#' Copyright(c) 2017-2024 R. Mark Sharp #' This file is part of nprcgenekeepr context("getPyramidAgeDist") library(testthat) library(lubridate) library(stringi) qcPed <- nprcgenekeepr::qcPed ped <- qcPed[, c("id", "sire", "dam", "sex", "birth", "exit")] ped <- getPyramidAgeDist(ped) test_that("getPyramidAgeDist classifies and ages animals correctly", { expect_equal(as.numeric(table(ped$status)[[1]]), 46) expect_true(ped$age[ped$id == "YIAD2N"] > 19.0 & ped$age[ped$id == "YIAD2N"] < 20.0) }) ped <- getPyramidAgeDist() test_that("getPyramidAgeDist gets qcPed by default", { expect_equal(as.numeric(table(ped$status)[[1]]), 46) expect_true(ped$age[ped$id == "YIAD2N"] > 19.0 & ped$age[ped$id == "YIAD2N"] < 20.0) }) ped <- qcPed[, c("id", "sire", "dam", "sex", "birth", "exit")] charDatePed <- ped charDatePed$birth <- format(charDatePed$birth, format = "%Y-%m-%d") ped <- getPyramidAgeDist(charDatePed) test_that("getPyramidAgeDist converts character based birth date", { expect_equal(as.numeric(table(ped$status)[[1]]), 46) expect_true(ped$age[ped$id == "YIAD2N"] > 19.0 & ped$age[ped$id == "YIAD2N"] < 20.0) }) ped <- qcPed[, c("id", "sire", "dam", "sex", "birth", "exit")] charDatePed <- ped charDatePed$exit <- format(charDatePed$exit, format = "%Y-%m-%d") charDatePed$exit[176] <- "9999999999" ped <- getPyramidAgeDist(charDatePed) test_that(stri_c("getPyramidAgeDist converts 9999999999 exit_date to NA and ", "makes status DECEASED"), { expect_equal(ped$status[ped$id == charDatePed$id[176]], "DECEASED") expect_true(is.na(ped$exit[ped$id == charDatePed$id[176]])) }) pedOne <- data.frame(id = c("s1", "d1", "s2", "d2", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4"), sire = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "s1", "s1", "s2", "s2"), dam = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, "d1", "d2", "d2", "d2"), sex = c("F", "M", "M", "F", "F", "F", "F", "M"), birth = mdy( paste0(sample(1:12, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(1:28, 8, replace = TRUE), "-", sample(seq(0, 15, by = 3), 8, replace = TRUE) + 2000)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE) pedOne$exit <- pedOne$birth + days(5000) pedOne$age <- (now() - as.POSIXct(pedOne$birth)) / dyears(1) ped <- pedOne ped$birth <- rep(TRUE, nrow(ped)) test_that("getPyramidAgeDist detect birth column of wrong type ", { expect_error(getPyramidAgeDist(ped), stri_c("birth column must be of class 'Date', ", "'POSIXct', or 'character'")) }) ped <- pedOne ped$exit <- rep(TRUE, nrow(ped)) test_that("getPyramidAgeDist detect exit column of wrong type ", { expect_error(getPyramidAgeDist(ped), stri_c("exit_date column must be of class 'Date', ", "'POSIXct', or 'character'")) })