library(odpc) context("Test loop for building optimal odpcs over rolling window") set.seed(1234) N <- 50 #length of series m <- 50 #number of series f <- rnorm(N + 1) x_small <- matrix(0, N, m) u <- matrix(rnorm(N * m), N, m) for (i in 1:m) { x_small[, i] <- 10 * sin(2 * pi * (i/m)) * f[1:N] + 10 * cos(2 * pi * (i/m)) * f[2:(N + 1)] + u[, i] } h <- 2 window_size <- 4 k_list <- c(2, 1, 3) tol <- 1e-2 niter_max <- 20 ncores <- 1 method <- 2 num_comp <- 1 ks <- c() data_field <- build_data_field(Z=x_small, window_size = window_size, h = h) response_field <- build_response_field(data_field=data_field, k_trun = 2 * k_list) fits <- grid_odpc(data_field = data_field, response_field = response_field, num_comp = num_comp, k_list=k_list, k_maxs=2 * k_list, window_size=window_size, tol=tol, niter_max=niter_max, method=method, ncores_w=ncores) best_fit <- get_best_fit(fits, Z=x_small, h=h, window_size = window_size) opt_comp <- best_fit$opt_comp new_best_mse <- best_fit$opt_mse new_opt_k <- k_list[best_fit$opt_ind] ks <- c(ks, new_opt_k) updated_k_params <- update_k_params(ks=ks, k_list=k_list) k_maxs <- updated_k_params$k_maxs k_trun <- updated_k_params$k_trun current_k_max <- updated_k_params$current_k_max while (num_comp <= 2){ # response field is now formed by the residuals from the fit using the current optimal componentss residual_field <- build_data_field(opt_comp) response_field <- build_response_field(data_field=residual_field, k_trun=k_trun) # compute another component using the previous fitted ones fits <- grid_odpc(data_field = data_field, response_field = response_field, num_comp = num_comp + 1, k_list=k_list, k_maxs=k_maxs, window_size=window_size, tol=tol, niter_max=niter_max, method=method, ncores_w=ncores) # append to current components the new fitted ones; extended fits has one entry per k; each of these # entries has window_size entries; in each of these we have: the current optimal component computed along the # rolling window, with the latest component appended at the end extended_fits <- new_window_object(fits, opt_comp) # get the optimal k for the new component best_fit <- get_best_fit(extended_fits, Z=x_small, h=h, window_size = window_size) opt_comp <- best_fit$opt_comp old_best_mse <- new_best_mse new_best_mse <- best_fit$opt_mse new_opt_k <- k_list[best_fit$opt_ind] ks <- c(ks, new_opt_k) num_comp <- length(ks) updated_k_params <- update_k_params(ks=ks, k_list=k_list) k_maxs <- updated_k_params$k_maxs k_trun <- updated_k_params$k_trun current_k_max <- updated_k_params$current_k_max } for (icomp in 1:3){ for (t in 1:window_size){ comp <- opt_comp[[t]] comp <- construct.odpcs(comp, data=x_small, N_t <- nrow(data_field[[t]]) min_recon <- 2 * max(ks[1:icomp])+1 mse_3comp <- mean((data_field[[t]][min_recon:N_t,] - fitted(comp, num_comp = icomp))**2) test_that(paste0('Correct mse for w=', t, 'component number', icomp), { expect_lte(abs(1- mse_3comp/comp[[icomp]]$mse), 2e-2) }) } }