testsetup() test_that("class wbComment works", { expect_null(assert_comment(wb_comment())) }) test_that("wb_comment and create_comment are the same except for the different defaults", { c1 <- create_comment("x1", author = "") c1_wb <- wb_comment("x1", visible = TRUE, author = "") expect_equal(c1, c1_wb) # create_comment drops multiple widths and heights silently. # wb_comment errors in this case expect_silent(create_comment(text = "x", author = "", width = c(1, 2))) expect_error(wb_comment(text = "x", author = "", width = c(1, 2)), "width must be a single") }) test_that("create_comment() works", { # error checking expect_silent(create_comment("hi", width = 1)) expect_silent(create_comment("hi", width = 1L)) expect_silent(create_comment("hi", width = c(1, 2))) expect_silent(create_comment("hi", width = 1:2)) expect_error(wb_comment("hi", width = 1:2), regexp = "width must be a") expect_silent(create_comment("hi", height = 1)) expect_silent(create_comment("hi", height = 1L)) expect_silent(create_comment("hi", height = 1:2)) expect_error(wb_comment("hi", height = 1:2)) expect_error(create_comment("hi", visible = NULL)) expect_error(create_comment("hi", visible = c(TRUE, FALSE))) expect_error(create_comment("hi", author = 1)) expect_error(create_comment("hi", author = c("a", "a"))) expect_s3_class(create_comment("Hello"), "wbComment") }) test_that("comments", { tmp <- temp_xlsx() wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("Sheet 1") # write comment without author c1 <- create_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "") wb <- wb_add_comment(wb, 1, dims = "B10", comment = c1) # Write another comment with author information c2 <- create_comment(text = "this is another comment", author = "Marco Polo") wb <- wb_add_comment(wb, 1, dims = "C10", comment = c2) # write a styled comment with system author s1 <- create_font(b = "true", color = wb_colour(hex = "FFFF0000"), sz = "12") s2 <- create_font(color = wb_colour(hex = "FF000000"), sz = "9") c3 <- create_comment(text = c("This Part Bold red\n\n", "This part black"), style = c(s1, s2)) expect_silent(wb$add_comment(1, dims = "F1", comment = c3)) expect_length(wb$comments, 1) expect_length(wb$comments[[1]], 3) expect_silent(wb$remove_comment(1, dims = "B10")) expect_length(wb$comments, 1) expect_length(wb$comments[[1]], 2) expect_silent(wb_save(wb, tmp)) # write on second sheet tmp <- temp_xlsx() wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet() wb$add_worksheet() # write comment without author c1 <- create_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "", visible = FALSE) wb$add_comment(dims = "B10", comment = c1) expect_silent(wb$save(tmp)) }) test_that("load comments", { fl <- testfile_path("pivot_notes.xlsx") wb <- wb_load(fl) temp <- temp_xlsx() wb$save(temp) tempd <- temp_dir("comment_ext") unzip(temp, exdir = tempd) comments <- dir(path = paste0(tempd, "/xl"), pattern = "comment") expect_equal(c("comments1.xml", "comments2.xml"), comments) unlink(tempd, recursive = TRUE) ## add a new comment to a workbook that has comments c1 <- create_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "") expect_silent(wb$add_comment(5, dims = "B10", comment = c1)) wb$save(temp) tempd <- temp_dir("comment_ext") unzip(temp, exdir = tempd) comments <- dir(path = paste0(tempd, "/xl"), pattern = "comment") expect_equal(c("comments1.xml", "comments2.xml", "comments3.xml"), comments) unlink(tempd, recursive = TRUE) }) test_that("wb_add_comment", { c1 <- create_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "") wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_comment(dims = "A1", comment = c1) wb2 <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_comment(dims = "A1", comment = c1) expect_equal(wb$comments, wb2$comments) expect_error( wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_comment(dims = "A1"), 'argument "comment" is missing, with no default' ) }) test_that("wb_add_comment() works without supplying a wbComment object.", { # Do not alter the workspace op <- options("openxlsx2.creator" = "user") on.exit(options(op), add = TRUE) # Using the new default values of wb_comment() (options("openxlsx2.creators)) wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_comment(comment = "this is a comment", dims = "A1") c2 <- wb_comment(text = "this is a comment") wb2 <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_comment(dims = "A1", comment = c2) # wb_comment() defaults and comment = "text" defaults are the same. expect_equal(wb$comments, wb2$comments) # The wrapper behaves the same wb3 <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_comment(comment = "this is a comment") expect_equal(wb$comments, wb3$comments) }) test_that("wb_remove_comment", { c1 <- create_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "") wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_comment(dims = "A1", comment = c1)$ remove_comment(dims = "A1") # deprecated col / row code wb2 <- wb_workbook() %>% wb_add_worksheet() expect_warning( wb2 <- wb2 %>% wb_add_comment(col = "A", row = 1, comment = c1), "'col/row' is deprecated." ) expect_warning( wb2 <- wb2 %>% wb_remove_comment(col = "A", row = 1), "'col/row/gridExpand' is deprecated." ) expect_equal(wb$comments, wb2$comments) }) test_that("print comment", { c2 <- create_comment(text = "this is another comment", author = "Marco Polo") got <- capture_output(print(c2), print = TRUE) exp <- "Author: Marco Polo\nText:\n Marco Polo:\nthis is another comment\n\nStyle:\n\n\n\n\nFont name: Aptos Narrow\nFont size: 11\nFont color: #000000\n\n" expect_equal(got, exp) }) test_that("removing comment sheet works", { temp <- temp_xlsx() c1 <- create_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "") wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet("Sheet 1")$ add_comment(dims = "B10", comment = c1)$ add_worksheet()$ remove_worksheet(1) expect_silent(wb$save(temp)) }) test_that("fmt_txt in comment", { tmp <- temp_xlsx() txt <- fmt_txt("Hello ", bold = TRUE) + fmt_txt("World") c1 <- create_comment(text = txt, author = "bla") wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()$add_comment(dims = "B10", comment = c1) expect_silent(wb$save(tmp)) wb <- wb$load(tmp) exp <- c( "bla:", "\n", "Hello ", "World" ) got <- wb$comments[[1]][[1]]$comment expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("threaded comments work", { wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet() wb$add_person(name = "Kirk") wb$add_person(name = "Uhura") wb$add_person(name = "Spock") wb$add_person(name = "Scotty") kirk_id <- wb$get_person(name = "Kirk")$id uhura_id <- wb$get_person(name = "Uhura")$id spock_id <- wb$get_person(name = "Spock")$id scotty_id <- wb$get_person(name = "Scotty")$id # write a comment to a thread, reply to one and solve some wb <- wb %>% wb_add_thread(dims = "A1", comment = "wow it works!", person_id = kirk_id) %>% wb_add_thread(dims = "A2", comment = "indeed", person_id = uhura_id, resolve = TRUE) %>% wb_add_thread(dims = "A1", comment = "fascinating", person_id = spock_id, reply = TRUE) exp <- data.frame( ref = c("A1", "A1"), displayName = c("Kirk", "Spock"), text = c("wow it works!", "fascinating"), done = c("0", ""), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) got <- wb_get_thread(wb, dims = "A1")[, -1] # somehow the row ordering differs for parallel and non-parallel testthat runs expect_equal(exp[order(got$displayName), ], got, ignore_attr = TRUE) exp <- "[Threaded comment]\n\nYour spreadsheet software allows you to read this threaded comment; however, any edits to it will get removed if the file is opened in a newer version of a certain spreadsheet software.\n\nComment: wow it works!\nReplie:fascinating" got <- wb_get_comment(wb, dims = "A1")$comment expect_equal(exp, got) # start a new thread wb <- wb %>% wb_add_thread(dims = "A1", comment = "oops", person_id = kirk_id) exp <- data.frame( ref = "A1", displayName = "Kirk", text = "oops", done = "0", stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) got <- wb_get_thread(wb, dims = "A1")[, -1] expect_equal(exp, got) wb <- wb %>% wb_add_worksheet() %>% wb_add_thread(dims = "A1", comment = "hmpf", person_id = scotty_id) exp <- data.frame( ref = "A1", displayName = "Scotty", text = "hmpf", done = "0", stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) got <- wb_get_thread(wb, dims = "A1")[, -1] expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("thread option works", { wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet() wb$add_person(name = "Kirk") wb <- wb %>% wb_add_thread(comment = "works") exp <- "works" got <- wb_get_thread(wb)$text expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("background images work", { wb <- wb_workbook() wb$add_worksheet("Sheet 1") # file extension must be png or jpeg, not jpg? tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") png(filename = tmp, bg = "transparent") plot(1:10) rect(1, 5, 3, 7, col = "white") dev.off() # write comment without author c1 <- wb_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "", visible = TRUE) wb$add_comment(dims = "B12", comment = c1, file = tmp) img <- system.file("extdata", "einstein.jpg", package = "openxlsx2") wb$add_worksheet()$add_image(dims = "C5", file = img, width = 6, height = 5) wb$add_comment(dims = "B12", comment = c1) wb$add_worksheet() # file extension must be png or jpeg, not jpg? tmp2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") png(filename = tmp2, bg = "transparent") barplot(1:10) dev.off() # write comment without author c1 <- wb_comment(text = "this is a comment", author = "", visible = TRUE) wb$add_comment(dims = "G12", comment = c1, file = tmp2) wb$add_comment(dims = "G12", sheet = 1, comment = c1, file = tmp2) expect_length(wb$vml, 3) expect_length(wb$vml_rels, 3) expect_length(wb$vml_rels[[1]], 2) expect_null(wb$vml_rels[[2]]) expect_length(wb$vml_rels[[3]], 1) }) test_that("More than two background images work", { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".png") png(filename = tmp, bg = "transparent") plot(1:10) dev.off() c1 <- wb_comment(text = "Comm1", author = "", visible = TRUE) wb <- wb_workbook()$ add_worksheet()$ add_comment(dims = "A2", comment = c1, file = tmp)$ add_comment(dims = "A3", comment = c1, file = tmp)$ add_comment(dims = "A4", comment = c1, file = tmp)$ add_worksheet()$ add_comment(dims = "A2", comment = c1, file = tmp) exp <- list( c( "", "", "" ), "" ) got <- wb$vml_rels expect_equal(exp, got) }) test_that("background colors work", { wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet() txt <- fmt_txt("This Part Bold red\n\n", bold = TRUE, size = 12, color = wb_color("red")) + fmt_txt("This part black", size = 9, color = wb_color("black")) wb$add_comment(sheet = 1, dims = wb_dims(3, 6), comment = wb_comment(text = txt), color = wb_color("green")) expect_match(wb$vml[[1]], "fillcolor=\"#00FF00\"") })