### Since we had an undetected bug in rnorMix()... ## These are defined as norMix() calls in ../R/zMarrWand-dens.R library("nor1mix") n1Env <- as.environment("package:nor1mix") nms <- ls(pat="^MW.nm", envir = n1Env) nms <- nms[order(as.numeric(substring(nms,6)))] # warning <== "MW.nm2.old" set.seed(123) for(n in nms) { o <- n1Env[[n]] cat("\n",n,":\n"); print(o) ro4 <- rnorMix(4, o) if(nchar(sub("^MW.nm", "", n)) == 1) { # the first MW.nm do not show diffs cat("4 random X from", n,":") print(ro4) } ## Testing of sort.norMix(): if(is.unsorted(o[,"mu"])) o <- sort(o) ae <- all.equal(o, sort(o), tolerance = 4e-16) # non-stable sorting, MW. if(!isTRUE(ae)) { cat("sort(o) differs from o:\n"); print(ae) } }