test_that("group columns", {
# Grouping then setting widths updates hidden
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet("Sheet 1")
wb$createCols("Sheet 1", 3)
wb$group_cols("Sheet 1", 2:3)
wb$set_col_widths("Sheet 1", 2, widths = "18", hidden = FALSE)
exp <- c(
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr
expect_equal(exp, got)
# Setting column widths then grouping
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet("Sheet 1")
wb$createCols("Sheet 1", 3)
set_col_widths("Sheet 1", 2:3, widths = "18", hidden = FALSE)$
group_cols("Sheet 1", 1:2, collapsed = TRUE)
exp <- c(
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("group rows", {
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet("Sheet 1")$
add_data(x = cbind(rep(NA, 4)), na.strings = NULL, colNames = FALSE)$
group_rows("Sheet 1", 1:4)
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$outlineLevel
expect_equal(got, c("1", "1", "1", ""))
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$r
expect_equal(got, c("1", "2", "3", "4"))
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet("Sheet 1")$
add_data(x = cbind(rep(NA, 4)), na.strings = NULL, colNames = FALSE)$
group_rows("Sheet 1", 1:4, collapsed = TRUE)
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$collapsed
expect_equal(got, c("1", "1", "1", "1"))
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$hidden
expect_equal(got, c("1", "1", "1", ""))
test_that("grouping levels", {
# create matrix
t1 <- AirPassengers
t2 <- do.call(cbind, split(t1, cycle(t1)))
dimnames(t2) <- dimnames(.preformat.ts(t1))
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_data("AirPass", t2, row_names = TRUE)
# lines used for grouping (here: species)
grp_rows <- list(
"1" = seq(2, 3),
"2" = seq(4, 8),
"3" = seq(9, 13)
# lines used for grouping (here: quarter)
grp_cols <- list(
"1" = seq(2, 4),
"2" = seq(5, 7),
"3" = seq(8, 10),
"4" = seq(11, 13)
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_data("AirPass", t2, row_names = TRUE)
wb$createCols("AirPass", 13)
wb$group_cols("AirPass", cols = grp_cols)
wb$group_rows("AirPass", rows = grp_rows)
exp <- c("", "1", "2", "3")
got <- unique(wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$outlineLevel)
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c(
"", "",
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr
expect_equal(exp, got)
## characters
grp_cols <- list(
"1" = "B:D",
"2" = "E:G",
"3" = "H:J",
"4" = "K:M"
wb2 <- wb_workbook()
wb2$group_cols("AirPass", cols = grp_cols)
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("ungroup columns", {
# OutlineLevelCol is removed from SheetFormatPr when no
# column groupings left
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_worksheet("Sheet 1")
wb$createCols("Sheet 1", 3)
wb$set_col_widths("Sheet 1", 2, widths = "18", hidden = FALSE)
wb$group_cols("Sheet 1", 1:3)
wb$ungroup_cols("Sheet 1", 1:3)
exp <- c(
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr
expect_equal(exp, got)
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_worksheet("Sheet 1")
wb$createCols("Sheet 1", 3)
wb$set_col_widths("Sheet 1", 2, widths = "18", hidden = FALSE)
wb$group_cols("Sheet 1", 1:3)
wb$ungroup_cols("Sheet 1", "A:C")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("ungroup rows", {
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_worksheet("Sheet 1")$
add_data(x = cbind(rep(NA, 4)), na.strings = NULL, col_names = FALSE)$
group_rows("Sheet 1", 1:4)$
ungroup_rows("Sheet 1", 1:4)
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$outlineLevel
expect_setequal(got, "")
test_that("with outlinePr", {
# create matrix
t1 <- AirPassengers
t2 <- do.call(cbind, split(t1, cycle(t1)))
dimnames(t2) <- dimnames(.preformat.ts(t1))
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_data("AirPass", t2, rowNames = TRUE)
wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheetPr <-
xml_children = c(
xml_attributes = c(
summaryBelow = "0",
summaryRight = "0"
# groups will always end on/show the last row. in the example 1950, 1955, and 1960
wb <- wb_group_rows(wb, "AirPass", 2:3, collapsed = TRUE) # group years < 1950
wb <- wb_group_rows(wb, "AirPass", 4:8, collapsed = TRUE) # group years 1951-1955
wb <- wb_group_rows(wb, "AirPass", 9:13) # group years 1956-1960
wb$createCols("AirPass", 13)
wb <- wb_group_cols(wb, "AirPass", 2:4, collapsed = TRUE)
wb <- wb_group_cols(wb, "AirPass", 5:7, collapsed = TRUE)
wb <- wb_group_cols(wb, "AirPass", 8:10, collapsed = TRUE)
wb <- wb_group_cols(wb, "AirPass", 11:13)
exp <- c(
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr[2:3]
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c("", "1")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$outlineLevel[2:3]
expect_equal(exp, got)
### with group levels
grp_rows <- list(
"1" = seq(2, 3),
"2" = seq(4, 8),
"3" = seq(9, 13)
grp_cols <- list(
"1" = seq(2, 4),
"2" = seq(5, 7),
"3" = seq(8, 10),
"4" = seq(11, 13)
wb <- wb_workbook()
wb$add_data("AirPass", t2, row_names = TRUE)
wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheetPr <-
xml_children = c(
xml_attributes = c(
summaryBelow = "0",
summaryRight = "0"
wb$createCols("AirPass", 13)
wb$group_cols("AirPass", cols = grp_cols)
wb$group_rows("AirPass", rows = grp_rows)
exp <- c(
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr[2:3]
expect_equal(exp, got)
exp <- c("", "1")
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$outlineLevel[2:3]
expect_equal(exp, got)
test_that("hierarchical grouping works", {
# create data
testig <- data.frame(
Var1 = c("A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"),
Var2 = c("B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C", ""),
Var3 = c("BA", "BB", "", "CA", "CB", "", ""),
Var4 = c("BA", "BB", "", "CA", "CB", "", ""),
Result = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
wb <- wb_workbook()$
add_data(x = testig)
# group rows hierarchical
grp_rows <- list(
"1" = 2:8,
"3" = list(2:4, 5:7)
wb$group_rows(rows = grp_rows)
wb$createCols(n = 5)
# group cols hierarchical
grp_cols <- list(
"1" = 1:5,
"3" = list(1:2, 3:4)
wb$group_cols(cols = grp_cols)
got <- wb$worksheets[[1]]$sheet_data$row_attr$outlineLevel
exp <- c("", "3", "3", "1", "3", "3", "1", "")
expect_equal(got, exp)
exp <- c(
expect_equal(wb$worksheets[[1]]$cols_attr, exp)