mod <- demo_mod() test_that( "Set control character to NA is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "play.at_end") <- NA_character_ }) }) test_that( "Set control real to NA is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "play.pitch_factor") <- NA_real_ }) }) test_that( "Set control logical to NA is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "load.skip_plugins") <- as.logical(NA) }) }) test_that( "Set control integer to NA is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "dither") <- NA_integer_ }) }) test_that( "Setting multiple control characters is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "play.at_end") <- c("fadeout", "stop") }) }) test_that( "Setting multiple control reals is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "play.pitch_factor") <- c(1, 2) }) }) test_that( "Setting multiple control logicals is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "load.skip_plugins") <- c(TRUE, FALSE) }) }) test_that( "Setting multiple control integers is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "dither") <- c(1L, 2L) }) }) test_that( "Setting incorrect control type is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "load.skip_plugins") <- 4L }) }) test_that( "Setting incorrect control type is not accepted", { expect_error({ control(mod, "load.skip_plugins") <- 4L }) }) test_that( "Module cannot be obtained from incorrect type/class", { expect_error({ openmpt:::test_get_mod(1) }) }) test_that( "Cannot retrieve non-existing render param", { expect_error({ render_param(demo_mod(), "foobar") }) }) test_that( "Cannot read module from text connection", { expect_error({ con <- file(system.file("cyberrid", "cyberrid.mod", package = "openmpt"), "rt") tryCatch({ mod <- read_mod(con) }, finally = { close(con) }) }) })