#' Copyright(c) 2017-2023 R. Mark Sharp #' This file is part of nprcgenekeepr library(testthat) context("countKinshipValues") # nolint start: object_name_linter ped <- nprcgenekeepr::smallPed simParent_1 <- list(id = "A", sires = c("s1_1", "s1_2", "s1_3"), dams = c("d1_1", "d1_2", "d1_3", "d1_4")) simParent_2 <- list(id = "B", sires = c("s1_1", "s1_2", "s1_3"), dams = c("d1_1", "d1_2", "d1_3", "d1_4")) simParent_3 <- list(id = "E", sires = c("A", "C", "s1_1"), dams = c("d3_1", "B")) simParent_4 <- list(id = "J", sires = c("A", "C", "s1_1"), dams = c("d3_1", "B")) simParent_5 <- list(id = "K", sires = c("A", "C", "s1_1"), dams = c("d3_1", "B")) simParent_6 <- list(id = "N", sires = c("A", "C", "s1_1"), dams = c("d3_1", "B")) allSimParents <- list(simParent_1, simParent_2, simParent_3, simParent_4, simParent_5, simParent_6) extractKinship <- function(simKinships, id1, id2, simulation) { ids <- dimnames(simKinships[[simulation]])[[1]] simKinships[[simulation]][seq_along(ids)[ids == id1], seq_along(ids)[ids == id2]] } extractKValue <- function(kValue, id1, id2, simulation) { kValue[kValue$id_1 == id1 & kValue$id_2 == id2, paste0("sim_", simulation)] } extractKValue <- function(kValue, id1, id2, simulation) { kValue[id_1 == id1 & id_2 == id2, paste0("sim_", simulation), with = FALSE][[1]] } # nolint end: object_name_linter set_seed(seed = 1) n <- 10 simKinships <- createSimKinships(ped, allSimParents, pop = ped$id, n = n) kValues <- kinshipMatricesToKValues(simKinships) counts <- countKinshipValues(kValues) simKinships <- createSimKinships(ped, allSimParents, pop = ped$id, n = n) kValues <- kinshipMatricesToKValues(simKinships) cummulatedCounts <- countKinshipValues(kValues, counts) test_that("countKinshipValues detects contaminated ID list", { counts$kIds[[1]] <- c("badID_1", "badID_2") suppressWarnings(expect_error(countKinshipValues(kValues, counts), "ID pairs in simulated pedigrees do not match:")) }) test_that("countKinshipValues makes correct structure", { expect_equal(length(counts), 3) expect_equal(names(counts), c("kIds", "kValues", "kCounts"), with = FALSE) expect_equal(length(counts$kIds), 153) }) test_that("countKinshipValues counts kinship values correctly", { expect_equal(counts$kCounts[[10]], c(6, 4)) expect_equal(counts$kValues[[7]], c(0.125, 0.25)) expect_equal(as.character(counts$kIds[[3]]), c("A", "C")) }) test_that("countKinshipValues makes correct structure", { expect_equal(length(cummulatedCounts), 3) expect_equal(names(cummulatedCounts), c("kIds", "kValues", "kCounts")) expect_equal(length(cummulatedCounts$kIds), 153) }) test_that("countKinshipValues counts kinship values correctly", { expect_equal(cummulatedCounts$kCounts[[10]], c(14, 6)) expect_equal(cummulatedCounts$kValues[[7]], c(0.125, 0.25)) expect_equal(as.character(cummulatedCounts$kIds[[3]]), c("A", "C")) })