test_that("read_xlsx from different sources", { skip_online_checks() ## URL xlsxFile <- "https://github.com/JanMarvin/openxlsx2/raw/main/inst/extdata/oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx" df_url <- read_xlsx(xlsxFile) ## File xlsxFile <- system.file("extdata", "oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2") df_file <- read_xlsx(xlsxFile) expect_equal(df_url, df_file, label = "Read from URL") ## Non-existing URL xlsxFile <- "https://github.com/JanMarvin/openxlsx2/raw/main/inst/extdata/readTest2.xlsx" expect_error(suppressWarnings(read_xlsx(xlsxFile))) ## Non-existing File xlsxFile <- file.path(dirname(system.file("extdata", "readTest.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2")), "readTest00.xlsx") expect_error(read_xlsx(xlsxFile), regexp = "File does not exist.") }) test_that("wb_load from different sources", { skip_online_checks() ## URL xlsxFile <- "https://github.com/JanMarvin/openxlsx2/raw/main/inst/extdata/oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx" wb_url <- wb_load(xlsxFile) ## File xlsxFile <- system.file("extdata", "oxlsx2_sheet.xlsx", package = "openxlsx2") wb_file <- wb_load(xlsxFile) # Loading from URL vs local not equal expect_equal_workbooks(wb_url, wb_file, ignore_fields = c("path")) }) test_that("get_date_origin from different sources", { xlsxFile <- testfile_path("readTest.xlsx") origin_url <- get_date_origin(xlsxFile) expect_equal(origin_url, "1900-01-01") }) test_that("read html source without r attribute on cell", { # sheet without row attribute # original from https://www.atih.sante.fr/sites/default/files/public/content/3968/fichier_complementaire_ccam_descriptive_a_usage_pmsi_2021_v2.xlsx wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("fichier_complementaire_ccam_descriptive_a_usage_pmsi_2021_v2.xlsx")) expect_equal(dim(wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 1)), c(46L, 1L)) expect_equal(dim(wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 2)), c(31564L, 52L)) expect_equal(names(wb_to_df(wb, sheet = 1)), "PRÉSENTATION DU DOCUMENT") # This file has a few cells with row names, the majority has none. check that # we did not create duplicates while loading expect_false(any(duplicated(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$cc))) expect_false(any(duplicated(wb$worksheets[[2]]$sheet_data$cc))) }) test_that("read
node in vml", { # test expect_silent(wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("macro2.xlsm"))) }) test_that("read vml from sheet two works as expected", { # test expect_silent(wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("vml_numbering.xlsx"))) expect_equal(length(wb$vml), 1L) expect_equal(length(wb$vml_rels), 1L) }) test_that("encoding", { fl <- testfile_path("umlauts.xlsx") wb <- wb_load(fl) expect_equal("äöüß", names(wb$get_sheet_names())) exp <- structure(list("hähä" = "ÄÖÜ", "höhö" = "äöüß"), row.names = 2L, class = "data.frame", tt = structure(list("hähä" = "s", "höhö" = "s"), row.names = 2L, class = "data.frame"), types = c(A = 0, B = 0)) expect_equal(wb_to_df(wb, keep_attributes = TRUE), exp) fl <- testfile_path("eurosymbol.xlsx") wb <- wb_load(fl) got <- wb$sharedStrings if (isTRUE(l10n_info()[["UTF-8"]])) { exp <- structure( c("", "ä"), uniqueCount = "2", text = c("€", "ä") ) } else { exp <- structure( c("\200", "ä"), uniqueCount = "2", text = c("\200", "ä") ) } expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "\n äöüß\n ÄÖÜ\n \n" got <- paste(capture.output( read_xml(system.file("extdata", "unicode.xml", package = "openxlsx2")) ), collapse = "\n") expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "äöüßÄÖÜ" got <- read_xml(system.file("extdata", "unicode.xml", package = "openxlsx2"), pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("reading charts", { temp <- temp_xlsx() wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("unemployment-nrw202208.xlsx")) exp <- c("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") got <- wb$charts$rels expect_equal(exp, got) img <- system.file("extdata", "einstein.jpg", package = "openxlsx2") which(wb$get_sheet_names() == "Uebersicht_Quoten") expect_warning( wb$add_image(19, file = img, startRow = 5, startCol = 3, width = 6, height = 5), "'start_col/start_row' is deprecated." ) wb$save(temp) # check that we wrote a chartshape xlsx_unzip <- paste0(tempdir(), "/unzip") dir.create(xlsx_unzip) unzip(temp, exdir = xlsx_unzip) overrides <- xml_node(read_xml(paste0(xlsx_unzip, "/[Content_Types].xml"), pointer = FALSE), "Types", "Override") expect_match(overrides, "chartshapes", all = FALSE) unlink(xlsx_unzip, recursive = TRUE) # check that the image is valid and was placed on the correct sheet and drawing exp <- c( "", "", "", "" ) got <- wb$drawings_rels[[20]] expect_equal(exp, got) wb$add_worksheet() wb$save(temp) # remove worksheet wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("unemployment-nrw202208.xlsx")) rmsheet <- length(wb$worksheets) - 2 wb$remove_worksheet(rmsheet) expect_no_match(unlist(wb$worksheets_rels), "drawing21.xml") expect_equal(wb$drawings[[21]], "") expect_equal(wb$drawings_rels[[21]], "") }) test_that("load file with xml namespace", { skip_online_checks() fl <- "https://github.com/ycphs/openxlsx/files/8480120/2022-04-12-11-42-36-DP_Melanges1.xlsx" expect_warning( wb <- wb_load(fl), "has been removed from the xml files, for example" ) expect_null(getOption("openxlsx2.namespace_xml")) }) test_that("reading file with macro and custom xml", { temp <- temp_xlsx() wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("gh_issue_416.xlsm")) wb$save(temp) wb <- wb_load(temp) exp <- "" got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheetPr expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "openxlsx2" got <- wb$custom expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("load file with connection", { temp <- temp_xlsx() wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("connection.xlsx")) expect_false(is.null(wb$customXml)) expect_length(wb$customXml, 3) wb$save(temp) wb <- wb_load(temp) expect_length(wb$customXml, 3) expect_match(wb$customXml[1], "customXml/_rels/item1.xml.rels") expect_match(wb$customXml[2], "customXml/item1.xml") expect_match(wb$customXml[3], "customXml/itemProps1.xml") }) test_that("calcChain is updated", { temp <- temp_xlsx() fl <- testfile_path("overwrite_formula.xlsx") wb <- wb_load(fl, calc_chain = TRUE) exp <- "" got <- wb$calcChain expect_equal(exp, got) expect_silent(wb$save(temp)) wb$add_data(dims = "A1", x = "Formula overwritten") exp <- character() got <- wb$calcChain expect_equal(exp, got) expect_silent(wb$save(temp)) }) test_that("read workbook with chart extension", { fl <- testfile_path("charts.xlsx") wb <- wb_load(fl) expect_warning( wb$clone_worksheet(), "The file you have loaded contains chart extensions. At the moment, cloning worksheets can damage the output." ) }) test_that("reading of formControl works", { temp <- temp_xlsx() wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("form_control.xlsx")) exp <- c( "", "", "", "", "" ) got <- wb$ctrlProps expect_equal(exp, got) wb$save(temp) wb <- wb_load(temp) got <- wb$ctrlProps expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("reading xml escapes works", { skip_online_checks() fl <- "https://github.com/ycphs/openxlsx/files/10032200/sample_data.xlsx" wb <- wb_load(fl) df <- wb_to_df(wb) exp <- "US & Canada" got <- unique(df$colB) expect_equal(exp, got) df <- wb_to_df(wb, showFormula = TRUE) exp <- c("US & Canada", "B2") got <- df$colB expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("reading multiple slicers on a pivot table works", { wb <- wb_load(testfile_path("gh_issue_504.xlsx")) expect_equal(length(wb$slicers), 1L) expect_equal(length(wb$slicerCaches), 2L) exp <- c( "", "", "" ) got <- wb$Content_Types[14:16] expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c( "", "", "" ) got <- wb$Content_Types[14:16] expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- c( "", "", "" ) got <- wb$workbook.xml.rels[6:8] expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("reading slicer for tables works", { fl <- testfile_path("table_slicer.xlsx") wb <- wb_load(fl) expect_match(wb$workbook$extLst, "") }) test_that("hyperlinks work", { tmp <- temp_xlsx() wb_load(testfile_path("Single_hyperlink.xlsx"))$save(tmp) temp_uzip <- paste0(tempdir(), "/unzip_openxlsx2") dir.create(temp_uzip) unzip(tmp, exdir = temp_uzip) exp <- "" got <- read_xml(paste0(temp_uzip, "/xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet1.xml.rels"), pointer = FALSE) expect_equal(exp, got) unlink(temp_uzip, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("reading richData content works", { tmp <- temp_xlsx() expect_silent(wb_load(testfile_path("pic_in_cell.xlsx"))$save(tmp)) }) test_that("reading timeline works", { tmp <- temp_xlsx() fl <- testfile_path("timeline.xlsx") wb <- wb_load(fl) expect_true(wb$worksheets[[2]]$relships$timeline == 1) wb$save(tmp) # save again, so that all sheets in workbook.xml.rels have a correct id. Not # sure why we keep the update rel ids once we have saved a file saving. wb2 <- wb_load(tmp) wb2$save(tmp) expect_true(wb$timelines == wb2$timelines) expect_true(all(wb$Content_Types %in% wb2$Content_Types)) expect_true(all(wb$workbook.xml.rels == wb2$workbook.xml.rels)) expect_warning( wb$clone_worksheet(old = "Sheet 2", new = "Sheet3"), "Cloning timelines is not yet supported. It will not appear on the sheet." ) }) test_that("show_hyperlink works", { fl <- testfile_path("hyperlinks.xlsx") not_hl <- wb_to_df(fl, show_hyperlinks = FALSE) has_hl <- wb_to_df(fl, show_hyperlinks = TRUE) # everything identical in column A expect_equal(not_hl$A, has_hl$A) # column B: mail gets "mailto:": exp <- "noreply@openxlsx2.com" got <- not_hl$B[5] expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "mailto:noreply@openxlsx2.com" got <- has_hl$B[5] expect_equal(exp, got) # column B: hyperlink target url does not match hyperlink text exp <- "https://github.com/JanMarvin/openxlsx2" got <- not_hl$B[3] expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "https://janmarvin.github.io/openxlsx2" got <- has_hl$B[3] expect_equal(exp, got) # everything identical in column C expect_equal(not_hl$C, has_hl$C) # link to external file exp <- "test" got <- not_hl$D[1] expect_equal(exp, got) exp <- "hyperlink.xlsb" got <- has_hl$D[1] expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("file extension handling works", { docx_path <- "https://github.com/JanMarvin/msoc/raw/refs/heads/main/inst/extdata/Untitled1.docx" # confusing error on docx expect_error(wb_load(docx_path), "File does not appear to be xlsx, xlsm or xlsb") wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet() # warns expect_warning(wb_save(wb, file = tempfile(fileext = ".xslx")), "The file extension 'xslx' is invalid. Expected one of: xlsx, xlsm") expect_warning(wb_save(wb, file = tempfile(fileext = ".docx")), "The file extension 'docx' is invalid. Expected one of: xlsx, xlsm") # silent expect_silent(wb_save(wb, file = tempfile(fileext = ".XLSX"))) expect_silent(wb_save(wb, file = tempfile(fileext = ".XLSM"))) }) test_that("loading d3p1 file works", { fl <- testfile_path("gh_issue_1194.xlsx") df <- wb_to_df(fl) exp <- c(1347, 31) got <- dim(df) expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("loading file with featurePropertyBag works", { fl <- testfile_path("checkboxes.xlsx") tmp <- temp_xlsx() expect_silent(wb <- wb_load(fl)) expect_silent(wb$save(tmp)) })