test_that("test getCohortName and getCohortId", { person <- dplyr::tibble( person_id = 1L, gender_concept_id = 0L, year_of_birth = 1990L, race_concept_id = 0L, ethnicity_concept_id = 0L ) observation_period <- dplyr::tibble( observation_period_id = 1L, person_id = 1L, observation_period_start_date = as.Date("2000-01-01"), observation_period_end_date = Sys.Date(), period_type_concept_id = 0L ) x <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1L, subject_id = 1L, cohort_start_date = Sys.Date(), cohort_end_date = Sys.Date() ) attr(x, "cohort_set") <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = c(1, 2, 3, 4) |> as.integer(), cohort_name = c("condition1", "drug1", "covid", "asthma") ) y <- dplyr::tibble( cohort_definition_id = 1:5, subject_id = 1L, cohort_start_date = Sys.Date(), cohort_end_date = Sys.Date() ) cdm <- cdmFromTables( tables = list("person" = person, "observation_period" = observation_period), cohortTables = list("my_first_cohort" = x, "my_second_cohort" = y), cdmName = "test" ) expect_identical( getCohortId(cdm$my_first_cohort), c("condition1" = 1L, "drug1" = 2L, "covid" = 3L, "asthma" = 4L) ) expect_identical( getCohortId(cdm$my_first_cohort, "drug1"), c("drug1" = 2L) ) expect_identical( getCohortId(cdm$my_first_cohort, c("asthma", "covid")), c(asthma = 4L, covid = 3L) ) expect_identical( getCohortId(cdm$my_first_cohort, c("covid", "asthma")), c(covid = 3L, asthma = 4L) ) expect_warning(expect_identical( getCohortId(cdm$my_first_cohort, c("covid", "random", "asthma")), c(covid = 3L, asthma = 4L) )) expect_warning(getCohortId(cdm$my_first_cohort, "random")) expect_identical( getCohortName(cdm$my_first_cohort), c("1" = "condition1", "2" = "drug1", "3" = "covid", "4" = "asthma") ) expect_identical( getCohortName(cdm$my_second_cohort, 1), c("1" = "cohort_1") ) expect_identical( getCohortName(cdm$my_second_cohort, 1L), c("1" = "cohort_1") ) expect_identical( getCohortName(cdm$my_second_cohort, c(4, 2)), c("4" = "cohort_4", "2" = "cohort_2") ) expect_warning(expect_identical( getCohortName(cdm$my_second_cohort, c(6:1)), c("5" = "cohort_5", "4" = "cohort_4", "3" = "cohort_3", "2" = "cohort_2", "1" = "cohort_1") )) expect_warning(getCohortName(cdm$my_second_cohort, 8)) expect_error(getCohortName(cdm$my_second_cohort, "1")) }) test_that("test getPersonIdentifier", { expect_identical( getPersonIdentifier(dplyr::tibble("person_id" = 1L, "a" = "a", "sdas" = 3)), "person_id" ) expect_identical( getPersonIdentifier(dplyr::tibble("subject_id" = 1L, "a" = "a")), "subject_id" ) expect_error( getPersonIdentifier(dplyr::tibble("subject_id" = 1L, "person_id" = "a")) ) expect_error(getPersonIdentifier(dplyr::tibble("y" = 1L, "x" = "a"))) }) test_that("uniqueId", { expect_no_error(uniqueId()) expect_true(is.character(uniqueId())) expect_true(length(uniqueId()) == 1) expect_true(length(uniqueId(n = 8)) == 8) expect_true(grepl("pref_", uniqueId(prefix = "pref_"))) expect_true(nchar(uniqueId()) == 6) expect_true(nchar(uniqueId(nChar = 4, prefix = "")) == 4) xx <- letters[c(-1, -8)] expect_identical( uniqueId(n = 2, exclude = paste0("m", xx), nChar = 1, prefix = "m"), c("ma", "mh") ) }) test_that("isTableEmpty", { table <- dplyr::tibble(a = "1") expect_error(table |> isTableEmpty()) class(table) <- c("cdm_table", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame") expect_false(table |> isTableEmpty()) table <- dplyr::tibble() class(table) <- c("cdm_table", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame") expect_true(table |> isTableEmpty()) }) test_that("omopTableFields", { expect_no_error(omopTableFields()) expect_identical(omopTableFields(), omopTableFields("5.3")) expect_false(omopTableFields(cdmVersion = "5.4") |> nrow() == omopTableFields(cdmVersion = "5.3") |> nrow()) expect_error(omopTableFields(cdmVersion = "5.5")) }) test_that("resultPackageVersion", { x <- dplyr::tibble( "result_id" = c(as.integer(1),as.integer(2)), "cdm_name" = c("cprd","omock"), "result_type" = "summarised_characteristics", "package_name" = "PatientProfiles", "package_version" = "0.4.0", "group_name" = "cohort_name", "group_level" = "cohort1", "strata_name" = "sex", "strata_level" = "male", "variable_name" = "Age group", "variable_level" = "10 to 50", "estimate_name" = "count", "estimate_type" = "numeric", "estimate_value" = "5", "additional_name" = "overall", "additional_level" = "overall" ) |> newSummarisedResult() expect_invisible(x |> resultPackageVersion()) x <- dplyr::tibble( "result_id" = c(as.integer(1),as.integer(2)), "cdm_name" = c("cprd","omock"), "result_type" = "summarised_characteristics", "package_name" = "PatientProfiles", "package_version" = c("0.4.0","0.5.0"), "group_name" = "cohort_name", "group_level" = "cohort1", "strata_name" = "sex", "strata_level" = "male", "variable_name" = "Age group", "variable_level" = "10 to 50", "estimate_name" = "count", "estimate_type" = "numeric", "estimate_value" = "5", "additional_name" = "overall", "additional_level" = "overall" ) |> newSummarisedResult() expect_message(x |> resultPackageVersion()) }) test_that("packages versions", { x <- emptySummarisedResult(settings = dplyr::tibble( result_id = 1:5, result_type = "unknown", package_name = c( "PatientProfiles", "CohortCharacteristics", "visOmopResults", "PatientProfiles", "CohortCharacteristics" ), package_version = c("1.2.0", "0.2.2", "0.3.0", "1.2.0", "0.2.2") )) expect_snapshot(resultPackageVersion(x)) x <- emptySummarisedResult(settings = dplyr::tibble( result_id = 1:5, result_type = "unknown", package_name = c( "PatientProfiles", "CohortCharacteristics", "visOmopResults", "PatientProfiles", "CohortCharacteristics" ), package_version = c("1.2.0", "0.2.2", "0.3.0", "1.1.0", "0.2.2") )) expect_snapshot(resultPackageVersion(x)) })