaa4 = 4, aaaaa5 = 5, aaaaaa6 = 6, aaaaaaa7 = 7, aaaaaaaa8 = 8, aaaaaaaaa9 = 9 ) exp <- paste0(LETTERS[1:9], "2") got <- vector("character", length = ncol(df)) for (i in seq_along(df)) { got[i] <- wb_dims(x = df, cols = colnames(df)[i], rows = 1) } expect_equal(exp, got) })