test_that("Test the nonparametric bootstrap t-test", { np_res <- nonparboot(iris[iris$Species != "virginica",], x = "Sepal.Length", grp = "Species", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("Test the nonparametric bootstrap t-test", { np_res <- nonparboot(iris, x = "Sepal.Length", y = "Petal.Length", nboot = 1000, test = "pt", conf.level = 0.95) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("Test the nonparametric bootstrap F-test", { np_res <- nonparboot(iris, x = "Sepal.Length", grp = "Species", nboot = 1000, test = "F", conf.level = 0.95) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("nonparboot function works correctly", { res_t <- nonparboot(data_t, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", seed = 123) expect_type(res_t, "list") expect_type(res_t$p.value, "double") expect_type(res_t$orig.stat, "double") expect_type(res_t$ci.stat, "double") expect_type(res_t$bootstrap.stat.dist, "double") expect_type(res_t$effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_t$ci.effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_t$ci.effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_t$bootstrap.effect.dist, "double") res_pt <- nonparboot(data_pt, x = "x", y = "y", nboot = 1000, test = "pt", seed = 123) expect_type(res_pt, "list") expect_type(res_pt$p.value, "double") expect_type(res_pt$orig.stat, "double") expect_type(res_pt$ci.stat, "double") expect_type(res_pt$bootstrap.stat.dist, "double") expect_type(res_pt$effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_pt$ci.effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_pt$ci.effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_pt$bootstrap.effect.dist, "double") res_f <- nonparboot(data_f, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "F", seed = 123) expect_type(res_f, "list") expect_type(res_f$p.value, "double") expect_type(res_f$orig.stat, "double") expect_type(res_f$ci.stat, "double") expect_type(res_f$bootstrap.stat.dist, "double") expect_type(res_f$effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_f$ci.effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_f$ci.effect.size, "double") expect_type(res_f$bootstrap.effect.dist, "double") }) test_that("Test nonparboot 't' with missing values", { np_res <- nonparboot(data_t_mi, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95, na_rm = TRUE) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("Test nonparboot 'pt' with missing values", { np_res <- nonparboot(data_pt_mi, x = "x", y = "y", nboot = 1000, test = "pt", conf.level = 0.95, na_rm = TRUE) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("Test nonparboot 'F' with missing values", { np_res <- nonparboot(data_f_mi, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "F", conf.level = 0.95, na_rm = TRUE) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("Test nonparboot 't' with missing group value", { data_t_mig <- data_t data_t_mig[3, 2] <- NA np_res <- nonparboot(data_t_mig, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95, na_rm = TRUE) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("Test nonparboot 'F' with missing group values", { data_f_mig <- data_f data_f_mig[3, 2] <- NA np_res <- nonparboot(data_f_mig, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "F", conf.level = 0.95, na_rm = TRUE) expect_equal(length(np_res), 7) }) test_that("Test nonparboot 't' with missing values fails when na_rm is FALSE", { expect_error(nonparboot(data_t_mi, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95, na_rm = FALSE)) }) test_that("Test nonparboot 'F' fails when x is not a character", { expect_error(nonparboot(data_f, x = 3, grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "F", conf.level = 0.95)) }) test_that("Test stopifnots", { # data must be a data frame expect_error(nonparboot(1, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95)) # x must be a character string expect_error(nonparboot(data_t, x = 1, grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95)) # y must be NULL or a character string expect_error(nonparboot(data_t, x = "x", y = 1, grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95)) # grp must be NULL or a character string expect_error(nonparboot(data_t, x = "x", grp = 1, nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95)) # nboot must be a numeric integer greater than 0 expect_error(nonparboot(data_t, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1.1, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95)) # test must be a character string ('t', 'pt', or 'F') expect_error(nonparboot(data_t, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t-test", conf.level = 0.95)) # conf.level must be a numeric value between 0 and 1 expect_error(nonparboot(data_t, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 1.1)) # seed must be NULL or numeric expect_error(nonparboot(data_t, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95, seed = "NULL")) # There are missing values in the vectors, but na_rm is FALSE. Please set na_rm # to TRUE to remove missing values, or ensure that your vectors do not contain # any missing values. expect_error(nonparboot(data_t_mi, x = "x", grp = "grp", nboot = 1000, test = "t", conf.level = 0.95, na_rm = FALSE)) })