test_that("output from stepAIC both direction regression is as expected when adding and removing variables", { model <- lm(y ~ ., data = stepdata) expect_snapshot(ols_step_both_aic(model, progress = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(ols_step_both_aic(model, details = TRUE)) }) test_that("output from stepSBC both direction regression is as expected when adding and removing variables", { model <- lm(y ~ ., data = stepdata) expect_snapshot(ols_step_both_sbc(model, progress = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(ols_step_both_sbc(model, details = TRUE)) }) test_that("output from stepSBIC both direction regression is as expected when adding and removing variables", { model <- lm(y ~ ., data = stepdata) expect_snapshot(ols_step_both_sbic(model, progress = TRUE)) expect_snapshot(ols_step_both_sbic(model, details = TRUE)) })