model <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + drat + qsec, data = mtcars) test_that("when fitted.values == TRUE, fitted values from the regression\n\tare used for the test", { b <- ols_test_score(model) expect_equal(round(b$score, 3), 1.269) expect_equal(round(b$p, 3), 0.26) expect_equal(b$df, 1) expect_true(b$fv) expect_false(b$rhs) expect_match(b$preds, "fitted values of mpg") expect_match(b$resp, "mpg") }) test_that("when fitted.values == TRUE and rhs == TRUE, predictors from the\n\tmodel are used for the test", { b <- ols_test_score(model, rhs = TRUE) expect_equal(round(b$score, 3), 2.516) expect_equal(round(b$p, 3), 0.774) expect_equal(b$df, 5) expect_false(b$fv) expect_true(b$rhs) expect_equal(b$preds, c("disp", "hp", "wt", "drat", "qsec"), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_match(b$resp, "mpg") }) test_that("when vars != NULL, variables specified from the are\n\tused for the test", { b <- ols_test_score(model, vars = c("disp", "hp")) expect_equal(round(b$score, 3), 0.969) expect_equal(round(b$p, 3), 0.616) expect_equal(b$df, 2) expect_false(b$fv) expect_false(b$rhs) expect_equal(b$preds, c("disp", "hp"), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_match(b$resp, "mpg") }) test_that("when vars != NULL and rhs == TRUE, predictors in the model are\n\tused for the test", { b <- ols_test_score(model, rhs = TRUE, vars = c("disp", "hp")) expect_equal(round(b$score, 3), 2.516) expect_equal(round(b$p, 3), 0.774) expect_equal(b$df, 5) expect_false(b$fv) expect_true(b$rhs) expect_equal(b$preds, c("disp", "hp", "wt", "drat", "qsec"), ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_match(b$resp, "mpg") })