# Note: We're using the Global environment here (which is suboptimal) # but due to complicated usage of different environments here for # the shiny app and api, this is the only changes persisted into child # environments so far local_package <- function(pkg = file.path("..", ".."), .local_envir = .GlobalEnv) { # Use a temporary library location for the duration of the environment withr::local_temp_libpaths(.local_envir = .local_envir) # Install the package devtools::install(pkg = pkg, quick = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, upgrade = "never") } detect_kldb_unavailable <- function() { kldb <- tryCatch( { load_kldb() }, error = function(e) { return(NULL) } ) return(is.null(kldb)) } skip_if_kldb_unavailable <- function() { if (detect_kldb_unavailable()) { skip(("Kldb is currently not available, this can happen temporarily. If the issue persists please contact the package maintainer.")) } }