test_that("openxlsx2_types", { # test vector types expect_equal(openxlsx2_celltype[["short_date"]], openxlsx2_type(Sys.Date())) expect_equal(openxlsx2_celltype[["long_date"]], openxlsx2_type(as.POSIXct(Sys.Date()))) expect_equal(openxlsx2_celltype[["numeric"]], openxlsx2_type(1)) expect_equal(openxlsx2_celltype[["logical"]], openxlsx2_type(TRUE)) expect_equal(openxlsx2_celltype[["character"]], openxlsx2_type("a")) expect_equal(openxlsx2_celltype[["factor"]], openxlsx2_type(as.factor(1))) # even complex numbers z <- complex(real = 0.9156691, imaginary = -0.5533739) expect_equal(openxlsx2_celltype[["character"]], openxlsx2_type(z)) # wb_add_data_table() example: data frame with various types df <- data.frame( "Date" = Sys.Date() - 0:19, "T" = TRUE, "F" = FALSE, "Time" = Sys.time() - 0:19 * 60 * 60, "Cash" = 1:20, "Cash2" = 31:50, "hLink" = "https://CRAN.R-project.org/", "Percentage" = seq(0, 1, length.out = 20), "TinyNumbers" = runif(20) / 1E9, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ## openxlsx will apply default Excel styling for these classes class(df$Cash) <- c(class(df$Cash), "currency") class(df$Cash2) <- c(class(df$Cash2), "accounting") class(df$hLink) <- "hyperlink" class(df$Percentage) <- c(class(df$Percentage), "percentage") class(df$TinyNumbers) <- c(class(df$TinyNumbers), "scientific") got <- openxlsx2_type(df) exp <- c( Date = openxlsx2_celltype[["short_date"]], `T` = openxlsx2_celltype[["logical"]], `F` = openxlsx2_celltype[["logical"]], Time = openxlsx2_celltype[["long_date"]], Cash = openxlsx2_celltype[["currency"]], Cash2 = openxlsx2_celltype[["accounting"]], hLink = openxlsx2_celltype[["hyperlink"]], Percentage = openxlsx2_celltype[["percentage"]], TinyNumbers = openxlsx2_celltype[["scientific"]] ) expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data(x = df) xf <- rbindlist(xml_attr(wb$styles_mgr$styles$cellXfs, "xf")) exp <- c("0", "0", "14", "22", "44", "4", "10", "48") got <- xf$numFmtId expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("wb_page_setup example", { wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("S1") wb$add_worksheet("S2") wb$add_data_table(1, x = iris[1:30, ]) ## landscape page scaled to 50% wb$page_setup(sheet = 1, orientation = "landscape", scale = 50) exp <- "" expect_equal(exp, wb$worksheets[[1]]$pageSetup) ## portrait page scales to 300% with 0.5in left and right margins wb$page_setup(sheet = 2, orientation = "portrait", scale = 300, left = 0.5, right = 0.5) exp <- "" expect_equal(exp, wb$worksheets[[2]]$pageSetup) ## print titles wb$add_worksheet("print_title_rows") wb$add_worksheet("print_title_cols") wb$add_data("print_title_rows", rbind(iris, iris, iris, iris)) wb$add_data("print_title_cols", x = rbind(mtcars, mtcars, mtcars), row_names = TRUE) wb$page_setup(sheet = "print_title_rows", print_title_rows = 1) ## first row wb$page_setup(sheet = "print_title_cols", print_title_cols = 1, print_title_rows = 1) exp <- c( "'print_title_rows'!$1:$1", "'print_title_cols'!$A:$A,'print_title_cols'!$1:$1" ) expect_equal(exp, wb$workbook$definedNames) tmp <- temp_xlsx() expect_silent(wb_save(wb, tmp, overwrite = TRUE)) # survives write and load wb <- wb_load(tmp) expect_equal(exp, wb$workbook$definedNames) }) test_that("amp_split & genHeaderFooterNode", { xml <- paste0( "", "&C&"Times New Roman,Standard"&12&A", "&C&"Times New Roman,Standard"&12Seite &P", "" ) exp <- list( oddHeader = c("", "&"Times New Roman,Standard"&12&A", ""), oddFooter = c("", "&"Times New Roman,Standard"&12Seite &P", "") ) got <- getHeaderFooterNode(xml) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- xml got <- genHeaderFooterNode(got) expect_equal(exp, got) xml <- "&L^ &D +&C&R" exp <- list(oddFooter = c("^ &D +", "", "")) got <- getHeaderFooterNode(xml) expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "&L^ &D +" got <- genHeaderFooterNode(got) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("add_sparklines", { set.seed(123) # sparklines has a random uri string options("openxlsx2_seed" = NULL) sparklines <- c( create_sparklines("Sheet 1", "A3:L3", "M3", type = "column", first = "1"), create_sparklines("Sheet 1", "A2:L2", "M2", markers = "1"), create_sparklines("Sheet 1", "A4:L4", "M4", type = "stacked", negative = "1") ) t1 <- AirPassengers t2 <- do.call(cbind, split(t1, cycle(t1))) dimnames(t2) <- dimnames(.preformat.ts(t1)) wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet("Sheet 1")$ add_data(x = t2)$ add_sparklines(sparklines = sparklines) exp <- read_xml(' \'Sheet 1\'!A3:L3 M3 \'Sheet 1\'!A2:L2 M2 \'Sheet 1\'!A4:L4 M4 ', pointer = FALSE) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$extLst expect_equal(exp, got) expect_error( wb$add_sparklines(sparklines = xml_node_create("sparklines", sparklines)), "all nodes must match x14:sparklineGroup. Got sparklines" ) }) test_that("more sparkline tests", { set.seed(123) # sparklines has a random uri string options("openxlsx2_seed" = NULL) sl1 <- create_sparklines("Sheet 1", "A3:K3", "L3") sl2 <- create_sparklines("Sheet 1", "A4:K4", "L4", type = "column", high = TRUE, low = TRUE) sl3 <- create_sparklines("Sheet 1", "A5:K5", "L5", type = "stacked", display_empty_cells_as = 0) wb <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_data(x = mtcars) %>% wb_add_sparklines(sparklines = c(sl1, sl2, sl3)) exp <- "'Sheet 1'!A3:K3L3'Sheet 1'!A4:K4L4'Sheet 1'!A5:K5L5" got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$extLst expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("add_sparkline_group", { set.seed(123) # sparklines has a random uri string options("openxlsx2_seed" = NULL) sparklines <- c( create_sparklines( "Sheet 1", "A2:L13", "M2:M13", type = "column" ), create_sparklines( "Sheet 2", "A2:L13", "A14:L14", direction = "col", high = TRUE, low = TRUE, color_series = wb_color(hex = "FF323232"), color_high = wb_color(hex = "FF00B050"), color_low = wb_color(hex = "FFFF0000") ) ) t1 <- AirPassengers t2 <- do.call(cbind, split(t1, cycle(t1))) dimnames(t2) <- dimnames(.preformat.ts(t1)) wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet("Sheet 1")$ add_data(x = t2)$ add_sparklines(sparklines = sparklines[[1]])$ add_worksheet("Sheet 2")$ add_data(x = t2)$ add_sparklines(sparklines = sparklines[[2]]) exp <- read_xml(' \'Sheet 1\'!A2:L2 M2 \'Sheet 1\'!A3:L3 M3 \'Sheet 1\'!A4:L4 M4 \'Sheet 1\'!A5:L5 M5 \'Sheet 1\'!A6:L6 M6 \'Sheet 1\'!A7:L7 M7 \'Sheet 1\'!A8:L8 M8 \'Sheet 1\'!A9:L9 M9 \'Sheet 1\'!A10:L10 M10 \'Sheet 1\'!A11:L11 M11 \'Sheet 1\'!A12:L12 M12 \'Sheet 1\'!A13:L13 M13 ', pointer = FALSE) got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$extLst expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- read_xml(' \'Sheet 2\'!A2:A13 A14 \'Sheet 2\'!B2:B13 B14 \'Sheet 2\'!C2:C13 C14 \'Sheet 2\'!D2:D13 D14 \'Sheet 2\'!E2:E13 E14 \'Sheet 2\'!F2:F13 F14 \'Sheet 2\'!G2:G13 G14 \'Sheet 2\'!H2:H13 H14 \'Sheet 2\'!I2:I13 I14 \'Sheet 2\'!J2:J13 J14 \'Sheet 2\'!K2:K13 K14 \'Sheet 2\'!L2:L13 L14 ', pointer = FALSE) got <- wb$worksheets[[2]]$extLst expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("distinct() works", { x <- c("London", "NYC", "NYC", "Berlin", "Madrid", "London", "BERLIN", "berlin") exp <- c("London", "NYC", "Berlin", "Madrid") got <- distinct(x) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("fix_pt_names() works", { x <- c("Foo", "foo", "bar", "FOO", "bar", "x") exp <- c("Foo", "foo2", "bar", "FOO3", "bar2", "x") got <- fix_pt_names(x) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("validate_colors() works", { col <- c("FF0000FF", "#0000FF", "000FF", "#FF000FF", "blue") exp <- c("FF0000FF", "FF0000FF", "FFF000FF", "FFF000FF", "FF0000FF") got <- validate_color(col) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("basename2() works", { long_path <- paste0( paste0(rep("foldername/", 40), collapse = ""), paste0(rep("filename", 40), collapse = ""), ".txt" ) # # maybe only broken on old Windows. Errors in 4.1 not in 4.3.1 # if (to_long(long_path)) # expect_error(basename(long_path)) exp <- "filenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilenamefilename.txt" got <- basename2(long_path) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("is_double works", { x <- c("0.1", "a") exp <- c(TRUE, FALSE) got <- is_charnum(x) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("create_hyperlinks() works", { exp <- "=HYPERLINK(\"#'Sheet3'!B1\")" got <- create_hyperlink(sheet = "Sheet3", row = 1, col = 2) expect_equal(exp, got) fl <- "testdir/testfile.R" exp <- "=HYPERLINK(\"[testdir/testfile.R]Sheet2!J3\", \"Link to File.\")" got <- create_hyperlink(sheet = "Sheet2", row = 3, col = 10, file = fl, text = "Link to File.") expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("waiver works in hyperlink", { wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet("Sheet1")$add_worksheet("Sheet2")$add_worksheet("Sheet3") ## Internal - No text to display using create_hyperlink() function x <- create_hyperlink(sheet = "Sheet3", row = 1, col = 2) wb$add_formula(sheet = "Sheet1", x = x, dims = "A2") ## Internal - No text to display using create_hyperlink() function x <- create_hyperlink(sheet = current_sheet(), row = 1, col = 2) wb$add_formula(sheet = "Sheet3", x = x, dims = "A3") exp <- '=HYPERLINK(\"#\'Sheet3\'!B1\")' got <- unique(unname(unlist(wb$to_df(show_formula = TRUE, col_names = FALSE)))) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("create_shape() works", { ## heart txt <- fmt_txt("openxlsx2 is the \n", bold = TRUE, size = 15) + fmt_txt("best", underline = TRUE, bold = TRUE, size = 15) + fmt_txt("\n!", bold = TRUE, size = 15) heart <- create_shape( shape = "heart", text = txt, text_align = "center", fill_colour = wb_color("pink"), text_colour = wb_color("theme" = 1)) ## ribbon txt <- fmt_txt("\nthe ") + fmt_txt("very", underline = TRUE, font = "Courier", color = wb_color("gold")) + fmt_txt(" best") ribbon <- create_shape(shape = "ribbon", text = txt, text_align = "center") wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet(grid_lines = FALSE)$ add_drawing(dims = "B2:E11", xml = heart)$ add_drawing(dims = "B12:E14", xml = ribbon) expect_equal(1L, length(wb$drawings)) expect_silent(create_shape(text = "foo", rotation = 20, fill_transparency = 50)) })