context("Data Squashing") #For testing if the function that squashes data works properly data.table::setDTthreads(2) #only needed for CRAN checks #Squash some processed data set.seed(483726) dat <- data.frame(var1 = letters[1:26], var2 = LETTERS[1:26], N = c(rep(0, 11), rep(1, 10), rep(2, 4), rep(3, 1)), E = abs(c(rnorm(11, 0), rnorm(10, 1), rnorm(4, 2), rnorm(1, 3))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) dat_no_N <- dat[, !grepl("N", names(dat))] dat_missing1 <- dat dat_missing1[3, "N"] <- NA dat_missing2 <- dat dat_missing2[1, "E"] <- "" zeroes <- squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 3, keep_pts = 3, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2) ones <- squashData(zeroes, count = 1, bin_size = 2, keep_pts = 2, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2) twos <- squashData(ones, count = 2, bin_size = 2, keep_pts = 2, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2) test_that("correct number of rows and columns from squashData()", { expect_equal(nrow(zeroes), 21) expect_equal(nrow(ones), 17) expect_equal(nrow(twos), 16) expect_equal(ncol(twos), 3) }) test_that("do the weights make sense?", { expect_equal(squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 3, keep_pts = 0, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2)$weight, c(3,3,3,2, rep(1, 15))) expect_equal(squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 3, keep_pts = 3, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2)$weight, c(3,3,2,1,1,1, rep(1, 15))) expect_equal(squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 3, keep_pts = 6, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2)$weight, c(3,2,1,1,1,1,1,1, rep(1, 15))) }) test_that("correct column names from squashData()", { expect_match(paste0(names(ones), collapse = ""), "NEweight") }) test_that("values returned from squashData() make sense", { expect_true(max(twos$E) < Inf) expect_true(min(twos$E) >= 0) expect_equal(max(twos$N), 3) expect_equal(min(twos$N), 0) expect_equal(max(twos$weight), 3) expect_equal(min(twos$weight), 1) }) test_that("do warnings/errors get correctly printed?", { expect_error(squashData(as.matrix(dat)), "'data' must be a data frame", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat_no_N), "missing the appropriate column names (need 'N' and 'E')", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat_missing1), "missing or infinite values for 'N' and 'E' are not allowed", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat_missing2), "missing values for 'N' or 'E' are not allowed", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat, count = -1), "'count' must be non-negative", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat, count = -1.4), "'count' must be non-negative", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat, bin_size = 1), "'bin_size' must be >= 2", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat, keep_pts = -1), "'keep_pts' must be non-negative", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(ones, count = 1), "this data set has already been squashed for this count size", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat, count = 3, min_pts = 2), "not enough points for squashing", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 50, keep_pts = 0, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2), "not enough bins -- reduce 'bin_size'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 2, keep_pts = 12, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2), "reduce 'bin_size' or 'keep_pts'", fixed = TRUE) }) dat_E <- dat[order(dat$N, dat$E), "E"] dat_E1 <- squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 5, keep_pts = 0, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2) dat_E1 <- dat_E1[dat_E1$N == 0, "E"] dat_E2 <- squashData(dat, count = 0, bin_size = 5, keep_pts = 5, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2) dat_E2 <- dat_E2[dat_E2$N == 0, "E"] dat_E3 <- squashData(dat, count = 1, bin_size = 2, keep_pts = 0, min_bin = 2, min_pts = 2) dat_E3 <- dat_E3[dat_E3$N == 1, "E"] test_that("are the Es averaged correctly?", { expect_equal(dat_E1, c(mean(dat_E[1:5]), mean(dat_E[6:10]), dat_E[11])) expect_equal(dat_E2, c(mean(dat_E[1:5]), dat_E[6:11])) expect_equal(dat_E3, c(mean(dat_E[12:13]), mean(dat_E[14:15]), mean(dat_E[16:17]), mean(dat_E[18:19]), mean(dat_E[20:21]))) }) # autoSquash()------------------------------------------------------------------ dat2 <- data.frame(N = c(rep(0, 100), rep(1, 50), rep(2, 5)), E = runif(155)) squash1 <- autoSquash(dat2, keep_pts = 10, cut_offs = c(25, 75), num_super_pts = c(3, 4, 5)) table1 <- as.matrix(ftable(squash1[, c("N", "weight")])) test_that("values returned from autoSquash() make sense", { expect_true(all(table1[1, ] == c(10, 0, 5))) expect_true(all(table1[2, ] == c(10, 4, 0))) expect_true(all(table1[3, ] == c(5, 0, 0))) }) test_that("autoSquash - do warnings/errors get correctly printed?", { expect_error(autoSquash(squash1), "'data' has already been squashed", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoSquash(dat2, keep_pts = c(100, NA, 50)), "missing values not allowed in 'keep_pts', 'cut_offs', or 'num_super_pts'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoSquash(dat2, cut_offs = c()), "'keep_pts', 'cut_offs', & 'num_super_pts' must have a length of 1 or more", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoSquash(dat2, cut_offs = c(500, 1000), num_super_pts = c(50, 75)), "'num_super_pts' must have length 1 more than length of 'cut_offs'", fixed = TRUE) expect_error(autoSquash(dat2, cut_offs = c(1000, 500), num_super_pts = c(50, 75, 150)), "elements in 'cut_offs' must be in increasing order", fixed = TRUE) })