### Test data ------------------------------------------------------------------ I <- 2; J <- 3; K <- 4 cov1 <- rnorm(I) cov2 <- factor(1:I) cov3 <- rnorm(J) cov4 <- factor(1:J) cov5 <- matrix(rnorm(J * K), nrow = J) cov6 <- matrix(rep(factor(1:K), each = J), nrow = J) #cov2 <- as.character(1:I) #cov4 <- as.character(factor(1:J)) #cov6 <- matrix(rep(as.character(1:K), each = J), nrow = J) data <- occumbData(y = array(1, dim = c(I, J, K)), spec_cov = list(cov1 = cov1, cov2 = cov2), site_cov = list(cov3 = cov3, cov4 = cov4), repl_cov = list(cov5 = cov5, cov6 = cov6)) ### Tests for formula_phi_shared ----------------------------------------------- test_that("Procedures for phi_shared correct", { ## Output # spec_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "i") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- cov1[i] } colnames(ans_cov) <- "cov1" expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov2, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "i") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("cov22") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov2, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "i") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 3) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 3)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, 2] <- as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) ans_cov[i, 3] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("cov1", "cov22", "cov1:cov22") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ij") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov3[j] } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- "cov3" expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 2) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 2)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov42", "cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3 * cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 5)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, 4] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 5] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov3", "cov42", "cov43", "cov3:cov42", "cov3:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov * site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ij") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 5)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, 4] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 5] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov1", "cov42", "cov43", "cov1:cov42", "cov1:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # repl_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov5, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- cov5[j, k] } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- "cov5" expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # repl_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 3) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 3)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov62", "cov63", "cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov5 * cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 7) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 7)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) ans_cov[i, j, k, 5] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 6] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 7] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov5", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64", "cov5:cov62", "cov5:cov63", "cov5:cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov * site_cov * repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov2 * cov3 * cov5, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 7) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 7)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) * cov3[j] ans_cov[i, j, k, 5] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 6] <- cov3[j] * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 7] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) * cov3[j] * cov5[j, k] } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov22", "cov3", "cov5", "cov22:cov3", "cov22:cov5", "cov3:cov5", "cov22:cov3:cov5") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov4 * cov5, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_true(result$phi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_phi_shared, 11) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 11)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 4] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 5] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 6] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 7] <- cov1[i] * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 8] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 9] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 10] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 11] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) * cov5[j, k] } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov1", "cov42", "cov43", "cov5", "cov1:cov42", "cov1:cov43", "cov1:cov5", "cov42:cov5", "cov43:cov5", "cov1:cov42:cov5", "cov1:cov43:cov5") expect_equal(result$cov_phi_shared, ans_cov) ## Errors and Warnings expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ ., ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "'.' cannot be used to specify covariates \\(formula_phi_shared\\)") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_phi_shared: xxx Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov', 'site_cov', or 'repl_cov'.") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx + yyy, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_phi_shared: xxx, yyy Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov', 'site_cov', or 'repl_cov'.") }) ### Tests for formula_theta_shared --------------------------------------------- test_that("Procedures for theta_shared correct", { ## Output # spec_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "i") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- cov1[i] } colnames(ans_cov) <- "cov1" expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov2, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "i") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("cov22") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov2, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "i") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 3) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 3)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, 2] <- as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) ans_cov[i, 3] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("cov1", "cov22", "cov1:cov22") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ij") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov3[j] } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- "cov3" expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov4, ~ 1, data = data) expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 2) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 2)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov42", "cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3 * cov4, ~ 1, data = data) expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 5)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, 4] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 5] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov3", "cov42", "cov43", "cov3:cov42", "cov3:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov * site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov4, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ij") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 5)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, 4] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 5] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov1", "cov42", "cov43", "cov1:cov42", "cov1:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # repl_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov5, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- cov5[j, k] } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- "cov5" expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # repl_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov6, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 3) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 3)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov62", "cov63", "cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov5 * cov6, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 7) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 7)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) ans_cov[i, j, k, 5] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 6] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 7] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov5", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64", "cov5:cov62", "cov5:cov63", "cov5:cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov * site_cov * repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov2 * cov3 * cov5, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 7) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 7)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) * cov3[j] ans_cov[i, j, k, 5] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 6] <- cov3[j] * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 7] <- as.numeric(cov2[i] == 2) * cov3[j] * cov5[j, k] } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov22", "cov3", "cov5", "cov22:cov3", "cov22:cov5", "cov3:cov5", "cov22:cov3:cov5") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov4 * cov5, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_true(result$theta_shared) expect_equal(result$M_theta_shared, 11) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, K, 11)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[i, j, k, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, j, k, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 4] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 5] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, k, 6] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, k, 7] <- cov1[i] * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 8] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 9] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 10] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) * cov5[j, k] ans_cov[i, j, k, 11] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) * cov5[j, k] } } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[4]] <- c("cov1", "cov42", "cov43", "cov5", "cov1:cov42", "cov1:cov43", "cov1:cov5", "cov42:cov5", "cov43:cov5", "cov1:cov42:cov5", "cov1:cov43:cov5") expect_equal(result$cov_theta_shared, ans_cov) ## Errors and Warnings expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ ., ~ 1, data = data), "'.' cannot be used to specify covariates \\(formula_theta_shared\\)") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_theta_shared: xxx Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov', 'site_cov', or 'repl_cov'.") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx + yyy, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_theta_shared: xxx, yyy Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov', 'site_cov', or 'repl_cov'.") }) ### Tests for formula_psi_shared ----------------------------------------------- test_that("Procedures for psi_shared correct", { ## Output # spec_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "i") expect_true(result$psi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_psi_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- cov1[i] } colnames(ans_cov) <- "cov1" expect_equal(result$cov_psi_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov2, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "i") expect_true(result$psi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_psi_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("cov22") expect_equal(result$cov_psi_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov2, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "i") expect_true(result$psi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_psi_shared, 3) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, 3)) for (i in 1:I) { ans_cov[i, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, 2] <- as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) ans_cov[i, 3] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric((cov2[i] == 2)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("cov1", "cov22", "cov1:cov22") expect_equal(result$cov_psi_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "ij") expect_true(result$psi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_psi_shared, 1) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 1)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov3[j] } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- "cov3" expect_equal(result$cov_psi_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov4, data = data) expect_true(result$psi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_psi_shared, 2) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 2)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov42", "cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_psi_shared, ans_cov) # site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3 * cov4, data = data) expect_true(result$psi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_psi_shared, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 5)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, 4] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 5] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov3", "cov42", "cov43", "cov3:cov42", "cov3:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_psi_shared, ans_cov) # spec_cov * site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1 * cov4, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "ij") expect_true(result$psi_shared) expect_equal(result$M_psi_shared, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(I, J, 5)) for (i in 1:I) { for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[i, j, 1] <- cov1[i] ans_cov[i, j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[i, j, 4] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[i, j, 5] <- cov1[i] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("cov1", "cov42", "cov43", "cov1:cov42", "cov1:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_psi_shared, ans_cov) # repl_cov (not allowed) expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov5, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_psi_shared: cov5 Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov' or 'site_cov'.") ## Errors and Warnings expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ ., data = data), "'.' cannot be used to specify covariates \\(formula_psi_shared\\)") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_psi_shared: xxx Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov' or 'site_cov'.") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx + yyy, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_psi_shared: xxx, yyy Make sure they are included in either 'spec_cov' or 'site_cov'.") }) ### Tests for formula_phi ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("Arguments are correct for the null model", { ## Output # null model result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "i") expect_equal(result$M, 3) expect_equal(result$cov_phi, 1) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1) }) test_that("Errors are correct for the spec_cov in phi", { # spec_cov (not allowed) expect_error(set_modargs(~ cov1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_phi: cov1 Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.") }) test_that("Procedures for phi correct", { # site_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ cov3, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 4) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 2)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- cov3[j] } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov3") expect_equal(result$cov_phi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1:2) # site_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 3)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- as.numeric((cov4[j] == 2)) ans_cov[j, 3] <- as.numeric((cov4[j] == 3)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov42", "cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_phi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1:3) # site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ cov3 * cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 8) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 6)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[j, 4] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[j, 5] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[j, 6] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } colnames(ans_cov)<- c("(Intercept)", "cov3", "cov42", "cov43", "cov3:cov42", "cov3:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_phi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1:6) # repl_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ cov5, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 4) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 2)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- cov5[j, k] } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov5") expect_equal(result$cov_phi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1:2) # repl_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 6) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 4)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- as.numeric((cov6[j, k] == 2)) ans_cov[j, k, 3] <- as.numeric((cov6[j, k] == 3)) ans_cov[j, k, 4] <- as.numeric((cov6[j, k] == 4)) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_phi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1:4) # repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ cov5 * cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 10) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 8)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 5] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) ans_cov[j, k, 6] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 7] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 8] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov5", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64", "cov5:cov62", "cov5:cov63", "cov5:cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_phi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1:8) # site_cov * repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ cov3 * cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$phi, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 10) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 8)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 5] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) ans_cov[j, k, 6] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 7] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 8] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov3", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64", "cov3:cov62", "cov3:cov63", "cov3:cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_phi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_phi, 1:8) ## Errors and Warnings expect_error(set_modargs(~ ., ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "'.' cannot be used to specify covariates \\(formula_phi\\)") expect_error(set_modargs(~ xxx, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_phi: xxx Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.") expect_error(set_modargs(~ xxx + yyy, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_phi: xxx, yyy Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.") }) ### Tests for formula_theta ---------------------------------------------------- test_that("Procedures for theta correct", { ## Output # null model result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "i") expect_equal(result$M, 3) expect_equal(result$cov_theta, 1) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2) # spec_cov (not allowed) expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_theta: cov1 Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.") # site_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov3, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 4) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 2)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- cov3[j] } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov3") expect_equal(result$cov_theta, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2:3) # site_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 3)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- as.numeric((cov4[j] == 2)) ans_cov[j, 3] <- as.numeric((cov4[j] == 3)) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov42", "cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_theta, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2:4) # site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov3 * cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 8) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 6)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[j, 4] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[j, 5] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[j, 6] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov3", "cov42", "cov43", "cov3:cov42", "cov3:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_theta, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2:7) # repl_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov5, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 4) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 2)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- cov5[j, k] } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov5") expect_equal(result$cov_theta, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2:3) # repl_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 6) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 4)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- as.numeric((cov6[j, k] == 2)) ans_cov[j, k, 3] <- as.numeric((cov6[j, k] == 3)) ans_cov[j, k, 4] <- as.numeric((cov6[j, k] == 4)) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_theta, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2:5) # repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov5 * cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 10) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 8)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- cov5[j, k] ans_cov[j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 5] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) ans_cov[j, k, 6] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 7] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 8] <- cov5[j, k] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov5", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64", "cov5:cov62", "cov5:cov63", "cov5:cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_theta, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2:9) # site_cov * repl_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ cov3 * cov6, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$theta, "ijk") expect_equal(result$M, 10) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, K, 8)) for (j in 1:J) { for (k in 1:K) { ans_cov[j, k, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, k, 2] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[j, k, 3] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 4] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 5] <- as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) ans_cov[j, k, 6] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 2) ans_cov[j, k, 7] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 3) ans_cov[j, k, 8] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov6[j, k] == 4) } } dimnames(ans_cov)[[3]] <- c("(Intercept)", "cov3", "cov62", "cov63", "cov64", "cov3:cov62", "cov3:cov63", "cov3:cov64") expect_equal(result$cov_theta, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_theta, 2:9) ## Errors and Warnings expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ ., ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "'.' cannot be used to specify covariates \\(formula_theta\\)") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ xxx, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_theta: xxx Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ xxx + yyy, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_theta: xxx, yyy Make sure they are included in either 'site_cov' or 'repl_cov'.") }) ### Tests for formula_psi ------------------------------------------------------ test_that("Procedures for psi correct", { ## Output # null model result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "i") expect_equal(result$M, 3) expect_equal(result$cov_psi, 1) expect_equal(result$m_psi, 3) # spec_cov (not allowed) expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov1, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_psi: cov1 Make sure they are included in 'site_cov'.") # site_cov (continuous) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 4) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 2)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- cov3[j] } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov3") expect_equal(result$cov_psi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_psi, 3:4) # site_cov (factor) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 5) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 3)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov42", "cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_psi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_psi, 3:5) # site_cov (interaction) result <- set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov3 * cov4, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data) expect_equal(result$psi, "ij") expect_equal(result$M, 8) ans_cov <- array(dim = c(J, 6)) for (j in 1:J) { ans_cov[j, 1] <- 1 ans_cov[j, 2] <- cov3[j] ans_cov[j, 3] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[j, 4] <- as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) ans_cov[j, 5] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 2) ans_cov[j, 6] <- cov3[j] * as.numeric(cov4[j] == 3) } colnames(ans_cov) <- c("(Intercept)", "cov3", "cov42", "cov43", "cov3:cov42", "cov3:cov43") expect_equal(result$cov_psi, ans_cov) expect_equal(result$m_psi, 3:8) # repl_cov (not allowed) expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ cov5, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_psi: cov5 Make sure they are included in 'site_cov'.") ## Errors and Warnings expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ ., ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "'.' cannot be used to specify covariates \\(formula_psi\\)") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_psi: xxx Make sure they are included in 'site_cov'.") expect_error(set_modargs(~ 1, ~ 1, ~ xxx + yyy, ~ 1, ~ 1, ~ 1, data = data), "Unexpected terms in formula_psi: xxx, yyy Make sure they are included in 'site_cov'.") })