# context("test-rlabel_local") pattern <- spatstat.random::runifpoint(n = 250, win = spatstat.geom::owin(c(0, 100), c(0, 100))) spatstat.geom::marks(pattern) <- runif(n = 250, min = 10, max = 120) test_that("rlabel_local returns nsim", { null_model <- rlabel_local(X = pattern, distance = 25, nsim = 19, drop = FALSE) expect_length(null_model, n = 19) }) test_that("rlabel_local randomizes marks", { null_model <- rlabel_local(X = pattern, distance = 25, nsim = 19, drop = FALSE) marks_original <- spatstat.geom::marks(pattern) check <- any(vapply(X = null_model, FUN = function(x) all(spatstat.geom::marks(x) == marks_original), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))) expect_false(check) }) test_that("rlabel_local return only ppp", { null_model <- rlabel_local(X = pattern, distance = 25, nsim = 1, drop = TRUE) expect_s3_class(object = null_model, class = "ppp") }) test_that("rlabel_local returns error", { expect_error(rlabel_local(X = pattern, distance = 5, nsim = 19, drop = FALSE), regexp = "Not all points have at least one neighbour within the specified distance.") expect_error(rlabel_local(X = spatstat.geom::unmark(pattern), distance = 5, nsim = 19, drop = FALSE), regexp = "Please provide pattern with numeric marks.") })