#' Copyright(c) 2017-2024 R. Mark Sharp # This file is part of nprcgenekeepr context("qcStudbook") library(testthat) library(lubridate) library(stringi) set_seed(10) pedOne <- data.frame(ego_id = c("s1", "d1", "s2", "d2", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4"), `si re` = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "s1", "s1", "s2", "s2"), dam_id = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "d1", "d2", "d2", "d2"), sex = c("F", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), birth_date = mdy( paste0(sample(1:12, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(1:28, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 8, replace = TRUE) + 2000)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE) pedTwo <- data.frame(ego_id = c("UNKNOWN", "d1", "s2", "d2", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4"), `si re` = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "UNKNOWN", "s1", "s2", "s2"), dam_id = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "d1", "d2", "UNKNOWN", "d2"), sex = c("F", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), fromcenter = c("F", "T", "T", "F", "F", "F", "F", "T"), birth_date = mdy( paste0(sample(1:12, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(1:28, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 8, replace = TRUE) + 2000)), status = c("A", "alive", "Alive", "1", "S", "Sale", "sold", "shipped"), ancestry = c("china", "india", "hybridized", NA, "human", "gorilla", "human", "gorilla"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE) pedThree <- data.frame(id = c("s1", "d1", "s2", NA, "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4"), sire = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "s1", "s1", "s2", "s2"), dam = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "d1", "d2", "d2", "d2"), sex = c("M", "F", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) pedThree <- pedThree[!is.na(pedThree$id), ] pedFour <- data.frame(id = c("s1", NA, NA, "d2", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4"), sire = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "s1", "s1", "s2", "s2"), dam = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "d1", "d2", "d2", "d2"), sex = c("M", "F", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) pedFour <- pedFour[!is.na(pedFour$id), ] test_that("qcStudbook detects errors in column names", { expect_error(suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedOne))) expect_error(suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedOne[, -1], minParentAge = NULL))) }) test_that( "qcStudbook returns list of suspicious parents when reportErrors == TRUE", { expect_equal( suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedOne, reportErrors = TRUE)$suspiciousParents$id), c("o2", "o3", "o4")) }) test_that( "qcStudbook returns list of missing column names when reportErrors == TRUE", { expect_equal(suppressWarnings( qcStudbook(pedOne[, -1], minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE)$missingColumns), "id") }) test_that("qcStudbook detects missing required column names", { expect_error(suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedOne[, -3]))) }) test_that( "qcStudbook returns list of bad column names when reportErrors == TRUE", { expect_equal(qcStudbook(pedOne[, -3], reportErrors = TRUE)$missingColumns, "dam") }) test_that("qcStudbook corrects column names", { newPedOne <- suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedOne, minParentAge = NULL)) expect_equal(names(newPedOne), c("id", "sire", "dam", "sex", "gen", "birth", "exit", "age", "recordStatus")) expect_equal(as.character(newPedOne$sex[newPedOne$id == "d1"]), "F") expect_equal(as.character(newPedOne$sex[newPedOne$id == "s1"]), "M") }) test_that( "qcStudbook reports correction of column names with reportErrors == TRUE", { errorLst <- qcStudbook(pedOne, minParentAge = NULL, reportChanges = TRUE, reportErrors = TRUE) expect_equal(errorLst$changedCols$spaceRemoved, c("si re to sire")) expect_equal( errorLst$changedCols$underScoreRemoved, c("ego_id, dam_id, and birth_date to egoid, damid, and birthdate")) expect_equal(errorLst$changedCols$damIdToDam, c("damid to dam")) expect_equal(errorLst$changedCols$birthdateToBirth, c("birthdate to birth")) }) test_that( "qcStudbook corrects use of 'UNKNOWN' in 'id', 'sire' and 'dam' IDS", { newPedTwo <- suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedTwo, minParentAge = NULL)) expect_equal(newPedTwo$sire[newPedTwo$id == "o1"], "U0001") expect_equal(newPedTwo$dam[newPedTwo$id == "o3"], "U0002") expect_equal(newPedTwo$sire[newPedTwo$id == "o1"], "U0001") expect_true(is.na(newPedTwo$sire[newPedTwo$id == "U0001"])) }) test_that("qcStudbook corrects status", { newPedTwo <- suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedTwo, minParentAge = NULL)) newPedTwo$status <- as.character(newPedTwo$status) expect_equal(newPedTwo$status[newPedTwo$id == "s2"], "ALIVE") expect_equal(newPedTwo$status[newPedTwo$id == "d2"], "ALIVE") expect_equal(newPedTwo$status[newPedTwo$id == "o1"], "SHIPPED") }) test_that("qcStudbook corrects ancestry", { newPedTwo <- suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedTwo, minParentAge = NULL)) newPedTwo$ancestry <- as.character(newPedTwo$ancestry) expect_equal(newPedTwo$ancestry[newPedTwo$id == "s2"], "HYBRID") expect_equal(newPedTwo$ancestry[newPedTwo$id == "d2"], "UNKNOWN") expect_equal(newPedTwo$ancestry[newPedTwo$id == "o1"], "OTHER") }) test_that("qcStudbook removes duplicates", { pedDups <- rbind(pedOne, pedOne[1:3, ]) qcPedDups <- qcStudbook(pedDups, minParentAge = NULL) expect_equal(nrow(pedOne), nrow(qcPedDups)) }) test_that( "qcStudbook removes duplicates and reports them when reportErrors == TRUE", { pedDups <- rbind(pedOne, pedOne[1:3, ]) dups <- qcStudbook(pedDups, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE)$duplicateIds expect_equal(dups, c("s1", "d1", "s2")) }) test_that( "qcStudbook returns NULL with reportErrors == TRUE and no errors present", { pedClean <- qcStudbook(pedOne, minParentAge = NULL) expect_true(is.null(qcStudbook(pedClean, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE))) }) pedFive <- data.frame(id = c("s1", "d1", "s2", "d2", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4"), sire = c(NA, "s0", "s4", NA, "s1", "s1", "s2", "s2"), dam = c(NA, "d0", "d4", NA, "d1", "d2", "d2", "d2"), sex = c("F", "F", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), birth = mdy( paste0(sample(1:12, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(1:28, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 8, replace = TRUE) + 2000)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) test_that( paste0("qcStudbook returns NULL errors with reportErrors == TRUE and errors ", "not present"), { pedClean <- qcStudbook(pedFive, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE) expect_true(is.null(pedClean$maleDams)) }) test_that( paste0("qcStudbook returns parent sex errors with reportErrors == TRUE and ", "errors present"), { pedClean <- qcStudbook(pedFive, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE) expect_equal(pedClean$femaleSires, "s1") }) test_that("qcStudbook returns pedigree date errors with reportErrors == TRUE", { set_seed(10) someBirthDates <- paste0(sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 8, replace = TRUE) + 2000, "-", sample(1:12, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(1:28, 8, replace = TRUE)) someBadBirthDates <- paste0(sample(1:12, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(1:28, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 8, replace = TRUE) + 2000) someDeathDates <- sample(someBirthDates, length(someBirthDates), replace = FALSE) someDepartureDates <- sample(someBirthDates, length(someBirthDates), replace = FALSE) ped1 <- data.frame(birth = someBadBirthDates, death = someDeathDates, departure = someDepartureDates) pedSix <- data.frame(pedFive[, names(pedFive) != "birth"], ped1) ped6 <- suppressWarnings(qcStudbook(pedSix, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE)) expect_equal( ped6$invalidDateRows, c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8")) }) test_that( "qcStudbook passes through nonessential date columns with all == NA", { pedSeven <- cbind(pedSix, exit = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) ped7 <- qcStudbook(pedSeven, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE) expect_equal(ped7$invalidDateRows, character(0)) ped7 <- qcStudbook(pedSeven, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = FALSE) expect_true(all(is.na(ped7$exit))) expect_equal(length(ped7$exit), 12) }) test_that("qcStudbook identifies individual bad dates in date columns", { birth <- format(pedOne$birth_date, format = "%Y-%m-%d") birth[5] <- "04-02-2015" birth[6] <- "03-17-2009" pedEight <- pedOne pedEight$birth_date <- NULL pedEight$birth <- birth ped8 <- qcStudbook(pedEight, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE) expect_equal(ped8$invalidDateRows, c("5", "6")) }) pedNine <- data.frame(ego_id = c("s1", "d1", "s2", "d2", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4"), `si re` = c("s0", NA, NA, NA, "s1", "s1", "s2", "s2"), dam_id = c(NA, "s0", NA, NA, "d1", "d2", "d2", "d2"), sex = c("M", "F", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), birth_date = mdy( paste0(sample(1:12, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(1:28, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 8, replace = TRUE) + 2000)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE) test_str <- stri_c("qcStudbook does not report as an error the wrong sex ", "for animals added into the pedigree and appear as both ", "a sire and dam without an ego record. These need to ", "be reported as an error because they are both a sire ", "and a dam.") test_that(test_str, { ped9 <- qcStudbook(pedNine, minParentAge = NULL, reportErrors = TRUE) expect_true(ped9$sireAndDam == "s0") expect_true(length(ped9$duplicateIds) == 0) })