test_that("read_xml", { xml <- 'A & B' # TODO add test for isfile # and do some actual tests expect_silent(z <- readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = FALSE, declaration = FALSE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = TRUE)) expect_silent(z <- readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = FALSE, declaration = TRUE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = TRUE)) expect_silent(z <- readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = TRUE, declaration = FALSE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = TRUE)) expect_silent(z <- readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = TRUE, declaration = TRUE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = TRUE)) exp <- "A & B" expect_equal(exp, readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = FALSE, declaration = FALSE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = FALSE)) exp <- "A & B" expect_equal(exp, readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = FALSE, declaration = TRUE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = FALSE)) exp <- "A & B" expect_equal(exp, readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = TRUE, declaration = FALSE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = FALSE)) exp <- "A & B" expect_equal(exp, readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = TRUE, declaration = TRUE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = FALSE)) xml <- "" expect_error(readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = FALSE, declaration = FALSE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = TRUE)) expect_error(readXML(xml, isfile = FALSE, escapes = FALSE, declaration = FALSE, whitespace = TRUE, empty_tags = FALSE, skip_control = TRUE, pointer = FALSE)) }) test_that("xml_node", { xml_str <- "" xml <- read_xml(xml_str) exp <- xml_str expect_equal("a", getXMLXPtrName1(xml)) expect_equal(exp, getXMLXPtr0(xml)) expect_equal(exp, getXMLXPtr1(xml, "a")) exp <- "" expect_equal(exp, getXMLXPtr2(xml, "a", "b")) exp <- "" expect_equal(exp, getXMLXPtr3(xml, "a", "b", "c")) # bit cheating, this test returns the same, but not the actual feature of "*" expect_equal(exp, unkgetXMLXPtr3(xml, "a", "c")) }) test_that("xml_value", { exp <- "1" xml_str <- "1" xml <- read_xml(xml_str) expect_equal(exp, getXMLXPtr1val(xml, "a")) xml_str <- "1" xml <- read_xml(xml_str) expect_equal(exp, getXMLXPtr2val(xml, "a", "b")) xml_str <- "1" xml <- read_xml(xml_str) expect_equal(exp, getXMLXPtr3val(xml, "a", "b", "c")) }) test_that("xml_attr", { exp <- list(c(a = "1")) xml_str <- "" xml <- read_xml(xml_str) expect_equal(getXMLXPtr1attr(xml, "a"), exp) xml_str <- "" xml <- read_xml(xml_str) expect_equal(getXMLXPtr2attr(xml, "b", "a"), exp) xml_str <- "" xml <- read_xml(xml_str) expect_equal(getXMLXPtr3attr(xml, "c", "b", "a"), exp) }) test_that("xml_append_child", { xml_node <- read_xml("") xml_child <- read_xml("&") exp <- "&" expect_equal(xml_append_child1(xml_node, xml_child, pointer = FALSE), exp) # xml_node sets the flags for both xml_node <- read_xml("", escapes = TRUE) xml_child <- read_xml("&") exp <- "&" expect_equal(xml_append_child1(xml_node, xml_child, pointer = FALSE), exp) xml_node <- "" xml_child <- read_xml("") xml_node <- xml_append_child1(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(xml_node, "") xml_node <- xml_append_child2(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, level1 = "b", pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(xml_node, "") xml_node <- xml_append_child3(read_xml(xml_node), read_xml(""), level1 = "b", level2 = "c", pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(xml_node, "") # check that escapes does not throw a warning xml_node <- "" xml_child <- read_xml("a&b", escapes = FALSE) xml_node <- xml_append_child1(read_xml(xml_node, escapes = TRUE), xml_child, pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(xml_node, "a&b") xml_node <- xml_append_child2(read_xml(xml_node, escapes = TRUE), xml_child, level1 = "b", pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(xml_node, "a&ba&b") xml_node <- xml_append_child3(read_xml(xml_node, escapes = TRUE), read_xml(""), level1 = "b", level2 = "c", pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(xml_node, "a&ba&b") # check that pointer is valid expect_s3_class(xml_append_child1(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, pointer = TRUE), "pugi_xml") expect_s3_class(xml_append_child1(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, pointer = TRUE), "pugi_xml") expect_s3_class(xml_append_child2(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, level1 = "a", pointer = TRUE), "pugi_xml") expect_s3_class(xml_append_child2(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, level1 = "a", pointer = TRUE), "pugi_xml") expect_s3_class(xml_append_child3(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, level1 = "a", level2 = "b", pointer = TRUE), "pugi_xml") expect_s3_class(xml_append_child3(read_xml(xml_node), xml_child, level1 = "a", level2 = "b", pointer = TRUE), "pugi_xml") }) test_that("set_sst", { exp <- "a" expect_equal(exp, set_sst("a")) }) test_that("col2int and int2col", { test <- "B" x <- col2int(test) that <- int2col(x) expect_equal(test, that) test <- "AABWAWD" x <- col2int(test) that <- int2col(x) expect_equal(test, that) x <- col_to_int(test) that <- ox_int_to_col(x) expect_equal(test, that) }) test_that("is_xml", { expect_true(is_xml("")) expect_false(is_xml("a")) }) test_that("getXMLPtr1con", { xml <- "" got <- getXMLPtr1con(read_xml(xml)) exp <- c("", "", "") expect_equal(got, exp) }) test_that("write_xmlPtr", { xml <- read_xml("") temp <- tempfile(fileext = ".xml") expect_silent(write_xmlPtr(xml, temp)) skip_on_cran() expect_error(write_xmlPtr(xml, paste0("/", random_string(), "/test.xml")), "could not save file") })