context("dplyr sql_translate_env") # NOTE System variable format returned for Unit tests: # Sys.getenv("noctua_arn"): "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/role_name/role_session_name" # Sys.getenv("noctua_s3_query"): "s3://path/to/query/bucket/" # Sys.getenv("noctua_s3_tbl"): "s3://path/to/bucket/" dt = data.table::data.table(Logicial = TRUE, Integer = as.integer(1), Integer64 = bit64::as.integer64(1), Numeric = as.numeric(1), Double = as.double(1), Factor = factor(1), Character = as.character(1), List = list(1), Date = Sys.Date(), Posixct = as.POSIXct(Sys.Date())) data_type1 = c("BOOLEAN", "INT", "BIGINT", "DOUBLE", "DOUBLE", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "DATE", "TIMESTAMP") names(data_type1) = c("Logicial", "Integer", "Integer64", "Numeric", "Double", "Factor", "Character", "List", "Date", "Posixct") method <- "file_method" data_types <- c("boolean", "int", "integer", "tinyint", "smallint", "bigint", "float", "real", "decimal","string", "varchar", "char", "date", "timestamp", "array", "row", "map", "json", "ipaddress", "varbinary", "timestamp with time zone") type_names <- paste0("var_", seq_along(data_types)) names(data_types) <- type_names data_type2 = c("logical", "integer", "integer", "integer", "integer", "integer64", "double", "double", "double", "character", "character", "character", "Date", "POSIXct", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", "POSIXct") data_type3 = c("l", "i", "i", "i", "i", "I", "d", "d", "d", "c", "c", "c", "D", "T", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c") names(data_type2) = type_names names(data_type3) = type_names test_that("Check RAthena s3 dplyr sql_translate_env method",{ skip_if_no_env() skip_if_package_not_avialable("vroom") skip_if_package_not_avialable("dbplyr") library(dbplyr) # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) test_date <- as.Date("2020-01-01") t1 <- translate_sql(as.character(1), con = con) t2 <- translate_sql(as.numeric("1"), con = con) t3 <- translate_sql(as.double("1.2"), con = con) t4 <- translate_sql(as.integer(1.2), con = con) t5 <- translate_sql(as.integer64(1.2), con = con) t6 <- translate_sql(as.Date("2019-01-01"), con = con) t7 <- translate_sql(as.logical("true"), con = con) t8 <- translate_sql(as.raw(10), con = con) t9 <- translate_sql(tolower("HELLO"), con = con) t10 <- translate_sql(toupper("hello"), con = con) t11 <- translate_sql(pmax(1,2), con = con) t12 <- translate_sql(pmin(1,2), con = con) t13 <- translate_sql(is.finite("var1"), con = con) t14 <- translate_sql(is.infinite("var1"), con = con) t15 <- translate_sql(is.nan("var1"), con = con) t16 <- translate_sql(paste("hi","bye"), con = con) t17 <- translate_sql(paste("hi","bye", sep = "-"), con = con) t18 <- translate_sql(paste0("hi","bye"), con = con) t19 <- escape(test_date, con = con) t20 <- escape("2020-01-01", con = con) t21 <- escape("2020-13-01", con = con) t22 <- translate_sql(as.character("2020-01-01"), con = con) t23 <- translate_sql(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-02"), con = con) t24 <- translate_sql(c("2020-01-01", "2020-13-02"), con = con) t25 <- translate_sql(as(1,"character"), con = con) t26 <- translate_sql(iris[["sepal_length"]], con = con) t27 <- translate_sql(iris[[1]], con = con) t28 <- grepl("^Athena.*\\[.*/.*\\]", dplyr::db_desc(con)) t29 <- dbDataType(con, dt) noctua_options() t30 <- noctua:::AthenaToRDataType.athena_data.table(method, data_types) noctua_options("vroom") t31 <- noctua:::AthenaToRDataType.athena_vroom(method, data_types) t32a <- dbplyr::sql_escape_date(con, "2020-01-01") t32b <- dbplyr::sql_escape_date(con, "2020/01/01") t33a <- dbplyr::sql_escape_datetime(con, "2020-01-01") t33b <- dbplyr::sql_escape_datetime(con, "2020/01/01") t33c <- dbplyr::sql_escape_datetime(con, "2020-01-01 12:10") t33d <- dbplyr::sql_escape_datetime(con, "2020-01-01 12:10:10") t33e <- dbplyr::sql_escape_datetime(con, "2020/01/01 12:10") t33f <- dbplyr::sql_escape_datetime(con, "2020/01/01 12:10:10") t34 <- translate_sql(grepl("dummy", data_types), con = con) t35 <- translate_sql(grepl("dummy", data_types,, con = con) t36 <- translate_sql(regexpr("dummy", data_types), con = con) # stringr functions t37 <- translate_sql(str_c("dummy1", "dummy2"), con = con) t38 <- translate_sql(str_locate("dummy1", "u"), con = con) t39 <- translate_sql(str_detect("dummy", "u"), con = con) t40 <- translate_sql(str_detect("dummy", "u", negate = TRUE), con = con) t41 <- translate_sql(str_replace("dummy1", "\\d+", "One"), con = con) t42 <- translate_sql(str_replace_all("dummy1", "\\d+", "One"), con = con) t43 <- translate_sql(str_squish("d u m m y 1"), con = con) t44 <- translate_sql(str_remove("dummy1", "\\d+"), con = con) t45 <- translate_sql(str_remove_all("dummy1", "\\d+"), con = con) t46 <- translate_sql(str_split("dummy1", "\\d+"), con = con) expect_error(translate_sql(str_split("dummy1", "\\d+", simplify=TRUE), con = con)) t47 <- translate_sql(str_extract("dummy1", "\\d+"), con = con) t48 <- translate_sql(str_extract_all("dummy1", "\\d+"), con = con) expect_error(translate_sql(str_extract_all("dummy1", "\\d+", simplify = TRUE), con = con)) # lubridate functions t49 <- translate_sql(month('2020-01-01'), con = con) t50 <- translate_sql(month('2020-01-01', label = TRUE), con = con) t51 <- translate_sql(month('2020-01-01', label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE), con = con) t52 <- translate_sql(quarter('2020-01-01'), con = con) t53 <- translate_sql(quarter('2020-01-01', with_year = TRUE), con = con) expect_error(translate_sql(quarter('2020-01-01', with_year = TRUE, fiscal_start = 2), con = con)) t54 <- translate_sql(wday('2020-01-01'), con = con) t55 <- translate_sql(wday('2020-01-01', week_start = 3), con = con) t56 <- translate_sql(wday('2020-01-01', label = TRUE), con = con) t57 <- translate_sql(wday('2020-01-01', label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE), con = con) t58 <- translate_sql(yday('2020-01-01'), con = con) t59 <- translate_sql(seconds(1), con = con) t60 <- translate_sql(minutes(1), con = con) t61 <- translate_sql(hours(1), con = con) t62 <- translate_sql(days(1), con = con) t63 <- translate_sql(weeks(1), con = con) t64 <- translate_sql(months(1), con = con) t65 <- translate_sql(years(1), con = con) t66 <- translate_sql(floor_date(as_datetime('2021-07-26 14:45:50')), con = con) t67 <- translate_sql(floor_date(as_datetime('2021-07-26 14:45:50'), "month"), con = con) t68 <- translate_sql(as_datetime('2021-07-26 14:45:50', 'America/Los_Angeles'), con = con) t69 <- translate_sql(today(), con = con) t70 <- translate_sql(as_date('2020-01-01'), con = con) t71 <- translate_sql(now(), con = con) t72 <- translate_sql(now('America/Los_Angeles'), con = con) # base dates t73 <- translate_sql(Sys.Date(), con = con) t74 <- translate_sql(Sys.time(), con = con) t75 <- translate_sql(Sys.time('America/Los_Angeles'), con = con) t76 <- translate_sql(as.POSIXct("2020-01-01"), con=con) t77 <- translate_sql(as.POSIXct("2020-01-01", "UTC"), con=con) expect_warning(translate_sql(median("column"), con = con)) t78 <- translate_sql(median("column", na.rm = TRUE), con = con) t79 <- translate_sql(quantile("column",0.25), con = con) expect_error(translate_sql(quantile("column", c(0.25, 0.5)), con = con)) expect_error(translate_sql(quantile("column","0.25"), con = con)) expect_equal(t1 ,sql("CAST(1.0 AS VARCHAR)")) expect_equal(t2 ,sql("CAST('1' AS DOUBLE)")) expect_equal(t3 ,sql("CAST('1.2' AS DOUBLE)")) expect_equal(t4 ,sql("CAST(1.2 AS INTEGER)")) expect_equal(t5 ,sql("CAST(1.2 AS BIGINT)")) expect_equal(t6 ,sql("CAST(date '2019-01-01' AS DATE)")) expect_equal(t7 ,sql("CAST('true' AS BOOLEAN)")) expect_equal(t8 ,sql("CAST(10.0 AS VARBINARY)")) expect_equal(t9 ,sql("LOWER('HELLO')")) expect_equal(t10 ,sql("UPPER('hello')")) expect_equal(t11 ,sql("GREATEST(1.0, 2.0)")) expect_equal(t12 ,sql("LEAST(1.0, 2.0)")) expect_equal(t13 ,sql("IS_FINITE('var1')")) expect_equal(t14 ,sql("IS_FINITE('var1')")) expect_equal(t15 ,sql("IS_NAN('var1')")) expect_equal(t16 ,sql("'hi'||' '||'bye'")) expect_equal(t17 ,sql("'hi'||'-'||'bye'")) expect_equal(t18 ,sql("CONCAT('hi', 'bye')")) expect_equal(t19, sql("date '2020-01-01'")) expect_equal(t20, sql("date '2020-01-01'")) expect_equal(t21, sql("'2020-13-01'")) expect_equal(t22, sql("CAST(date '2020-01-01' AS VARCHAR)")) expect_equal(t23, sql("(date '2020-01-01', date '2020-01-02')")) expect_equal(t24, sql("('2020-01-01', '2020-13-02')")) expect_equal(t25, sql("CAST(1.0 AS STRING)")) expect_equal(t26, sql("\"iris\"['sepal_length']")) expect_equal(t27, sql('"iris"[1]')) expect_true(t28) expect_equal(t29, data_type1) expect_equal(t30, data_type2) expect_equal(t31, data_type3) if(identical(dbplyr_env$major, 1L)){ expect_equal(t32a, "date '2020-01-01'") expect_equal(t33a, sprintf("timestamp '%s'", strftime("2020-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS %Z"))) } else { expect_equal(t32a, "date '2020-01-01'") expect_equal(t32b, "date '2020-01-01'") expect_equal(t32a, "date '2020-01-01'") expect_equal(t32b, "date '2020-01-01'") expect_equal(t33a, "timestamp '2020-01-01'") expect_equal(t33b, "timestamp '2020-01-01'") expect_equal(t33c, "timestamp '2020-01-01 12:10:00.000'") expect_equal(t33d, "timestamp '2020-01-01 12:10:10.000'") expect_equal(t33e, "timestamp '2020-01-01 12:10:00.000'") expect_equal(t33f, "timestamp '2020-01-01 12:10:10.000'") } expect_equal(t34, sql("REGEXP_LIKE(\"data_types\",'dummy')")) expect_equal(t35, sql("REGEXP_LIKE(\"data_types\",'(?i)dummy')")) expect_error(translate_sql(grepl("dummy", data_types, perl=TRUE), con = con)) expect_equal(t36, sql("REGEXP_LIKE(\"data_types\",'dummy')")) # stringr functions expect_equal(t37, sql("'dummy1'||''||'dummy2'")) expect_equal(t38, sql("strpos('dummy1','u')")) expect_equal(t39, sql("REGEXP_LIKE('dummy','u')")) expect_equal(t40, sql("NOT REGEXP_LIKE('dummy','u')")) expect_equal(t41, sql("regexp_replace('dummy1','\\d+','One')")) expect_equal(t42, sql("regexp_replace('dummy1','\\d+','One')")) expect_equal(t43, sql("trim(regexp_replace('d u m m y 1', '\\s+', ' '))")) expect_equal(t44, sql("regexp_replace('dummy1','\\d+')")) expect_equal(t45, sql("regexp_replace('dummy1','\\d+')")) expect_equal(t46, sql("regexp_split('dummy1','\\d+')")) expect_equal(t47, sql("regexp_extract('dummy1','\\d+')")) expect_equal(t48, sql("regexp_extract_all('dummy1','\\d+')")) # lubridate functions expect_equal(t49, sql("date_format(date '2020-01-01', '%m')")) expect_equal(t50, sql("date_format(date '2020-01-01', '%b')")) expect_equal(t51, sql("date_format(date '2020-01-01', '%M')")) expect_equal(t52, sql("quarter(date '2020-01-01')")) expect_equal(t53, sql("year(date '2020-01-01') || '.' || quarter(date '2020-01-01')")) expect_equal(t54, sql("(dow(date '2020-01-01') + 0) %7 + 1")) expect_equal(t55, sql("(dow(date '2020-01-01') + 4) %7 + 1")) expect_equal(t56, sql("format_datetime(date '2020-01-01', 'E')")) expect_equal(t57, sql("format_datetime(date '2020-01-01', 'EEEE')")) expect_equal(t58, sql("doy(date '2020-01-01')")) expect_equal(t59, sql("INTERVAL '1' second")) expect_equal(t60, sql("INTERVAL '1' minute")) expect_equal(t61, sql("INTERVAL '1' hour")) expect_equal(t62, sql("INTERVAL '1' day")) expect_equal(t63, sql("INTERVAL '1' week")) expect_equal(t64, sql("INTERVAL '1' month")) expect_equal(t65, sql("INTERVAL '1' year")) if(identical(dbplyr_env$major, 1L)){ posixct = strftime(as.POSIXct('2021-07-26 14:45:50'), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS %Z") expect_equal(t66, sql(sprintf("date_trunc('second', timestamp '%s')", posixct))) expect_equal(t67, sql(sprintf("date_trunc('month', timestamp '%s')", posixct))) expect_equal(t68, sql(sprintf("timestamp '%s' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles'", posixct))) } else { expect_equal(t66, sql("date_trunc('second', timestamp '2021-07-26 14:45:50.000')")) expect_equal(t67, sql("date_trunc('month', timestamp '2021-07-26 14:45:50.000')")) expect_equal(t68, sql("timestamp '2021-07-26 14:45:50.000' at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles'")) } expect_equal(t69, sql("current_date")) expect_equal(t70, sql("CAST(date '2020-01-01' AS DATE)")) expect_equal(t71, sql("now()")) expect_equal(t72, sql("now() at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles'")) # base dates expect_equal(t73, sql("current_date")) expect_equal(t74, sql("now()")) expect_equal(t75, sql("now() at time zone 'America/Los_Angeles'")) if(identical(dbplyr_env$major, 1L)){ posixct = strftime(as.POSIXct("2020-01-01"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS %Z") expect_equal(t76, sql(sprintf("timestamp '%s'", posixct))) expect_equal(t77, sql(sprintf("timestamp '%s' at time zone 'UTC'", posixct))) } else { expect_equal(t76, sql("timestamp '2020-01-01 00:00:00.000'")) expect_equal(t77, sql("timestamp '2020-01-01 00:00:00.000' at time zone 'UTC'")) } expect_equal(t78, sql("APPROX_PERCENTILE('column', 0.5)")) expect_equal(t79, sql("APPROX_PERCENTILE('column', 0.25)")) }) test_that("Raise error for unknown data types", { skip_if_no_env() obj <- "dummy" class(obj) <- "dummy" # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) expect_error(dbDataType(con, obj)) expect_error(AthenaDataType(obj)) }) test_that("test explain plan default", { skip_if_no_env() skip_if_package_not_avialable("dplyr") # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) sql = "select * from iris" actual = noctua:::sql_query_explain.AthenaConnection(con, sql) expected = "EXPLAIN (FORMAT text) select * from iris" expect_equal(dplyr::sql(expected), actual) }) test_that("test explain plan type set to IO", { skip_if_no_env() skip_if_package_not_avialable("dplyr") # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) sql = "select * from iris" actual = noctua:::sql_query_explain.AthenaConnection(con, sql, type = "IO") expected = "EXPLAIN (TYPE IO) select * from iris" expect_equal(dplyr::sql(expected), actual) }) test_that("test explain plan type set to IO", { skip_if_no_env() skip_if_package_not_avialable("dplyr") # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) sql = "select * from iris" noctua_options(unload = T) expect_error(noctua:::sql_query_explain.AthenaConnection(con, sql)) noctua_options() }) test_that("dbplyr v2 db_connection_describe", { skip_if_no_env() # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) actual = noctua:::db_connection_describe.AthenaConnection(con) expect_true(grepl("Athena [0-9.]+ \\[.*@.*/.*\\]", actual)) }) ##################################################################### # dbplyr v1 ##################################################################### test_that("dbplyr v1 db_explain", { skip_if_no_env() skip_if_package_not_avialable("dbplyr") library(dbplyr) # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) noctua::noctua_options() actual = noctua:::db_explain.AthenaConnection(con, "select * from iris") expect_true(inherits(actual, "character")) }) test_that("dbplyr v1 db_query_fields", { skip_if_no_env() skip_if_package_not_avialable("dbplyr") library(dbplyr) # Test connection is using AWS CLI to set profile_name con <- dbConnect(athena()) actual1 = noctua:::db_query_fields.AthenaConnection(con, dbplyr::ident("iris")) actual2 = noctua:::db_query_fields.AthenaConnection(con, dbplyr::sql("select * from iris")) expect = c("sepal_length", "sepal_width", "petal_length", "petal_width", "species") expect_equal(actual1, expect) expect_equal(actual2, expect) })