context("Hyperparameter Estimation") #For testing if the functions that explore the hyperparameter space are #functioning correctly data.table::setDTthreads(2) #only needed for CRAN checks dat <- data.frame( var1 = c("product_A", rep("product_B", 3), "product_C", rep("product_A", 2), rep("product_B", 2), "product_C"), var2 = c("event_1", rep("event_2", 2), rep("event_3", 2), "event_2", rep("event_3", 3), "event_1"), strat1 = c(rep("Male", 5), rep("Female", 3), rep("Male", 2)), strat2 = c(rep("age_cat1", 5), rep("age_cat1", 3), rep("age_cat2", 2)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) dat$id <- 1:nrow(dat) dat_processed <- processRaw(dat) dat_miss <- dat_processed dat_miss[2, "E"] <- NA theta_init <- data.frame(alpha1 = c(0.2, 0.1, 0.3), beta1 = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.5), alpha2 = c(2, 10, 6), beta2 = c(4, 10, 6), p = c(1/3, 0.2, 0.5) ) theta_init_neg <- theta_init theta_init_neg[1, 3] <- -0.5 theta_init_too_big <- theta_init theta_init_too_big[1, 5] <- 1.1 proc_zeroes <- processRaw(dat, zeroes = TRUE) data(caers) proc_dat_ustrat <- processRaw(caers, stratify = FALSE) proc_dat_ustrat_squash <- squashData(proc_dat_ustrat, bin_size = 80, keep_pts = 80) proc_dat_ustrat_squash <- squashData(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, count = 2, bin_size = 12, keep_pts = 12) #Begin exception handling tests ------------------------------------------------ #exploreHypers() testthat::test_that("see if exploreHypers() errors are correctly printed", { expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat[, c("E", "RR", "PRR")], theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "missing the appropriate column names (need 'N' and 'E')", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = dat_miss, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "missing or infinite values for 'N' and 'E' are not allowed", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = 0, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'squashed' and 'zeroes' must be logical values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, std_errors = 1), "'std_errors' must be a logical value", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_zeroes, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = TRUE, N_star = 1), "if zeroes are used, 'N_star' should be NULL", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = TRUE, N_star = NULL), "no zero counts found", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_zeroes, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "zero counts found", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = -1), "'N_star' must be NULL or a positive whole number", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 0), "'N_star' must be NULL or a positive whole number", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 2), "'N_star' does not agree with the data set", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1, max_pts = 10000), paste0("there are more than 10000 points --", "\n either squash data, run individual optimizations,", "\n or increase 'max_pts' (caution: long run times)"), fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init[, 1:4], squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'theta_init' must contain 5 columns", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init_neg, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'theta_init' must contain nonnegative values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init_too_big, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'theta[5]' (i.e., 'P') must be <1", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = TRUE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'weight' column is missing -- are these data really squashed?", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(exploreHypers(data = proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'weight' column was found -- were these data squashed?", fixed = TRUE) }) #hyperEM() testthat::test_that("see if hyperEM() errors are correctly printed", { expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = FALSE, N_star = 2), "if 'method' is 'score', N_star must be 1 or NULL", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(dat_miss, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = FALSE), "missing or infinite values for 'N' and 'E' are not allowed", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = 0), "'squashed' and 'zeroes' must be logical values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_zeroes, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = FALSE, zeroes = TRUE, N_star = 1), "if zeroes are used, 'N_star' should be NULL", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = FALSE, zeroes = TRUE, N_star = NULL), "no zero counts found", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_zeroes, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "zero counts found", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), method = "nlminb", squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = -1), "'N_star' must be NULL or a positive whole number", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), method = "nlminb", squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 2), "'N_star' does not agree with the data set", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2), squashed = FALSE), "'theta_init_vec' must contain 5 elements", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, NA, 2, .3), squashed = FALSE), "'theta_init_vec' cannot contain missing values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 0), squashed = FALSE), "'theta_init_vec' must contain positive numeric values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1), squashed = FALSE), "'theta_init_vec[5]' (i.e., 'P') must be <1", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = TRUE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'weight' column is missing -- are these data really squashed?", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'weight' column was found -- were these data squashed?", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), LL_tol = ".001"), "'LL_tol' must be a positive numeric value", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), LL_tol = 0), "'LL_tol' must be a positive numeric value", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), consecutive = 10.5), "'consecutive' must be a nonnegative whole number", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), max_iter = 0), "'max_iter' must be a positive whole number", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), param_lower = 0), "'param_lower' must be a positive numeric value", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), param_lower = 0.01, param_upper = 0.001), "'param_lower' must be less than 'param_upper'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(hyperEM(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), print_level = 3), "'print_level' must be 0, 1, or 2", fixed = TRUE) }) #autoHyper() ------------------------------------------------------------------- testthat::test_that("see if autoHyper() errors are correctly printed", { expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, tol = c(0.2, 0.4)), "'tol' must have a length of 5", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, tol = c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.2, 0.025)), "'tol' must have only positive values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, min_conv = 10), paste0("'min_conv' must be a positive number not more than one ", "\n less than the number of rows in 'theta_init'"), fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, min_conv = 0), paste0("'min_conv' must be a positive number not more than one ", "\n less than the number of rows in 'theta_init'"), fixed = TRUE) expect_error(suppressWarnings( autoHyper(data = dat_processed, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE) ), paste0("consistent convergence failed --", "\n try squashing data with another 'bin_size' value --", "\n if that fails, try using zeroes with data squashing --", "\n or, try using neither zeroes nor data squashing"), fixed = TRUE) expect_error(suppressWarnings( autoHyper(data = dat_processed, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, conf_ints = 1) ), "'conf_ints' must be a logical value", fixed = TRUE) #Common to exploreHypers... #Make sure arguments "line up" expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat[, c("E", "RR", "PRR")], theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE), "missing the appropriate column names (need 'N' and 'E')", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = dat_miss, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE), "missing or infinite values for 'N' and 'E' are not allowed", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = 0), "'squashed' and 'zeroes' must be logical values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_zeroes, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = TRUE), "if zeroes are used, 'N_star' should be NULL", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, N_star = NULL), "if zeroes are not used, 'N_star' must be specified", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = TRUE, N_star = NULL), "no zero counts found", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_zeroes, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE), "zero counts found", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 0), "'N_star' must be NULL or a positive whole number", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = -1), "'N_star' must be NULL or a positive whole number", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 2), "'N_star' does not agree with the data set", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1, max_pts = 10000), paste0("there are more than 10000 points --", "\n either squash data, run individual optimizations,", "\n or increase 'max_pts' (caution: long run times)"), fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init[, 1:4], squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'theta_init' must contain 5 columns", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init_neg, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'theta_init' must contain nonnegative values", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init_too_big, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'theta[5]' (i.e., 'P') must be <1", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = TRUE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'weight' column is missing -- are these data really squashed?", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoHyper(data = proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, zeroes = FALSE, N_star = 1), "'weight' column was found -- were these data squashed?", fixed = TRUE) }) #Begin sanity checks ----------------------------------------------------------- hyper_no_squash <- suppressWarnings( autoHyper(proc_dat_ustrat[1:10000, ], theta_init = theta_init, squashed = FALSE, max_pts = nrow(proc_dat_ustrat)) ) hyper_squash <- suppressWarnings( autoHyper(proc_dat_ustrat_squash, theta_init = theta_init, max_pts = nrow(proc_dat_ustrat_squash)) ) testthat::test_that("check that a list is being output under correct circumstance", { expect_equal(length(hyper_no_squash), 5) expect_equal(length(hyper_squash), 5) expect_true(is.list(hyper_no_squash)) expect_true(is.list(hyper_squash)) }) testthat::test_that("check that estimates make sense", { expect_equal(length(hyper_no_squash$estimates), 5) expect_equal(length(hyper_squash$estimates), 5) expect_true(min(hyper_no_squash$estimates) > 0) expect_true(min(hyper_squash$estimates) > 0) expect_true(max(hyper_no_squash$estimates) < 4) expect_true(max(hyper_squash$estimates) < 4) expect_true(hyper_no_squash$estimates[5] < 0.2) expect_true(hyper_squash$estimates[5] < 0.1) expect_true(!any($estimates))) expect_true(!any($estimates))) }) df_method <- squashData(proc_dat_ustrat) df_method <- squashData(df_method, count = 2, bin_size = 12) hypers_nlminb <- suppressWarnings( exploreHypers(df_method, theta_init = theta_init)$estimates ) hypers_nlm <- suppressWarnings( exploreHypers(df_method, theta_init = theta_init, method = "nlm")$estimates ) hypers_bfgs <- suppressWarnings( exploreHypers(df_method, theta_init = theta_init, method = "bfgs")$estimates ) testthat::test_that("check if 'nlminb' method works", { expect_equal(nrow(hypers_nlminb), 3) expect_true(min(hypers_nlminb[, 2:6]) > 0) expect_true(max(hypers_nlminb[, 2:5]) < 4) expect_true(max(hypers_nlminb[, 6]) < 0.1) expect_true(!any( }) testthat::test_that("check if 'nlm' method works", { expect_equal(nrow(hypers_nlm), 3) expect_true(min(hypers_nlm[, 2:6]) > 0) expect_true(max(hypers_nlm[, 2:5]) < 4) expect_true(max(hypers_nlm[, 6]) < 0.1) expect_true(!any( }) testthat::test_that("check if 'bfgs' method works", { expect_equal(nrow(hypers_bfgs), 3) expect_true(min(hypers_bfgs[, 2:6]) > 0) expect_true(max(hypers_bfgs[, 2:5]) < 4) expect_true(max(hypers_bfgs[, 6]) < 0.1) expect_true(!any( }) #hyperEM() squashed <- squashData(proc_dat_ustrat, bin_size = 100, keep_pts = 0) squashed <- squashData(squashed, count = 2, bin_size = 12) hyperEM_ests <- hyperEM(squashed, theta_init_vec = c(1, 1, 2, 2, .3), print_level = 0) testthat::test_that("check if hyperEM() works", { expect_equal(length(hyperEM_ests), 9) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[1] > 3.00) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[1] < 3.20) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[2] > 0.30) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[2] < 0.50) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[3] > 1.95) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[3] < 2.15) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[4] > 1.85) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[4] < 2.00) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[5] > .04) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$estimates[5] < .08) expect_true(!any($estimates))) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$maximum < -4160) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$maximum > -4170) expect_true(hyperEM_ests$score_norm < .075) expect_true(!any($score_norm))) })