test_connection_string <- function(db) { if (!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")) { skip("On CRAN") } var <- paste0("ODBC_CS_", db) cs <- Sys.getenv(var) if (cs == "") { skip(paste0("env var '", var, "' not set")) } list(.connection_string = cs) } skip_if_no_drivers <- function() { if (nrow(odbcListDrivers()) == 0) { skip("No drivers installed") } } #' Test round tripping a simple table #' #' This tests all the supported data types, including missing values. It first #' writes them to the database, then reads them back and verifies the data is #' identical to the original. #' #' This function is not exported and should only be used during tests and as a #' sanity check when writing new `odbcDataType()` methods. #' #' @param con An established DBI connection. #' @param columns Table columns to exclude (default) or include, dependent on #' the value of `invert`. One of `datetime`, `date`, `binary`, #' `integer`, `double`, `character`, `logical`. #' @param invert If `TRUE`, change the definition of columns to be exclusive, #' rather than inclusive. #' @param force_sorted If `TRUE`, a sorted `id` column is added to the sent #' data, and the received data is sorted by this column before doing the #' comparison. This is necessary for some databases that do not preserve row #' order. #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' test_roundtrip(con) #' #' # exclude a few columns #' test_roundtrip(con, c("integer", "double")) #' #' # Only test a specific column #' test_roundtrip(con, "integer", invert = FALSE) #' } test_roundtrip <- function(con = DBItest:::connect(DBItest::get_default_context()), columns = "", invert = TRUE, force_sorted = FALSE) { dbms <- dbGetInfo(con)$dbms.name res <- list() testthat::test_that(paste0("[", dbms, "] round tripping data.frames works"), { # on.exit(try(DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, "test_table"), silent = TRUE)) set.seed(42) iris <- datasets::iris # We can't use the data.frame constructor directly as list columns don't work there. sent <- list( # We always return strings as factors # factor = iris$Species, datetime = as.POSIXct(as.numeric(iris$Petal.Length * 10), origin = "2016-01-01", tz = "UTC"), date = as.Date(iris$Sepal.Width * 100, origin = Sys.time()), time = hms::hms(seconds = sample.int(24 * 60 * 60, NROW(iris))), binary = blob::as_blob(lapply(seq_len(NROW(iris)), function(x) as.raw(sample(0:100, size = sample(0:25, 1))))), integer = as.integer(iris$Petal.Width * 100), double = iris$Sepal.Length, character = as.character(iris$Species), logical = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = nrow(iris), replace = T) ) attributes(sent) <- list(names = names(sent), row.names = c(NA_integer_, -length(sent[[1]])), class = "data.frame") # Add a proportion of NA values to a data frame add_na <- function(x, p = .1) { is.na(x) <- stats::runif(length(x)) < p x } sent[] <- lapply(sent, add_na, p = .1) if (isTRUE(invert)) { sent <- sent[, !names(sent) %in% columns] } else { sent <- sent[, names(sent) %in% columns] } if (force_sorted) sent$id <- seq_len(NROW(iris)) DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "test_table", sent, overwrite = TRUE) received <- DBI::dbReadTable(con, "test_table") if (force_sorted) received <- received[order(received$id), ] row.names(received) <- NULL testthat::expect_equal(sent, received) res <<- list(sent = sent, received = received) }) invisible(res) }