test_that("test validateNameArgument", { expect_error(validateNameArgument(name = 1)) expect_error(validateNameArgument(name = c("sda", "asdfsa"))) expect_identical("my_name", validateNameArgument("my_name")) expect_error(validateNameArgument("myName")) expect_warning(expect_identical("my_name", validateNameArgument("myName", validation = "warning"))) expect_warning(expect_warning(expect_identical( "my_name", validateNameArgument("myName", list("my_name" = 1), validation = "warning") ))) expect_no_error(validateNameArgument(name = NULL, null = TRUE)) expect_error(validateNameArgument(name = NULL, null = FALSE)) }) test_that("test validateCohortIdArgument", { cohort <- 1 class(cohort) <- c("cohort_table", "cdm_table") attr(cohort, "cohort_set") <- dplyr::tibble( "cohort_definition_id" = c(2, 4), "cohort_name" = c("a", "b") ) expect_error(validateCohortIdArgument("adsfd", cohort)) expect_identical(validateCohortIdArgument(2, cohort), 2L) expect_identical(validateCohortIdArgument(c(2, 4), cohort), c(2L, 4L)) expect_identical(validateCohortIdArgument(c(4L, 2L), cohort), c(4L, 2L)) expect_error(validateCohortIdArgument(1, cohort)) }) test_that("test validateWindowArgument", { window <- c(0, 1) expect_no_error(validateWindowArgument(window)) window <- list(c(0, 1), c(2, 3)) expect_no_error(validateWindowArgument(window)) window <- list(c("a", 1)) expect_error(validateWindowArgument(window)) window <- list("window" = c(0, 1), "window2" = c(-1, 1)) expect_no_error(validateWindowArgument(window)) window <- list(c(0, -1)) expect_error(validateWindowArgument(window)) window <- list(c(-Inf, -Inf)) expect_error(validateWindowArgument(window)) window <- list(c(Inf, Inf)) expect_error(validateWindowArgument(window)) #window name check window <- list(c(-1, 1)) window <- window |> validateWindowArgument(snakeCase = FALSE) expect_true(names(window) == "-1 to 1") window <- list(c(-1, 1)) window <- window |> validateWindowArgument(snakeCase = TRUE) expect_true(names(window) == "m1_to_1") window <- list("window" = c(-1, 1)) window <- window |> validateWindowArgument(snakeCase = TRUE) expect_true(names(window) == "window") }) test_that("test validateAgeGroup", { #test list expect_error(validateAgeGroupArgument(c("1", "18"))) ageGroup = list(c(0, 18)) expect_no_error(validateAgeGroupArgument(ageGroup)) #test name ageGroup = validateAgeGroupArgument(ageGroup) expect_true(names(ageGroup) == "age_group") # name multiple group ageGroup = list(list(c(0, 19)), list(c(0, 18))) ageGroup = validateAgeGroupArgument(ageGroup) expect_true(all(names(ageGroup) == c("age_group_1", "age_group_2"))) #test overlap ageGroup = list(c(0, 18), c(16, 20)) expect_error(validateAgeGroupArgument(ageGroup, overlap = FALSE)) expect_no_error(validateAgeGroupArgument(ageGroup, overlap = TRUE)) #test order ageGroup = list(c(19, 18), c(21, 20)) expect_error(validateAgeGroupArgument(ageGroup, overlap = FALSE)) # test multiple age group ageGroup = list(list(c(0, 19)), list(c(0, 18))) expect_error(validateAgeGroupArgument( ageGroup, overlap = FALSE, multipleAgeGroup = FALSE)) expect_no_error(validateAgeGroupArgument( ageGroup, overlap = FALSE, multipleAgeGroup = TRUE)) # null age group expect_no_error(validateAgeGroupArgument( ageGroup = NULL, overlap = FALSE, multipleAgeGroup = FALSE)) expect_error(validateAgeGroupArgument( ageGroup = NULL, overlap = FALSE, null = FALSE, multipleAgeGroup = FALSE)) # correct naming x <- list(0, c(1, 19), c(20, 39), c(40, 59), c(60, 79), c(80, Inf)) |> validateAgeGroupArgument() expect_identical( x, list("age_group" = list( "0 to 0" = c(0, 0), "1 to 19" = c(1, 19), "20 to 39" = c(20, 39), "40 to 59" = c(40, 59), "60 to 79" = c(60, 79), "80 or above" = c(80, Inf) )) ) expect_identical( validateAgeGroupArgument(c(0, Inf), ageGroupName = "my_age_group"), list(my_age_group = list(overall = c(0L, Inf))) ) }) test_that("test validateCdmArgument", { cdm_object <- 1 class(cdm_object) <- c("cdm_reference") expect_no_error( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkOverlapObservation = FALSE, checkStartBeforeEndObservation = FALSE ) ) expect_error( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkOverlapObservation = TRUE, checkStartBeforeEndObservation = TRUE ) ) cdm_object <- list( "observation_period" = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1L, person_id = 1L, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = as.Date("2023-12-31"), period_type_concept_id = 0L )) class(cdm_object) <- c("cdm_reference") expect_no_error( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkOverlapObservation = TRUE, checkStartBeforeEndObservation = TRUE ) ) cdm_object <- list( "observation_period" = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = c(1L,1L), person_id = c(1L,1L), observation_period_start_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2000-01-01")), observation_period_end_date = c(as.Date("2023-12-31"),as.Date("2023-01-01")), period_type_concept_id = c(0L,0L) )) class(cdm_object) <- c("cdm_reference") expect_error( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkOverlapObservation = TRUE, checkStartBeforeEndObservation = TRUE ) ) expect_no_error( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkOverlapObservation = FALSE, checkStartBeforeEndObservation = FALSE ) ) # implausible starting observation date cdm_object <- list( "observation_period" = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = c(1L,1L), person_id = c(1L,1L), observation_period_start_date = c(as.Date("1700-01-01"),as.Date("2000-01-01")), observation_period_end_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2023-01-01")), period_type_concept_id = c(0L,0L) )) class(cdm_object) <- c("cdm_reference") expect_warning( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkPlausibleObservationDates = TRUE ) ) expect_no_error( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkPlausibleObservationDates = FALSE ) ) # implausible ending observation date - currently a warning instead of e cdm_object <- list( "observation_period" = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = c(1L,1L), person_id = c(1L,1L), observation_period_start_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2000-01-02")), observation_period_end_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2100-01-01")), period_type_concept_id = c(0L,0L) )) class(cdm_object) <- c("cdm_reference") expect_warning( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkPlausibleObservationDates = TRUE ) ) expect_no_error( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkPlausibleObservationDates = FALSE ) ) # no errors or warnings if cdm is empty expect_no_error( validateCdmArgument( emptyCdmReference("test"), checkOverlapObservation = TRUE, checkStartBeforeEndObservation = TRUE, checkPlausibleObservationDates = TRUE ) ) # warnings if clinical table contain person id not in person table cdm_object <- list( "observation_period" = dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = c(1L,1L), person_id = c(1L,1L), observation_period_start_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2000-01-02")), observation_period_end_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2100-01-01")), period_type_concept_id = c(0L,0L) ), "person" = dplyr::tibble( person_id = c(1L,1L), gender_concept_id = c(8507L,8507L), year_of_birth = c(1991L,1992L) ), "condition_occurrence" = dplyr::tibble( condition_occurrence_id = c(1L,2L), person_id = c(8507L,8507L), condition_start_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2000-01-02")), condition_end_date = c(as.Date("2000-01-01"),as.Date("2100-01-01")) )) class(cdm_object) <- c("cdm_reference") expect_no_warning( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkPerson = FALSE ) ) expect_warning( validateCdmArgument( cdm_object, checkPerson = TRUE ) ) }) test_that("test validateResults", { x <- dplyr::tibble( "result_id" = as.integer(1), "cdm_name" = "cprd", "result_type" = "summarised_characteristics", "package_name" = "PatientProfiles", "package_version" = "0.4.0", "group_name" = "cohort_name", "group_level" = "cohort1", "strata_name" = "sex", "strata_level" = "male", "variable_name" = "Age group", "variable_level" = "10 to 50", "estimate_name" = "count", "estimate_type" = "numeric", "estimate_value" = "5", "additional_name" = "overall", "additional_level" = "overall" ) expect_no_error(x |> newSummarisedResult() |> validateResultArguemnt()) }) test_that("test isResultSuppressed",{ obj <- dplyr::tibble( "result_id" = as.integer(1), "cdm_name" = "mock", "group_name" = "overall", "group_level" = "overall", "strata_name" = c(rep("overall", 6), rep("sex", 3)), "strata_level" = c(rep("overall", 6), "male", "female", "female"), "variable_name" = c("number records", "age_group", "age_group", "age_group", "age_group", "my_variable", "number records", "age_group", "age_group"), "variable_level" = c(NA, "<50", "<50", ">=50", ">=50", NA, NA, "<50", "<50"), "estimate_name" = c("count", "count", "percentage", "count", "percentage", "random", "count", "count", "percentage"), "estimate_type" = c("integer", "integer", "percentage", "integer", "percentage", "numeric", "integer", "integer", "percentage"), "estimate_value" = c("10", "5", "50", "3", "30", "1", "3", "12", "6"), "additional_name" = "overall", "additional_level" = "overall" ) |> newSummarisedResult(settings = dplyr::tibble( "result_id" = as.integer(1), "result_type" = "summarised_characteristics", "package_name" = "omopgenerics", "package_version" = as.character(utils::packageVersion("omopgenerics")) )) # Test for no min_cell_count column expect_warning(isResultSuppressed(result = obj, minCellCount = 3)) result <- suppress(obj, minCellCount = 2) # Test for correctly specified min_cell_count expect_no_warning(isResultSuppressed(result = result, minCellCount = 2)) # Test for greater actual min_cell_count expect_warning(isResultSuppressed(result = result, minCellCount = 1)) # Test for smaller actual min_cell_count expect_warning(isResultSuppressed(result = result, minCellCount = 3)) })