context("Test function outbreaker") ## Test output format ## test_that("Output have expected format", { ## get data alpha <- c(NA,rep(1,4)) times <- 0:4 f <- c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005) w <- c(.05, .1, .25, .5, .05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005) data(toy_outbreak_short) age_dens <- toy_outbreak_short$age_contact age <- c(1, 3, 3, 5, 1) regions <- c(1,1,2,2,3) population <- c(1e4, 5e4, 5e3) distance <- matrix(c(0, 60, 10, 60, 0, 15, 10, 15, 0), ncol = 3) a <- .7 b <- .1 names(population) <- colnames(distance) <- rownames(distance) <- 1:3 s_dens <- population ** b * exp(-b*distance) data <- outbreaker_data(dates = times, region = regions,s_dens = s_dens, population = population,distance = distance, age_group = age, a_dens = age_dens, w_dens = w, f_dens = f) config <- create_config(data = data, init_tree = alpha, init_a = a, init_b = b, move_a = FALSE, move_b = FALSE, n_iter = 1000, n_iter_import = 500, burnin = 200) out <- outbreaker(data, config) print(out) print(out, n_row = 2) print(out, n_col = 4) print(out, type = "cluster") print(out, type = "cluster", n_col = 2) print(out, type = "cluster", group_cluster = c(1,2,3)) plot(out, type = "trace") plot(out, type = "trace", burnin = 200) plot(out, type = "hist") plot(out, type = "density") plot(out, type = "alpha") plot(out, type = "t_inf") plot(out, type = "kappa") plot(out, type = "network") plot(out, type = "cluster") plot(out, type = "cluster", group_cluster = c(1,2,3)) summary(out, group_cluster = c(1,2,3)) expect_error(summary(out, burnin = 2000), "burnin exceeds the number of steps in object") expect_error(plot(out, burnin = 2000), "burnin exceeds the number of steps in x") expect_error(plot(out, y = "error"), "error is not a column of x") out_df <- ## check output expect_is(out, "outbreaker_chains") expect_is(out_df, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(out), 21) expect_true(!any($post))) expect_true(all(out_df[-1,"post"]> -1e30)) }) ## Test convergence results ## test_that("Results work, all component", { ## get data alpha <- c(NA,rep(1,4)) times <- c(0, 4, 8, 9, 23) f <- c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .05, .03, .01, .005, .005) w <- c(.05, .1, .25, .5, .05, .03, .01, .005, .005) data(toy_outbreak_short) age_dens <- toy_outbreak_short$age_contact age <- c(1, 3, 3, 5, 1) regions <- c(1,1,2,2,3) population <- c(1e4, 5e4, 5e3) distance <- matrix(c(0, 15, 10, 15, 0, 60, 10, 60, 0), ncol = 3) names(population) <- colnames(distance) <- rownames(distance) <- 1:3 genotype <- c("Not attributed", "B4", "Not attributed", "Not attributed", "B4") data <- outbreaker_data(dates = times, region = regions, population = population,distance = distance, age_group = age, a_dens = age_dens, w_dens = w, f_dens = f, genotype = genotype) config <- create_config(data = data, init_tree = alpha, n_iter = 1000, n_iter_import = 500, burnin = 200) out <- outbreaker(data, config) out_summary <- summary(out, burnin = config$burnin) expect_true(all(out_summary$post > -50)) expect_true(out_summary$tree[out_summary$tree$to == 2, "support"] > .9) expect_true(out_summary$tree[out_summary$tree$to == 2, "from"] == 1) expect_true(out_summary$tree[out_summary$tree$to == 5, "generations"] == 2) }) ## Test convergence results ## test_that("Results work, 1 component at the time", { ## get data alpha <- c(NA,rep(1,4)) times <- c(0, 3, 6, 7, 15) f <- c(.1, .2, .4, .2, .05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005) w <- c(.05, .1, .25, .5, .05, 0.03, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005) data(toy_outbreak_short) age_dens <- toy_outbreak_short$age_contact age <- c(1, 3, 3, 5, 1) regions <- c(1,1,2,2,3) population <- c(1e4, 5e4, 5e3) distance <- matrix(c(0, 15, 10, 15, 0, 60, 10, 60, 0), ncol = 3) names(population) <- colnames(distance) <- rownames(distance) <- 1:3 genotype <- c("Not attributed", "B4", "Not attributed", "Not attributed", "B4") f_null <- function(data, config = NULL, param, i) { return(0.0) } data_time <- outbreaker_data(dates = times, w_dens = w, f_dens = f) config_time <- create_config(data = data_time, move_a = FALSE, move_b = FALSE, n_iter = 500, n_iter_import = 250, burnin = 100) like_time <- custom_likelihoods(space = f_null, age = f_null) out_time <- outbreaker(data = data_time, config = config_time, likelihoods = like_time) data_space <- outbreaker_data(dates = times, region = regions, population = population,distance = distance) config_space <- create_config(data = data_space, n_iter = 500, n_iter_import = 250, burnin = 100) like_space <- custom_likelihoods(timing_sampling = f_null, timing_infections = f_null, age = f_null) out_space <- outbreaker(data = data_space, config = config_space, likelihoods = like_space) data_age <- outbreaker_data(dates = times, age_group = age, a_dens = age_dens) config_age <- create_config(data = data_age, move_a = FALSE, move_b = FALSE, n_iter = 500, n_iter_import = 250, burnin = 100) like_age <- custom_likelihoods(timing_sampling = f_null, timing_infections = f_null, space = f_null) out_age <- outbreaker(data = data_age, config = config_age, likelihoods = like_age) data_genotype <- outbreaker_data(dates = times, genotype = genotype, w_dens = w, f_dens = f) config_genotype <- create_config(data = data_genotype, move_a = FALSE, move_b = FALSE, n_iter = 500, n_iter_import = 250, burnin = 100) like_genotype <- custom_likelihoods(space = f_null, age = f_null) out_genotype <- outbreaker(data = data_genotype, config = config_genotype, likelihoods = like_genotype) expect_is(out_time, "outbreaker_chains") expect_is(out_space, "outbreaker_chains") expect_is(out_age, "outbreaker_chains") expect_is(out_genotype, "outbreaker_chains") expect_equal(nrow(out_time), 11) expect_equal(nrow(out_space), 11) expect_equal(nrow(out_age), 11) expect_equal(nrow(out_genotype), 11) })