### Docker is required to run these tests. ### Read more about docker at https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql docker_working <- tryCatch({ container_sha <- system( "docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=example -p 3306:3306 -d mysql", intern = TRUE ) Sys.sleep(20) con <- DBI::dbConnect( RMySQL::MySQL(), host = "", username = "root", password = "password", dbname = "example", port = 3306 ) TRUE }, error = \(x){ FALSE }) if(docker_working){ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_that( "get_schemas retrieves schemas correctly", { expect_equal( get_schemas_mysql(con), c("example", "information_schema", "mysql", "performance_schema", "sys") ) } ) test_that( "get_tables retrieve tables correctly", { DBI::dbSendQuery( con, "SET @@GLOBAL.local_infile = 1;" ) result <- write_table_mysql( con, schema = "example", table_name = "mtcars", data = mtcars ) expect_true( "mtcars" %in% get_tables_mysql( con, schema = "example" ) ) } ) test_that( "get_n_rows retrieves the correct number of rows of a table", { expect_equal( get_n_rows_mysql( con, schema = "example", table = "mtcars" ) |> as.numeric(), nrow(mtcars) |> as.numeric() ) } ) test_that( "get_n_rows retrieves the correct number of rows of a query", { expect_equal( get_n_rows_mysql( con, schema = "example", table = "mtcars", query = "SELECT * FROM mtcars LIMIT 10" ) |> as.numeric(), 10 ) } ) test_that( "get_preview returns a view of the dataframe", { mtcars_wo_rownames <- mtcars rownames(mtcars_wo_rownames) <- NULL expect_equal( get_preview_mysql( con, schema = "example", table = "mtcars" ), mtcars_wo_rownames ) } ) test_that( "a create table query works correcty", { n_rows = get_n_rows_mysql( con = con, schema = "", table = "", "CREATE TABLE mtcars_2 AS SELECT * FROM mtcars" ) submit_query( "CREATE TABLE mtcars_2 AS SELECT * FROM mtcars", con = con, n_rows = n_rows ) expect_true( "mtcars_2" %in% DBI::dbListTables(con) ) } ) test_that( "delete_table correctly drops the table", { expect_equal( "Success", delete_table_mysql( con, schema = "example", table = "mtcars" ) ) expect_false( "mtcars" %in% get_tables_mysql(con, schema = "example") ) } ) test_that( "write_table correctly upload table", { res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, "CREATE SCHEMA example_2") DBI::dbClearResult(res) write_table_mysql( con, schema = "example_2", table_name = "mtcars", data = mtcars ) expect_true( "mtcars" %in% get_tables_mysql(con, schema = "example_2") ) } ) test_that( "a join query returns the correct number of rows", { table_1 <- data.frame( x = c(1, 2, 3), y = c("A", "B", "C") ) table_2 <- data.frame( z = c(4, 5, 6), y = c("A", "B", "C") ) write_table_mysql( con, schema = "example", table_name = "table_1", data = table_1 ) write_table_mysql( con, schema = "example", table_name = "table_2", data = table_2 ) expect_equal( get_n_rows_mysql( con = con, schema = "", table = "", query = "SELECT * FROM table_1 INNER JOIN table_2 USING (y)" ), 3 ) } ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DBI::dbDisconnect(con) system( glue::glue( "docker stop {container_sha}" ), intern = TRUE ) Sys.sleep(3) system( glue::glue( "docker rm {container_sha}" ), intern = TRUE ) }