test_that("SQLServer", { DBItest::make_context( odbc(), test_connection_string("SQLSERVER"), tweaks = DBItest::tweaks(temporary_tables = FALSE), name = "SQLServer" ) DBItest::test_getting_started(c( "package_name", # Not an error NULL )) DBItest::test_driver(c( "connect_bigint_integer", "connect_bigint_character", "connect_bigint_integer64", NULL )) DBItest::test_connection(c( NULL )) DBItest::test_result(c( "get_query_n_zero_rows", "get_query_n_incomplete", "fetch_no_return_value", # TODO "clear_result_return_statement", "cannot_clear_result_twice_statement", "send_statement.*", # Invalid CTAS syntax "execute_atomic", # Invalid CTAS syntax "execute_immediate", # Invalid CTAS syntax "data_character", # I think the test is bad "data_64_bit_numeric_warning", # Test does not explicitly set 64 bit columns "data_64_bit_lossless", # Test does not explicitly set 64 bit columns "data_date.*", # Date not a builtin function name "data_raw.*", # cast(1 bytea) is not valid `cannot cast type integer to bytea` "^data_time$", "^data_time_.*", # time objects not supported "^data_timestamp.*", # syntax not supported NULL )) DBItest::test_sql(c( "append_roundtrip_.*", # TODO "quote_string_na_is_null", # Invalid syntax "remove_table_missing_succeed", "roundtrip_character", # #10 "roundtrip_character_native", # Possible false positive "roundtrip_factor", # #10 "roundtrip_time", # TODO "roundtrip_timestamp", # We explicitly want to set tzone to UTC regardless of input "write_table_error", # TODO "quote_string_roundtrip", "quote_literal_roundtrip", "quote_literal_na_is_null", "quote_literal_na_is_null", "create_table_error", "create_temporary_table", "roundtrip_64_bit_roundtrip", "write_table_row_names_default", "list_fields_wrong_table", "list_fields_quoted", "list_fields_object", "list_objects_features", NULL )) DBItest::test_meta(c( "column_info_consistent", # TODO "bind_empty", "rows_affected_query", "rows_affected_statement", "has_completed_statement", "get_statement_statement", "row_count_statement", NULL )) DBItest::test_transaction(c( NULL )) DBItest::test_compliance(c( "compliance", # We are defining additional subclasses for OdbcConnections "reexport", NULL )) }) test_that("works with schemas (#197)", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") dbExecute(con, "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS testSchema") dbExecute(con, "CREATE SCHEMA testSchema") on.exit({ dbExecute(con, "DROP TABLE testSchema.iris") dbExecute(con, "DROP SCHEMA testSchema") }) ir <- iris ir$Species <- as.character(ir$Species) table_id <- Id(schema = "testSchema", table = "iris") dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = table_id, value = ir) dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = table_id, value = ir, append = TRUE) res <- dbReadTable(con, table_id) expect_equal(res, rbind(ir, ir)) dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = table_id, value = ir, overwrite = TRUE) res <- dbReadTable(con, table_id) expect_equal(res, ir) # Test: We can enumerate schemas out of catalog ( #527 ) # Part 1: Make sure we can see the schema we created in the # current catalog. res <- odbcConnectionSchemas(con) expect_true("testSchema" %in% res) # Part 2: Make sure we don't see that schema in the tempdb # listing ( out of catalog schema listing ) res <- odbcConnectionSchemas(con, catalog_name = "tempdb") # Should, at least, have INFORMATION_SCHEMA and sys expect_true(length(res) > 1) expect_false("testSchema" %in% res) }) test_that("works with dbAppendTable (#215)", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") ir <- iris ir$Species <- as.character(ir$Species) tbl <- local_table(con, "iris", ir) dbAppendTable(con, tbl, ir) res <- dbReadTable(con, tbl) expect_equal(res, rbind(ir, ir)) }) test_that("Subseconds are retained upon insertion (#208)", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") data <- data.frame(time = Sys.time()) tbl <- local_table(con, "time", data) res <- dbReadTable(con, tbl) expect_equal(as.double(res$time), as.double(data$time)) }) test_that("dbWriteTable errors if field.types don't exist (#271)", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") expect_snapshot( sqlCreateTable(con, "foo", iris, field.types = list(bar = "[int]")) ) }) test_that("blobs can be retrieved out of order", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") values <- data.frame( c1 = 1, c2 = "this is varchar max", c3 = 11, c4 = "this is text", stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) tbl <- local_table(con, "test_out_of_order_blob", values) received <- DBI::dbReadTable(con, tbl) expect_equal(received, values) # Also test retrival using a prepared statement received2 <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM ", tbl, " WHERE c1 = ?"), params = list(1L) ) expect_equal(received2, values) }) test_that("can bind NA values", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") # With SELECT ing with the OEM SQL Server driver, everything # after the first column should be unbound. Test null detection for # unbound columns (NULL is registered after a call to nanodbc::result::get) values <- data.frame( c1 = c("this is varchar max", NA_character_), c2 = c(1L, NA_integer_), c3 = c(1.0, NA_real_), c4 = c(TRUE, NA), c5 = c(Sys.Date(), NA), c6 = c(Sys.time(), NA), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) tbl <- local_table(con, "test_na", values) received <- DBI::dbReadTable(con, tbl) expect_equal(values[-6], received[-6]) expect_equal(as.double(values[[6]]), as.double(received[[6]])) }) test_that("can parse SQL server identifiers", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") input <- DBI::SQL(c( "testtable", "[testtable]", "[\"testtable\"]", "testta[ble", "testta]ble", "[testschema].[testtable]", "[testschema].testtable", "[testdb].[testschema].[testtable]", "[testdb].[testschema].testtable" )) expected <- c( DBI::Id("testtable"), DBI::Id("testtable"), DBI::Id("testtable"), DBI::Id("testta[ble"), DBI::Id("testta]ble"), DBI::Id("testschema", "testtable"), DBI::Id("testschema", "testtable"), DBI::Id("testdb", "testschema", "testtable"), DBI::Id("testdb", "testschema", "testtable") ) expect_identical(DBI::dbUnquoteIdentifier(con, input), expected) }) test_that("odbcPreviewObject doesn't warn about pending rows", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") tbl <- local_table(con, "test_preview", data.frame(a = 1:10L)) # There should be no "Pending rows" warning expect_no_warning({ res <- odbcPreviewObject(con, rowLimit = 3, table = tbl) }) expect_equal(nrow(res), 3) }) test_that("dates should always be interpreted in the system time zone (#398)", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") res <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT CAST(? AS date)", params = as.Date("2019-01-01")) expect_equal(res[[1]], as.Date("2019-01-01")) }) test_that("UTF in VARCHAR is not truncated", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") value <- "grĂ¼n" res <- dbGetQuery( con, paste0("SELECT '", value, "' AS colone") ) expect_equal(value, res[[1]]) }) test_that("Zero-row-fetch does not move cursor", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") tbl <- local_table(con, "test_zero_row_fetch", mtcars[1:2, ]) rs <- dbSendStatement(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM ", tbl)) expect_equal(nrow(dbFetch(rs, n = 0)), 0) expect_equal(nrow(dbFetch(rs, n = 10)), 2) dbClearResult(rs) }) test_that("isTempTable handles variety of temporary specifications", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") expect_true(isTempTable(con, "#myTmp")) expect_true(isTempTable(con, "#myTmp", catalog_name = "tempdb")) expect_true(isTempTable(con, "#myTmp", catalog_name = "%")) expect_true(isTempTable(con, "#myTmp", catalog_name = NULL)) expect_true(!isTempTable(con, "##myTmp")) expect_true(!isTempTable(con, "#myTmp", catalog_name = "abc")) }) test_that("dbExistsTable accounts for local temp tables", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") tbl_name <- "#myTemp" tbl_name2 <- "##myTemp" tbl_name3 <- "#myTemp2" DBI::dbExecute(con, paste0("CREATE TABLE ", tbl_name, " ( id int not null, primary key (id) )"), immediate = TRUE) expect_true(dbExistsTable(con, tbl_name)) expect_true(dbExistsTable(con, tbl_name, catalog_name = "tempdb")) # Fail because not recognized as temp table ( catalog not tempdb ) expect_true(!dbExistsTable(con, tbl_name, catalog_name = "abc")) # Fail because not recognized as temp table ( second char "#" ) expect_true(!dbExistsTable(con, tbl_name2, catalog_name = "tempdb")) # Fail because table not actually present expect_true(!dbExistsTable(con, tbl_name3, catalog_name = "tempdb")) # fail because table was created in another live session con2 <- test_con("SQLSERVER") expect_true(!dbExistsTable(con2, tbl_name)) }) test_that("can create / write to temp table", { con <- test_con("SQLSERVER") locTblName <- "#myloctmp" df <- data.frame(name = c("one", "two"), value = c(1, 2)) values <- sqlData(con, row.names = FALSE, df[, , drop = FALSE]) nm <- dbQuoteIdentifier(con, locTblName) fields <- createFields(con, values, row.names = FALSE, field.types = NULL) expected <- DBI::SQL(paste0( "CREATE TABLE ", nm, " (\n", " ", paste(fields, collapse = ",\n "), "\n)\n" )) ret1 <- sqlCreateTable(con, locTblName, values, temporary = TRUE) expect_equal(ret1, expected) ret2 <- sqlCreateTable(con, locTblName, values, temporary = FALSE) expect_equal(ret2, expected) dbWriteTable(con, locTblName, mtcars, row.names = TRUE) res <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM ", locTblName)) expect_equal(mtcars$mpg, res$mpg) dbAppendTable(con, locTblName, mtcars) res <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM ", locTblName)) expect_equal(nrow(res), 2 * nrow(mtcars)) globTblName <- "##myglobtmp" expect_snapshot_warning(sqlCreateTable(con, globTblName, values, temporary = TRUE)) expect_no_warning(sqlCreateTable(con, globTblName, values, temporary = FALSE)) # ensure we include global temp tables in dbListTables output (#509) local_table(con, globTblName, mtcars) expect_true(globTblName %in% dbListTables(con)) notTempTblName <- "nottemp" expect_snapshot_warning(sqlCreateTable(con, notTempTblName, values, temporary = TRUE)) expect_no_warning(sqlCreateTable(con, notTempTblName, values, temporary = FALSE)) })