test_that("add_data_table() writes over tables", {
overwrite_table_error <- "Cannot overwrite existing table with another table"
df1 <- data.frame("X" = 1:10)
wb <- wb_add_worksheet(wb_workbook(), "Sheet1")
## table covers rows 4->10 and cols 4->8
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 4)
## should all run without error
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 3, start_row = 2)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 9, start_row = 2)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 4, start_row = 11)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 5, start_row = 11)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 6, start_row = 11)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 7, start_row = 11)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 8, start_row = 11)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris, 2), start_col = 4, start_row = 1)
## Now error
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = "H", start_row = 21), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 3, start_row = 12), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = 9, start_row = 12), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = df1, start_col = "i", start_row = 12), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
## more errors
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris)), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 21), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
## should work
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 22)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 40)
## more errors
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris, 2), start_col = 4, start_row = 38), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris, 2), start_col = 4, start_row = 38, col_names = FALSE), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = "H", start_row = 40), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = "I", start_row = 40)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris)[, 1:3], start_col = "A", start_row = 40)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris, 2), start_col = 4, start_row = 38, col_names = FALSE), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris, 2), start_col = 1, start_row = 46, col_names = FALSE), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
test_that("zero row data table works", {
wb <- wb_workbook() %>%
wb$add_data_table(x = data.frame(a = NA, b = NA)[0, ]),
"Found data table with zero rows, adding one. Modify na with na.strings"
exp <- "A1:B2"
got <- wb$tables$tab_ref
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("write_data over tables", {
overwrite_table_error <- "Cannot overwrite table headers. Avoid writing over the header row"
df1 <- data.frame("X" = 1:10)
wb <- wb_add_worksheet(wb_workbook(), "Sheet1")
## table covers rows 4->10 and cols 4->8
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 4)
## Anywhere on row 5 is fine
for (i in 1:10) {
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_row = 5, start_col = i)
## Anywhere on col i is fine
for (i in 1:10) {
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_row = i, start_col = "i")
## Now errors on headers
expect_error(wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 4), regexp = overwrite_table_error)
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 5)
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris)[1:3])
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris, 2), start_col = 4)
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris, 2), start_col = 4, col_names = FALSE)
## Example of how this should be used
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 30)
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 4, start_row = 31, col_names = FALSE)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), start_col = 10, start_row = 30)
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = tail(iris), start_col = 10, start_row = 31, col_names = FALSE)
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris)[, 1:3], start_col = 1, start_row = 30)
wb$add_data(sheet = 1, x = tail(iris), start_col = 1, start_row = 31, col_names = FALSE)
test_that("Validate Table Names", {
wb <- wb_add_worksheet(wb_workbook(), "Sheet 1")
## case
expect_equal(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "test"), "test")
expect_equal(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "TEST"), "test")
expect_equal(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "Test"), "test")
## length
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, paste(sample(LETTERS, size = 300, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")), regexp = "`table_name` must be less than 255 characters")
## look like cell ref
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "R1C2"), regexp = "`table_name` cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as R1C1", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "A1"), regexp = "`table_name` cannot be the same as a cell reference", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "R06821C9682"), regexp = "`table_name` cannot be the same as a cell reference, such as R1C1", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "ABD918751"), regexp = "`table_name` cannot be the same as a cell reference", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "A$100"), regexp = "`table_name` cannot contain spaces or the '$' character", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "A12$100"), regexp = "`table_name` cannot contain spaces or the '$' character", fixed = TRUE)
tbl_nm <- "性別"
expect_equal(wb_validate_table_name(wb, tbl_nm), tbl_nm)
test_that("Existing Table Names", {
wb <- wb_add_worksheet(wb_workbook(), "Sheet 1")
## Existing names - case in-sensitive
wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), table_name = "Table1")
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "Table1"), regexp = "`table_name = 'table1'` already exists", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), table_name = "Table1", start_col = 10), regexp = "`table_name = 'table1'` already exists", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "TABLE1"), regexp = "`table_name = 'table1'` already exists", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), table_name = "TABLE1", start_col = 20), regexp = "`table_name = 'table1'` already exists", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb_validate_table_name(wb, "table1"), regexp = "`table_name = 'table1'` already exists", fixed = TRUE)
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(sheet = 1, x = head(iris), table_name = "table1", start_col = 30), regexp = "`table_name = 'table1'` already exists", fixed = TRUE)
test_that("custom table styles work", {
# at the moment we have no interface to add custom table styles
wb <- wb_workbook() %>%
# create dxf elements to be used in the table style
tabCol1 <- create_dxfs_style(bg_fill = wb_color(theme = 7))
tabCol2 <- create_dxfs_style(bg_fill = wb_color(theme = 5))
tabBrd1 <- create_dxfs_style(border = TRUE)
tabCol3 <- create_dxfs_style(bg_fill = wb_color(hex = "FFC00000"), font_color = wb_color("white"))
# don't forget to assign them to the workbook
# tweak a working style with 4 elements
tab_xml <- sprintf(
length(c(tabCol1, tabCol2, tabCol3, tabBrd1)),
expect_silent(wb$add_data_table(x = mtcars, table_style = "RedTableStyle"))
expect_error(wb$add_data_table(x = mtcars, table_style = "RedTableStyle1"), "Invalid table style.")
test_that("updating table works", {
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = mtcars)
wb$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = mtcars[1:2])
wb_to_df(wb, named_region = "Table2")
wb$add_data(dims = "C1", x = mtcars[-1:-2], name = "test")
wb <- wb_update_table(wb, "Table2", sheet = 2, dims = "A1:J4")
exp <- mtcars[1:3, 1:10]
got <- wb_to_df(wb, named_region = "Table2")
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = mtcars, with_filter = FALSE)
wb$update_table(tabname = "Table1", dims = "A1:J4")
got <- wb$tables$tab_ref
expect_equal(got, "A1:J4")
test_that("writing table headers with factor variables works", {
df <- data.frame(
fct = structure(
levels = c(
class = "factor"),
`1` = 1:2,
check.names = FALSE
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = df)
exp <- "1"
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc$is[[2]]
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("tables cannot have duplicated column names", {
df1 <- data.frame(
x = 1,
x = 2,
check.names = FALSE
df2 <- data.frame(
x = 1,
X = 2,
check.names = FALSE
wb <- wb_workbook()
expect_warning(wb$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = df1), "tables cannot have duplicated column names")
expect_warning(wb$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = df2), "tables cannot have duplicated column names")
exp <- c("", "")
got <- xml_node(wb$tables$tab_xml[[1]], "table", "tableColumns", "tableColumn")
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c("", "")
got <- xml_node(wb$tables$tab_xml[[2]], "table", "tableColumns", "tableColumn")
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("make sure that table id is unique", {
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
wb <- write_xlsx(x = list(head(mtcars), head(iris)), as_table = TRUE)
wb$remove_tables(sheet = 1, table = "Table1", remove_data = FALSE)
wb <- wb_load(tmp)
wb$add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = head(Orange))
exp <- data.frame(name = c("Table2", "Table3"), id = c("2", "3"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
got <- rbindlist(xml_attr(wb$tables$tab_xml, "table"))[c("name", "id")]
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("wb_get_named_regions, works with removed tables", {
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = iris, table_name = "iris1")$
add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = iris, table_name = "iris2")$
add_worksheet()$add_data_table(x = iris, table_name = "iris3")
wb$remove_tables(table = "iris3")
tabs <- wb$get_named_regions(tables = TRUE)
expect_equal(2, nrow(tabs))
expect_equal(paste0("iris", 1:2), tabs$name)
test_that("reading tables from file works", {
tmp <- temp_xlsx()
exp <- head(mtcars)
write_xlsx(x = exp, file = tmp, as_table = TRUE)
got <- wb_to_df(tmp, named_region = "Table1")
expect_equal(exp, got, ignore_attr = TRUE)