#' Copyright(c) 2017-2024 R. Mark Sharp #' This file is part of nprcgenekeepr context("getPedigree") test_that("getPedigree recognizes no file and wrong file arguments", { expect_error(getPedigree(), "\"fileName\" is missing, with no default") }) test_that("getPedigree recognizes and opens Excel files.", { pedExcel <- suppressWarnings( getPedigree(fileName = system.file("testdata", "qcPed.xlsx", package = "nprcgenekeepr"))) expect_equal(nrow(pedExcel), 280) }) test_that( paste0("getPedigree recognizes and opens CSV files with default ", "comma separator."), { pedCsv <- getPedigree(fileName = system.file("testdata", "qcPed.csv", package = "nprcgenekeepr")) expect_equal(nrow(pedCsv), 280) }) test_that( paste0("getPedigree recognizes and opens CSV files with specified ", "comma separator."), { pedCsv2 <- getPedigree(fileName = system.file("testdata", "qcPed.csv", package = "nprcgenekeepr"), sep = ",") expect_equal(nrow(pedCsv2), 280) }) test_that( paste0("getPedigree recognizes and opens .txt files with specified ", "tab separator."), { pedTxt <- getPedigree(fileName = system.file("testdata", "qcPed.txt", package = "nprcgenekeepr"), sep = "\t") expect_equal(nrow(pedTxt), 280) })